Speaking in public and nervous?

Okay, so I've been kinda pressured into being the MC at a big event in a couple of weeks. I've got no way out of it whatsoever because no one else from the organisation can do it since they all have other stuff to do that night... I'm not a shy person in the slightest when I'm among my friends and family, but I'm REALLY shy about speaking in public, and this is hundreds of people we're talking about. I'm not really asking if it's "normal" to be shy, because I know it is. I just want some advice, should I bite the proverbial bullet and "face my fears" or just not do it? But then I'd feel bad about not turning up and leaving my colleagues in trouble... I'm not expecting a miracle, for me to suddenly become confidence personified or anything, but I don't know what to do, and I just want some advice on how to reduce the nerves or at least cover up the fact I'm terrified? Haha... Any other nervous public speakers have any tips? Thank you. x

Just do it, and face the fear! 27
Try your best... 23
Don't do it... 4
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Comments ( 6 )
  • Ihadtomakeyetanotheraccountffs

    Your choice. If you do decide to go ahead with it, I suggest you read the book 'How to Rap: The Art and Science of the Hip-Hop MC'.

    Also! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WgrLclMeabA

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  • Quiznos

    Public speaking is the #1 fear among people ahead of death, so its normal to be afraid of it. Just stay calm and take deep breaths and you'll be fine

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  • SheepLovingLady

    Thanks to those of you who commented. I think I may just do it. The best way to get over a fear is just to face it, right? I'll still be nervous, but I just won't look anyone in the eye as someone suggested.

    If all else fails, there's always alcohol. Kidding! Haha, thank you, people. :) x

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  • misca

    I somehow find it easier to perform to lots of people than a small group. When I played in a band, it was very easy to perform when there were around 100-150 in the audience. But when I had to play guitar in front of 15 other people in school... Impossible! :D

    Only trick I know how to cope with a situation like yours, is NOT to look anyone in the eyes. However, try still to look AT them, but just not the eyes. It's really easy to notice a speaker is just watching the walls and not the audience.

    And do not be afraid if you're a little bit nervous right before or during your speech. The audience might not actually notice it the way you do yourself. Good luck :)

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  • suckonthis9

    Try not to look directly at the audience, look above their heads, they won't know.
    Do not use words like 'kinda' and 'stuff'.

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  • Energy

    I'd do it. Good luck if you decide to do it!

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