Spooning with my niece

When my sister and brother-in-law visit me on Sundays they always bring their 15 year old daughter along. After we have eaten lunch my sister and brother-in-law takes a nap while me and my niece watch TV. However, the last few weeks we have gotten into the habit of lying down on the couch instead of sitting up. The problem is, we are basically spooning now and it makes me aroused. Is this normal?

Voting Results
45% Normal
Based on 7713 votes (3464 yes)
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Comments ( 318 )
  • kirkmcquest

    Don't listen to all these hypocrites. YES it's normal to feel aroused. BUT it is wrong to continue this, knowing that it arouses you. You're a man and of course spooning with a young thing is going to get you going ( even if its your niece), BUT you're doing a bad thing and you know it. You must exercise self-control and maintain your decency as an elder and a man. Stop spooning with your niece, dude.

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    • adrianaxo101

      Perfect answer.

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    • TempestuousDevilFish


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    • hermione

      too right

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    • TheIronCheffOfPoundingVaj

      Wow. Interesting story. Wait till she's 18... Then its legal :-) only 3 more years!!!

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      • imnormaliswear

        nah shes his niece its never gonna be legal you fuck

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        • uPSIDEOFDOWn

          West Virginia

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          • Giovanni03


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          • 1WeirdGuy


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      • hermione

        one word, incest

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        • Sora123

          Two more words hentia adaption

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  • itslalabitches

    If your on here asking, then obviously you know it's wrong. That little voice in your head? Ya, listen to it ya nasty.

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    • jusssayin2

      i agree with you they know its wrong

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  • bobsyruncl

    stop spooning with your niece.

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  • MermaidPrincess

    Feeling aroused even around related females is normal. Acting on it is not especially if your relationship is "familial." Since she is only 15, and assuming you are much older, the power dynamics are way too imbalanced for you two. I would stop before it gets more serious and she starts growing attached to you. She might have already and it may have already caused irreparable damage. If you abruptly stop she may feel rejected but if you continue she may long for this fantasy idea of "forbidden love" in her girly mind and may never be normally attracted to other boys. If she is mature then she will understand, take it for what it is, and walk away unscathed, but there are a very very few number of people in this world who can walk away from complicated situations with no scrapes and bruises at all.

    I feel you have gone too far already, and I would tread carefully from now on. What you decide to do is up to you and I would carefully consider all the options and consequences before anything.

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    • kinklu

      I agree. This can affect her years later, especially if you do not cease immediately. I have some really beautiful nieces whom I love greatly but I avoid getting too intimate with them because it can lead to a lot of problems and it would be unfair to them to proceed with such a relationship. I thrive on the love and respect they have for me in our family and would do nothing to destroy it. It's all about the nieces future, not you.

      It's perfectly normal in the same sense that female subjugation, rape, and killing another man who attacks you is. Normal isn't the final criterion on which to base our actions.

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    • Socool

      ya whatever loser he should totaly fuck her I mean why not when you get the
      Urge go for it seriously at least it's not his nephew

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      • joben112

        haha your sick

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      • chad68164

        And why does it matter whether or not if it is his niece or nephew? As long as it's something the 15 year old wants to do! I say go ahead put your dipstick in and check it out.

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  • i think it's normal for a man to get aroused when a girl or woman's buttocks are against his cock.

    What is NOT normal is for a man to put himself in a position where his NIECE's buttocks are against his cock. Hey FUCKER, get help before you fuck up big time. She's your NIECE.

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    • trampa7

      before you fuck her big time*

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  • Fleabitten

    It is normal that you'd be aroused.

    But remember that this child is your niece. It would be sad indeed if you violated her trust--not to mention her mother's trust and your own sense of honor--by acting on your bodily feelings.

    Be a man--tell her you can't lie on the couch beside her!

    A person's judgment centers in their brain is not fully developed until around 20 years of age. That means YOU need to stand up and take responsiblity.

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  • specialKajt

    dude this guy never asked if he should fuck his niece he just asked if it was normal to get aroused but he has to be more spesific like is he just popping a boner or is he thinking about it and getting aroused

    also people seem to be talking like this is still going on i doute that he is currently spooning his niece and reading this waiting for a golden reply ..... but if he iss her parents have been taking a hell of a nap

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  • coolstdude

    dude you probably gon endup hittin it but please remember the words incest and staturory rape.....

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  • colie50

    Take it from someone who knows: it seriously screws you up to be taken advantage of by a relative. There is a sense of betrayal that you will never be able to fix if you act on this, and there are serious emotional issues that come with it. If she can't trust you, who is supposed to be a figure of guidance and not supposed to do anything to her, how can she ever trust another human? She'll learn the sad truth that humans are disgusting creatures and that she's better off not being able to feel anything for them because if she could, she'll get hurt. Do you want to be the reason why her thinking is warped and she can never start or maintain a healthy relationship, whether it be with a friend or lover? If so, you are a sick man. Seriously, stop putting yourself in that postiion and make it clear to her that it is not alright before something worse happens.

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    • ReaperAJ

      Here, here! If I EVER catch this happening to my daughter, I will KILL that mother fucking bastard that touched her after forcing him at gunpoint to cut off his own balls and dick. Then I will mail his balls to his mother in a pickle jar and force him to eat his own dick. My fucking God, what is wrong with people that makes them even cross boundries KNOWING that they're heading down a bad road, KNOWING that the thoughts in their head are pointing towards peadophilia. The poster of this can't possibly be that thick headed that he knows this isn't normal. Maybe being aroused easily by a woman is normal for a man - yes, but by allowing your niece to arouse you innocently like that is NOT normal.

      Another thing to consider is that 15 yr old girls can be very sexual because of their hormones raging, and can try to tempt older men, but that doesn't put her in the wrong so much as the ADULT who allows it to go further. At 15, no matter how much she knows, she is still considered innocent and is underage, therefore what will result from her provocative behaviour will amount to rape in the eyes of the law, and will mess up her life when she has to live with the guilt of what she caused and what was done to her, as well as mess up the life of the man that crossed the boundry. As adults, we have to be very cautious when dealing with teenages because we know what it's like to have raging hormones and how it skews one's common sense and perception of what's ok to get away with and what isn't. It's a bad time for kids and the onus is on the adults to make sure that we preserve their innocence or allow their sexuality to grow in a safe environment and with a healthy perception of how to behave sexually.

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      • colie50

        Exactly (and wonderful discriptions, might I say)! At 15 she's experimenting and is wondering what her "feminine wiles" can do. She wants to see who she can affect and how. Bet seriously man, get out of that situation!

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      • Satchmo

        Great post I completely agree with u. Once teenagers hit puberty they are bound to think sexual thoughts and possibly even pursue sexual partners but that doesn't mean that they are capable of making intelligent decisions and as an adult you need to accept that. By the way spooning with a 15 year old is completely inappropriate u know that or u wouldn't be posting here. Stop what you are doing op it is wrong and u know it. A 15 year old is not an adult and for those of you that are 18 or 19 and dating girls who are 15 or 14 you are taking advantage of these girls and you belong in jail and I know there's more than a few of you on this site

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        • hosa

          15 is an adult in many countries, and she can be a mother. If that doesn't biologicaly define adult then ido not know what does.

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      • BigDom9in

        What if the daughter instigates all this.?

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    • yungathart

      Found a realistic reply! There you go sickky!

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  • gakwildcat

    this brings up the question of If Adam and Eve were the first humans and Eve was part of Adam and they had sons and daughters and those kids had kids doesn't that mean that incest is natural.

    If you can't tell I don't believe the bible but I'm just saying. It's kinda strange how that works. lol.

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    • BigDom9in

      Actually the Bibles of today are not accurate, nor true to the original text.
      For in the original text there is a Hebrew word that is not a "name" but means 'mankind'.
      And Eve was never a name, but means 'giver of life'..
      So you see the earth was not populated by two (2) people...
      The earth was in fact populated by mankind and the giver of life... Which is Man and Woman.. But many of them
      Nowhere does it say 2 people. Nowhere.
      Poor translation from the jump...
      Sort of makes you wonder about the accuracy and validity of the whole book

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  • TinkerTailor

    Yes and no. Physically, your body feels a young girl pressed up next to it and reacts. Normal.

    BUT we've had years and years and years of living in a civil society to wipe that kind of feeling out, so, no, not normal. I'm afraid that you're just going to have to control yourself, and either stop getting a hard on or stop lying with her. Because eventually she will notice, and she will probably never feel comfortable around you again.
    Sorry to say this, but I really feel sorry for her. I bet she thought she was just getting some nice, quality uncle-niece time. Poor girl.

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  • L.B.

    YEA i think it is normal. Im 19 and i have an uncle which i find very attractive and although i though about having sex with him before never did i think he thought of it too. The house was very full, had may guests and i didnt have a bed anymore, my uncle was sleeping alone on a double bed and the one night i just happend to fall asleep next to him. during the night of sleeping we would spoon and at one point i cuddled up right againt him and he put his had around me. and eventually we were spooning properly and i was holding his hald against my DD boob and then he kinda turned me over on my back and moved his hand lower and then he didnt do anything but say in my ear, i cant touch you or have sex with you(the man is a devoted christian and this is "evil" lol) but you can play with yourself, he said... now things get cooking and together we are fingering me and i gave him head. it was such an intertaining night and i had so much fun, will definatly do it again. but as for you my friend, i dont know when this was written and if you have pursuid your niece but she loves you and in her head is hoping you would go further but doesnt want to seem like an incest sex freak... i you want to go ahead... in my opinion she is waiting for you but it all up to you!

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    • zarabell

      HAHAHAHAHA omg yes, how unexpected that someone here would be able to relate with the niece and PERFECTLY explain her feelings. like I COULDNT CONTAIN MY JOY. and the boner I popped while reading this.. p r i c e l e s s

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    • RoseIsabella

      That's so disgusting, and you are a disgusting human being!

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  • roger49

    yeah, that's totally normal. Most people wouldn't let themselves get into a position where they're spooning with a relative though.

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  • noftards

    Wow someone actually gave a rational answer.

    Unless she's very naive or wears thick clothing she proably knows whats up and enjoys that she is turning on an older man. Unless yu think you might lose control and do something you'll regret just enjoy being able to be affectionate with you niece while you can. If its too much for you maybe just sit next to her and let her put her head on your shoulder or something like that rather than spoon. Don't push her too far away (like sitting in another chair) cause making her feel rejected her that way isn't great for her either.

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    • Phokisss

      couldnt have said it better. Amazing what happens when you think about the situation rather than angrily judge.

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    • timemaster86

      rejection in this case is GOOD! REJECT HER show her you dont want it just incase she is turned on by it. This kinda thing can only turn out badly...

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      • Satchmo


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  • erocablok

    I must be fucked up because this site is wayyy too funny!!!

    Yeah bro spooning your niece is def. wrong did we really have to tell you.


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    • julioignaceous

      I agree... Funnier than watching Peter Kay some of the replies are hilarious

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  • SyC0Pathik

    hey you guys gotta stop hating on this guy he actualy had the guts to openly admitt this now i dont agree cuz its kinda gross but i dont think he can help it. i mean i cant stop my errections from happening its normal but you goota ask yourself is it apropriate to spoon with your younger neice on the couch? probly not you should stop before her parents find out cuz that would be awkward

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  • pennylane

    It takes 2 to Tango. She's old enough to know what she is doing. Why is everyone ragging on this guy? Obviously she likes it. She's not some poor little girl who is being taken advantage of. At 15, most girls already know what sex is. If she is welcoming it, I'd say that she's as much to blame as he is. If neither one mind it, who cares!

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  • simonmoto

    i tend to agree with certain comments,
    its a natural reaction when a females ass comes pressing into you. Plus she has a womanly body.. but is stil a child!

    How would you feel if her parents found out what you were thinking, or had done??
    You'd lose your family, trust me its not worth it son.

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  • CalvinNHobbes

    Either the kid is sexually curious and thinks you are "safe" to experiment with or naive and unaware (unless she felt your erection). Either way, you are being trusted with a minor and family member, and you should avoid escalating this. You don't have to apologize, just stop doing it.

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  • 68newman

    I don't think it's abnormal to be aroused, I mean our penises react to touch and don't usually care who is doing the touching (sexual orientation notwithstanding). But you should probably stop spooning with her, that's not really normal and could lead to things that are best left alone.

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  • divineintent

    think about it most of the time when anything warm touches a guys dick he would be aroused. its a human thing

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  • Eye_of_the_beholder

    Okay, it's natural to get aroused when a female is close to you in that way but please please PLEASE don't go any further with it! If you find you are being aroused by this, just stop doing it - if you carry on and she realises, she will get scared, tell her mother and you WILL get punished.

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  • maya617

    what the fuck are u doing spooning your niece and why is she letting you??
    man thats fucking wrong and totally fucked up.
    MattyM u sick bastard, i'd break your balls off if i saw u. u fucking pedofile.

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  • chad68164

    I say who gives a fuck! It's between him and his niece to deceide. If he is not forcing himself on her and she truly enjoys it then it's none of our buisness to judge if they go all the way and have intercourse!
    People are to hung up on creating taboos for what are natural feelings!

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  • pink_apple

    You cant help how you feel but keep away from her if you feel like that! YOU ARE RELATED

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  • richielarry

    Everyone needs to chill out a bit. Actually being turned on by a 15 year old is not unusual even if it is your niece. But lying down with her on the couch, no way mate! My advise, don't let yourself be alone with her anymore cos what you gonna do if she starts coming onto you eh?

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  • iamthegus

    It's completely normal. She's young and beautiful, and she's reciprocally attracted to you.
    May get dangerous if your sister or her husband find out, but it's still normal.

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  • Haha1091

    Wow. see and this is why sites like these turn into utter trash. Encourage him to get counseling or something along those lines, don't just bash him for something that stems from his childhood. You people bashing/flaming him are only making matters worse for your children and the rest of society.

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    • sepulchre

      I agree. Look, YOU ARE NOT A PEDOPHILE. This reaction is perfectly normal; however, the LAST thing you should do is act on these feelings. It's not emotion, just your body. You can overcome it. Just...you know...try not to spoon your niece anymore. Maybe you could just sit together. Just do something to make her feel close to you, but NOT IN A SEXUAL WAY. Yes, maybe incest has been overly demonized by our society, but if you want your life to continue on the right track, DO NOT DO IT.

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      • jesusca

        "Yes, maybe incest has been overly demonized by our society, but if you want your life to continue on the right track, DO NOT DO IT."

        Incest was not "demonized" by today's society. Human intelligence has increased and decreased and some areas. Let me hint you on how incest was not "demonized".

        1. Sex was created to reproduce NORMAL babies.
        2. Incest does not make NORMAL babies.

        If you think making mutated babies isn't clearly "demonized" then you must be a fool. Whoever/Whatever invented reproduction (whatever your belief/religion) would definitely not intend for these reproduced humans to have disabilities and genetic malfunctions. More hints:

        1. Someone recieves a "boner" in preperation for sex.
        2. A woman prepares for sex in OTHER WAYS.

        This is so that sex does not hurt when it occurs. This also helps for RAPE not to hurt as much. KTHXBYE.

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        • rainmay

          my grandma and grandpa are cousins and i am normal...

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        • MoJo_1013

          not saying that what he is doing is right......it's not
          but define normal.

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        • jesusca

          Preparation* In some areas*

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  • Here is what I would do. I take her to a empty bedroom and lock the door. Watch tv in there. When she lays on you kiss her on her mouth like she was your women, then rub her ass ending at her pussy. Then if she does not complain, unbutton her pants an pull them off. Then her panties and, start licking her pussy. She will be horny then slid your dick into her pussy bear, No Rubber. She will love you for popping her cherry.

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    • sexconfession

      I disagree, I think that as her uncle, it is your obligation to protect her. If you feel that you can't break away from this situation, you should at least restrain yourself from having vaginal sex with her. Getting your niece pregnant would ruin her life, your life, your childs life, and her parents. If you cannot resist, restrain yourself to oral sex. This thing could blow up if you were caught, you can be killed, or go to jail. Remember that she is still a child, and loves you. She definately knows you're aroused, and she surely is too. Keep a safe distance, but show her that you still care about her in other ways. Like taking her to the movies, or the park, and doing things with the whole family where there's less danger of being drawn to her sexually. If you must, be safe and wear a condom.

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  • dickbandit

    i thought spooning ment you get a spoon and eat someones asshole out with it

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    • in this case "spooning" means a fucking retarded redneck scumbag popping a boner against the crack of his sister's daughter's ass.

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    • pokerfun91

      Mmmmmm, now you're talking lol

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  • TheMaskedMarvel

    I think you understand the dynamic here; she's 15. You're her uncle; she trusts you.
    Please read that last sentence again.
    She is enjoying the affection. The safe affection, since you're her uncle. You're getting aroused. You need to either not get so close to her when "spooning", or just sit up and watch tv. Because she is not aware of you being aroused, and would be horrified if she were or that you were hoping something sexual would happen. Remember: she is naive; you are not.

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  • imissedyoulastnight

    seriously.. that's hot.

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  • Have you pounded her yet? At least finger her and get a blow job.

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  • shystrength

    The reaction in your pants is normal. The circumstances and situation are not. If I were you I would sit in one corner of the room while she sits in another from now on.

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  • shakinlaekyn

    I wouldn't say it's not normal, because there are many people who have experienced...er, feelings toward younger girls. I mean, just watch the news. However, it is pretty sick. You should stop, really.

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  • JaiHo_YouAreMyDestiny

    By the way, tihs is for 99%% who left comments:
    People go on this for help, not to be ridiculed. Besides, you guys sound pretty stupid and just mean pricks.
    This is... well. I can understand why this would happen and everything. and it is perfectly reasonable as long as you don't act on your..... feelings. I know you don't love her or anything, but still.. Here's a tip.
    Stop spooning, lay at them other end. BY YOURSELF. Do it for your sister, man.

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  • Valence

    The term pedophilia or paedophilia has a range of definitions as found in psychology, law enforcement, and the popular vernacular. As a medical diagnosis, it is defined as a psychological disorder in which an adult experiences a sexual preference for prepubescent children. According to the DSM, pedophilia is specified as a form of paraphilia in which a person either has acted on intense sexual urges towards children, or experiences recurrent sexual urges towards and fantasies about children that cause distress or interpersonal difficulty. The disorder is frequently a feature of persons who commit child sexual abuse; however, some offenders do not meet the clinical diagnosis standards for pedophilia. In strictly behavioral contexts, the word "pedophilia" can also be applied to the act of child sexual abuse itself, also called "pedophilic behavior".

    In law enforcement, the term "pedophile" is generally used to describe those accused or convicted of the sexual abuse of a minor (including both prepubescent children and adolescent minors younger than the local age of consent). An example of this use can be seen for example in the name of the United Kingdom police agency, the Paedophile Unit and in various forensic trainings manuals. Some researchers have described this usage as improper and suggested it can confound two separate types of offenders.

    In common usage, the term refers to any adult who is sexually attracted to children or who sexually abuses a child.

    The causes of pedophilia are not known; research is ongoing. Most pedophiles are men, though pedophilia occurs in women as well. In forensic psychology and law enforcement, there have been a variety of typologies suggested to categorize pedophiles according to behavior and motivations. No significant curative treatment for pedophilia has been found at this time. There are, however, certain therapies that can reduce the incidence of pedophilic behaviors that result in child sexual abuse.

    A simple definition of what you'll become in the future if you continue these promiscuous actions with your 15 year old niece.

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  • No, it's not normal, you're a pervert. Learn to control youself before you commit incest or rape.

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    • mastrodie

      hey man, its not cool guys, hes asking so he can get some help, dont fuck with him. douche bags

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    • Phokisss

      Ok i dont have time to read all 147 comments, but it seems like youre getting attacked.

      The arrousal while peculiar (because spooning shouldnt get you aroused.) is completely normal. Incestual feelings arent abnormal, incestual acts are. What isnt normal is persistince in spooing/ and ever taking action on those feelings.
      This statement becomes void if she is extremely underage. Then yes. It's called pediphilia and it's illegal and immoral. It's not normal. You need help.

      As far as he relation goes: The only thing that you need to keep in mind is it's your sisters daughter. Dude, don't even go there, think of all the family issues it would cause not to mention, it's just not right to fool with your niece. It's immoral, but sexual attraction to family is not wrong, acting on it is.

      You need to stay physically far from her, keep those thoughts as far from your mind as possible.

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      • Phokisss

        ps. didnt read she was 15. thats fine, shes developed, its not a crime to be arroused. But the actions are wrong/immoral. Shes your niece dude, she knows whats up. control yourself or get therapy.

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  • samwise

    I think it is very normal to get aroused in the presence of a young, attractive woman. Especially if you are in close, physical contact with her.

    Following through with your attraction at this point in time would be illegal since she's only 15. If the attraction is mutual, I think you would be justified in having sex when she's adult and she decides that's what she wants to do.

    There is a strong evolutionary bias against incest that has been embedded into our social mores. Until we wake up and realize that sex and reproduction are separate, perhaps the safest thing to do is enjoy the moment and then go somewhere else and masturbate until the desire subsides.

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    • NOMAD84

      Good advice

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  • NotSoNormal

    Can anyone say FUTURE PEDOPHILE?!?!

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  • billyboy

    It is perfectly normal for a man to get a boner with a teenage girl's bottom pressed up against his crotch, but it would not be a very good idea to follow through and put it into her. I think too you should quit putting yourself in that situation to avoid the temptation, or sooner or later you might just do what comes naturally, then you both might be in big trouble. Don't lose your head over a little piece of tail, man! I remember getting boners when a young girl would sit in my lap, lol.

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  • xstariannax

    the question no one seems to be asking is "where the hell is your sister and your brother in law while all this is going on?"
    If my brother in law ever pulled shit like this I personally would KILL him.
    Seriously, either your question is a big joke or sadly you are serious.
    and for you to even be asking, you know it's wrong, those who are sick or mentally ill wouldn't even come to a website let alone ask the question, so your sane/moral mind is obviously stopping you.
    the scary thing about pedophiles is that they can't stop, and often times, such as children do, they want someone to tell them "no"
    Don't do it, especially if this is the first time you've been experiencing feelings like
    this, you'll open up a whole can of worms that WILL have irreparable consequences.
    and as far as your neice goes, she may be feeling pressured, or even think that this behavior is "normal" especially if she is a past victim of sexual abuse as a child. don't be just another guy in her life she can't trust. Do the right thing.

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  • twist3d

    its not normal but normal is boring. 15 is the new 18, let her have a suck maybe ...just don't get her preg

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  • FreakyBitch

    Yes it is normal! I think you should just carry on and see where it goes and what happens! She's 15 and knows what she's going! Alot of girls have lost their virginity by then and are not as innocent as you would think! I bet she loves spooning with you! I know i would if i was in that situation! She wouldn't be spooning with you if she didn't want to! As long as you are both consenting i really don't see the problem! x

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  • JmvGuy

    For the sake of all men in the world...fuck that little sex toy ;);););)...fuck her hard ;);):)

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  • farkelu

    We don't know this person's age at the time, but we can assume he is at least 18 or he probably wouldn't have posted. Nor do we know or even have a clue if this is a pattern but I doubt it since he makes no mention of being attracted to other teenage girls. Yes, it is a dangerous situation for both of them. But to label him a pedophile would be incorrect. As other point out, an attraction to teenage girls doesn't make him a pedophile. Being sexual attracted to girls 12-14 would be considered hebephilia, and to girls 15-19 ephebophilia. Should they have sex, even Bill Clinton sex, it would be considered incestuous. As long as that doesn't happen, perhaps he can enjoy their closeness and find out what's really going on with her. It's possible that she has been molested by a parent or other adult that has precipitated her behavior. That would be helpful to know, and he could take some action to help her with that. To chastize him for his posting is counter-productive. I suspect many of those posters are simply over-reacting as a way of deflecting their own incestuous thoughts. "Methinks he doth protest too much", as Shakespeare put it so eloquently. 'Nuff said.

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  • oops91

    The messed up part is that you posted knowing that you are wrong for doing it. Then you want a public opinion to see if other sickos think its normal to get a hard on while spooning with your own niece. I dont care if i get a thumbs down for this. If you continue doing this secretly enjoying something sick, then your brother-in-law should be kicking your ass. Would you want a family member doing that to your daughter with the same feelings????

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  • Getagriptit

    You know what spooning leads to right??? That's right forking! Its your choice dude, fill your boots by all means, but remember this... How you gunna feel when you got a hench sweaty Mexican spooning you in state penitentiary, and get made the jail hoe coz that's what they do to nasty pedophiles, really... Get a grip tit!

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  • imissedyoulastnight

    Seriously you guys, that is such a fantasy of mine. I have several uncles in their mid-twenties that I'd love to spoon and flirt with. No sex though because incest is GROSS!

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  • imissedyoulastnight

    Honestly.. that is so hot. If one of my young uncles [one of them is in his mid twenties] spooned with me, I would most deff come on to him. Straight up sex is gross but there's nothing wrong with flirting and playing around. Especially if the uncle in question is uber hot, mmm-MMM!

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  • MrMcGoo

    Yes, it's normal. I'm having a similar situation present itself to me. My niece, about 13 years old is starting to show signs of being attracted to me. She finds reasons to take me into rooms away from the rest of the family and do physical things like boxing. But sometimes, she does things that arouse me. I'm stepping away from it. Because I know it's wrong. I'm not sexually conservative. I could enjoy all sorts of deviant sexual practices. But I know this is wrong, so am putting an end to it. Just think about how your family would respond to it if something happened and they found out. Keep spooning with her, and the next thing you know, you'll be forking with her. I think everything's pretty obvious to you, as it is to me. It's just a matter of us owning up to it.

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  • Riker300

    Is it normal? Would you do this with your sister's 15-year old daughter if your sister and her husband were awake and in the living room with you?

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  • WolfRider

    Sex with a minor is considered rape. A 25 year stretch in the penitentiary is what you'll get. Then somebody on the cell block will shank you for what you did and an early death is what you are looking at. A huge price to pay for tickling that little bit of flesh between your legs. It's incest.

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    • I think he should put it in her bum

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  • I say it's all good, someone else is going to fuck it anyway.. midas well.. Fucker, Squeeze her tits! Fuker brains out!! go head! it's all good!! buss a nutt for me too! =) Nice... Niece just one letter away =) lol hahaha

    animal house... she's 15 she's most likely fucking more than you anway.. go for it.

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  • Ew. Pedophile.

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  • cybad

    Get over it, loverboy. Sure she is so cute, she's 15!!
    Why do you wait till the parents go to sleep then you start smooching their child? It is because you know it is not normal.

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  • imakeajiffypuff

    Um, no, that isn't normal. At least it shouldn't be. Don't be a disgusting a$$hole and end up having sex with your niece and getting thrown in jail. Stop putting yourself in situations where you'll be tempted to do something disgusting and stupid. Stop lying down with her and "spooning" her. It is so wrong and you should be an adult and realize just how wrong this and stop.

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  • LuffySp

    I agree that its normal to react to an ass on your cock. But that means you should KNOW BETTER than to keep putting yourself in this situation! And if she's doing it? That's not okay. Trying to elicit a sexual reaction from her Uncle? Someone needs to tell her mother.

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    • sperminator

      This story is that old they are probably married by now!

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      • sararose:)

        true true

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  • penguin1

    Throwing up now.... No further comment.

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  • StormUSA

    Hey! If you are an Adult, don't allow situation like that to happen if you did? you should now realize you did wrong; soo... "Close biologycal members of the family; Brothers and sisters Kids are forbitten regardless of Age"

    Get it!

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  • WICKKEED! NOT... Ew Your Practically UGH... Wth Is Wrong With You... Sit Separately, Or Lie Separately... The Best Thing To Do Is Say... " Look, Spooning Is Not Good, Lets Sit Away From Each Other, Because Your Parents Will Sh!t Themselves! Plus Your My F-ing Niece!!!!"

    Well Said...

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  • CGFE3

    I find it odd that you can't tell that this is not normal! Its sick and perverted!

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  • seriously2233

    dude sick u should really stop that thats gross

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  • DrQuinnMedicineWoman

    It isn't normal. Your neice is young and definitely at an age where she is experiencing what it feels like to have serious male attention. Or she isn't getting any at all. And ends up getting it from her Uncle. Regardless it's wrong for her to subconciously/secretly seek this attention from you. As your just a man with horny hormones. You need to stop this before you think about her naked too often.

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  • Soooo, here's the bigger question. WHY HAVE 41%% OF PEOPLE SAID THIS IS NORMAL!!? O__O

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    • Lt726186

      Because they’re nonces

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  • SadMostOfTheTime

    This isn't normal to be sexually aroused by an immediate relative.

    BUT you also did fail to mention how old you are. My aunt is about six months YOUNGER than me and my other aunt is actually 15 years YOUNGER than me...so it's NOT FAIR to assume that there is a big age gap.

    IF you are close to her age, your body is reacting to the opposite sex. BUT you shouldn't set yourself up for a situation that COULD happen. It's not just sick as many agree, it causes actual deformities in babies. It only takes one time to get her pregnant!

    IF you are WAY OFF in age, you need to be an adult and stop taking advantage of a situation that will HURT EVERYONE.


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  • Anonymous_Donor

    It's an automatic action to get aroused when you're close to a sweet young thing which is why you don't put yourself in a spot where you're close enough to a sweet young thing that you get aroused. Stop before you do something you'll regret and that will warp her for life.

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    • Warp what her uterus?

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  • lk4me

    you're not a pedophile cuz she's not pre-pubescent. but it's still wrong and fucked up cuz she's ur niece.

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  • glasswilderness

    I think she knows what she's doing. Get the hell away from her. Why would any 15 year old want to spoon with her uncle? Fucking weird on her part. I think you realize this is wrong, just a biological reaction, but wrong. In some ways it is normal, but others...no. Do not spoon with this girl!

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    • specialKajt


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    Hit it and get me pix.

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  • asskicker20230

    seriously you have to ask THIS IS NOT NORMAL

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  • therealallpro

    ok this has been beaten to death. It's simple. yes it is normal. Men have evolved preference for women at the height of their sexual ability. So the age is ok from a physical standpoint. The fact that she is your niece is ok as well. proof: it was done in every cultural till about 100 years ago. The real question is it best for you and her? That's most likely no. Do you want to hurt your family? Are you taking advantage of her? Is she mature enough to decide her consent? And mostly are you willing to face the social and criminal consequences?

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  • nano93


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  • BitterSweet

    Whatever you feel, it doesn't matter in the slightest. Whether she acts like she wants it or not leave her alone, because 1 or both of the following WILL happen:

    1. You will warp her. She will be damaged goods for the rest of her life because once she fucked a member of her famiy. Don't put her in the position where she will feel ashamed about herself or her actions. You are meant to know better.

    2. Your sister will find out that you are banging her child and either report you (because if you've missed all the other reasons that this is sick and wrong, her age is another one you can add to your list - she's a minor) or just cut you out of her life forever and have to live knowing that her brother took advantage of her child.

    So keep it in your pants, ok?

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  • yungathart

    Gee...I read most the reply on this knuckleheads thread. NOT one, that I saw, makes mention of this innocent girls trust of her uncle being smashed. You, IMHO, are a waste of air! If this is a joke its from a sick mind! Consider yourself in prison "spooning" with BUBBA...ya like that? if I was her Daddy I would stretch your rectum up over your head and starve you already oxygen starved brain of air till you change your ways! There are mineshafts where your poor excuse of a mans body would compopst nicely.

    STOP IT and think about BUBBA spooning your sorry ass.

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  • Dionysus

    I have the best sex with my girlfriend when I wake up in the middle of the night and just start touching her. I'm still in a sleepy haze and for some reason I'm in this state where I think it's some kind of incest relationship. Weird but it really turns me on!

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  • purple12345

    ok number one im soo grossed out by half of these responces
    number two..NO ITS NOT NORMAL. shes a minor and shes your family for g*d sake!!!!
    you need control your self before something happens that you will deeply regret and that will ruin her life.....

    ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew

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  • theonethatsred

    leave the kid alone you sick pervert.

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  • javanut8

    Forbidden situations are exciting to some.

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  • thejazzismine

    incest perhaps... just a little???

    thats SICK! you atleast find a 15 year old LITTLE girl to spoon with that ISNT YOUR FAMILY

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  • WeedgirlsFUN

    Wow yea.. dude its not normal we all get bonners n all but not with family ..U shuldnt do that hsit at all. U r a gross fuck....

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  • lisha590

    this is kinda nasty and tatally perverted why are u guys laying that close to each other in the first place???

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  • loveboobs

    Hell yeah it's normal, hit that shit bro, and nut on her face......just wipe it off b4 your bro sees it and you have to explain you just nutted on her nose.

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  • curiouskiddo

    no. that is really, really, REALLY weird... I get uncomfortable when my uncle simply playfully smacks me on the butt. I think it's awkward.

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  • Modesto

    This gives me the half way throw up feeling.

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  • threetwoone

    "naive and unaware (unless she felt your erection). "

    Why do ppl assume just coz someone's felt an erection they know what it's about. I was 18 when i finally learnt about these, and about the same time i realised exactly why my sick fuck of an uncle who sexually abused me when i was a kid and he was babysitting had a hard "buldge in his pants" that he made me touch. I was not turned on at the time, nor wanted it, i just wanted to go play with my cousins in the other room. Seriously guys, seek help!

    This is not a safe place for you or her, please don't get yourself into these situations.

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  • TheIncorrigible

    My God this thread is still goin?

    Have you hit it yet?

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  • EvilUncleEarnie

    Yes it is definitely normal to be aroused by her. I don't remember young girls being as hot back when I was growing up. Now days, most of the girls and what they wear would test the morals of the Pope...

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  • ToasterPenis26

    Fuck her.

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  • roberthg93

    My niece is 10 and she hd a very nice butt and the other day I found her with her legs up letting her dog lick her butt and I just hid and started jacking off and I came in and she got embarrassed and I asked why and she said it felt good and then I said ok andi left and she let the dog lick it again and she told me her ass was itching and she said she does not scratch it because her fingers would stink

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  • Whatthef*ck!!

    Lmfaooo... Yo..STOP!!! RIGHT NOW! I can't believe ppl were saying its normal.. That shit ain't normal. If you are both around the same age, you can blame hormones . If your a grown ass man ...you can blame pervert-ness .lol. And I'm calling the cops . And her parents ,lmfao.
    Ppl may come to this site to open up and confess , and yes we should be opened minded. But where do we draw the line? I have uncles who I've sat next to in booty shorts. Not one of them got off on it.. Sr. Go get help .. Professional help. You sound like a pervert and everyone who supports you and your sickness sounds like potential perverts as well. This is me helping you help your self. STOP!!

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  • Twistedsniper98

    I think I should alert the proper authorities!

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  • CopperU2

    I only like it when they howl in werewolf movies

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  • goingcrazy

    go to hell u sick bastard

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  • CrimsonRain

    Im 18 and i have no idea what spooning is....someone enlighten me damnit!

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  • Itmakesmehard

    Get her nickers down and fuck her till she can't cum no more!!!!

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  • kinklu

    When I was about 17, my 14 year old cousin visited us for a week. She liked to wrestle and used to climb all over me rubbing against my genitals in the process. I viewed her as a child for which it would never occur to a sophisticated man of the world, such as yours truly, to have any sort of sexual desire.

    When my mother came home and found us clenched together like two lovers, she went spastic and later tried to explain to me what would eventually ensue. But I, being the very grown up sophisticated man of the world that I was, DIDN'T HAVE A CLUE.

    The next similar event resulted in breaking up a good preacher's marriage, ruining the home of four beautiful little children.

    It was perfectly normal for me, a healthy 17 year old male, to desire sex with a randy 30 year old woman. But, oh, the unhappiness it brought to so many. The ramifications of my "normal" acts probably has consequences for the children to this day and I grieve when I think about it.

    QUIT WHILE YOU ARE AHEAD because you can't go back!

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  • pambambam

    i hope you go to jail!

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  • AAbatteries

    This made me sad. I was sexually abused by someone I trusted when I was young and stupid. This is unfortunately probably what will end up happening to this poor girl. I hope someone figures it out before it scars her for the rest of her life.

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  • hermione

    your potentially ruining her life

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  • humaNoID

    let's put it this way, would you change your position on the couch if her parents entered the room? if yes, then you're wrong. and so is she. (you both know it's wrong and she's playing the 'm-still-a-kid-in-front-of-parents-eyes-but-to-guys-in-her-surroundings-she's-the-new-bab-in-town'card, and you're playing the ' i-don't-know-if-it's-right' card knowing that it's wrong!

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  • beastie

    No good can come of this, but I think you know that!
    Also, why are her parents NAPPING AFTER LUNCH - wtf? How old are they? 80? What the hell are they eating for lunch?!?!!

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  • 10inch

    Your cock her pussy do knot know one another and your cock wants in as much as her pussy wants you in but you know its wrong and it will happen if you don't back off so back off now or go fuck he right away because it will happen

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  • imissedyoulastnight

    i have several uncles (all in their twenties) and if they spooned me, i would deff come on to them. no sex though, just flirting. incest is gross.

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  • She's gotta be at least 16 by this point. Don't worry about it.

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  • PillowHumper

    Fp. for Future Pedo.

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  • Cooinc

    I wonder what the longest running question is? The longest that is still getting talked about.

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  • ʎǝʞuoɯ

    I guess it normal...I heard of cases when Brothers and sisters like each other...but it is still kind of weird.

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    its obusly normal to get a bonner if someone is leaning on it. BUT IT DOSNT MEAN KEEP IT UP OR POS IT ON THE INTERNET!

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  • Cheesewizkid321

    No that's not normal, you need to stop that right away.

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  • mizztootyfruity

    HELL,NO.STOP and think about what you're doing and feeling. its wrong.

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  • SillyKitty55

    stop spooning with her. she is too young to realiz ewhat she is getting into by spoonign with you regardless that you are family.

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  • u perv!!!! >.<

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  • misty2

    No its not and you should stop laying their like that before something happens and you get put away for rapin a child under 16..

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  • TooSmartToBeDumb

    It's normal to become aroused, however you have to exercise selfcontrol and avoid the situation before it gets out of hand.

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  • anniechan117

    hi, I'm a tolerant person, unlike apparently everyone else. okay point is, I'm sure you realize it is nott normal for one to be sexual with family, however your sexual ATTRACTION to a female though, family is normal, sure it turned out strangely but youre just attracted to her is all, I say however you should probably put an end to this its not exactly right, but hey who the hell am I to judge?

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  • myself11

    I think it's normal that you'd get turned on...I mean the mind can't always control that, especially men's. But the two of you putting yourselves in that situation, maybe not so much. BUT the worst part is the parents! i'm glad they trust you but have they never heard of uncles getting into trouble?? kinda dumb.
    avoid avoid!

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  • dandee82


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    • darkprince

      Get the fuck outta here you sick fuck... in response to analrush's (OMG) comment..

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  • blasted

    I wouldn't say "it's not normal," as in, it could happen to many guys. But i would suggest not letting those circumstances occur again. i.e. DON'T SPOON WITH YOUR NIECE. You might start getting ideas, etc etc.... if u have to just leave the room and rub one out.

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  • XxgemdinxX

    Well it's pretty normal to be aroused while spooning. But I would stop before things get any farther, because, it is your niece, your family.

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  • ChestyLarue

    Given that nobody thought to ask the poster's age, it is quite possible that the poster may not be a grown adult.
    The poster could be around the same age as his niece, and can possibly even be younger.
    Although I don't think this is the case, it is a possibility.
    Still... Niece = Incest.

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  • Skyebugs

    Well I think this is sorta wierd. But its only wierd if u make it wierd. all your doing is watching tv.

    although i think that if u start having sexual feelings because of her then u shuldnt do that ne more. im pretty sure ull cause lots of drama if u do.

    ps. dont worry about ur sister look out for ur nieces dad haha

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  • gitface

    Arousal? Normal. Spooning? Nuh-uh.

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  • John415

    this is not normal and how old are you
    if you are 17 or something then it is normal

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  • UnintentionallyIgnorant

    hmm i have an idea. ever heard of emptying your gun before the real shoot out? if not its basically shooting your wad off recently before becoming intimate. its a technique to last longer so to speak but maybe itll help if you bust one before she gets there. or bone someone before. in other words sexually exhaust mr peter so the embarassing throbbing quits. humans have wierd animal instincts that can be confusing but perfectly normal. if you were considering goin through with anything then thats just not right but it doesnt seem as though you wish to fuck your niece. but yea even if you do even though its just a tad twisted id keep that fantasy to my self dude.

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  • shakenbake855

    please dont spoon with your neice

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  • undertow25


    I would have thought it a little weird if she were spooning WITHOUT you feeling aroused. BUT WITH?

    :looks up spooning just to be sure I have the right definition:

    Yeah, ew, just, ew.

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  • kitty_purrr

    uh, hello?! not normal. she's your niece! I don't think your brother/sister would appreciate this.

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  • ViVaLaBC


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  • jellokatt

    probably a normal physical reaction, but you should NOT have sex with your niece (or any other 15 year old for that matter.... unless you're 15-17). i agree with the moderately rational people on here. you're not a pedophile, but, even though she may "know what she is doing" or whatever, she's 15! it's illegal, it would totally f**k her (and you) up mentally, and it would destroy your family (if not land you in jail and brand you as a sexual predator.... even if she's willing)

    stop putting yourself in this situation. make plans to go out when they would usually come over if you find yourself uncontrollably attracted to her. find excuses. make yourself really busy and unavailable. start playing sports on the weekends instead.

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  • maryjane

    no not normal at all

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  • DrBallsack

    do you live in the south?

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    • xxyolkmanxx

      fuck you not every one in the south is in to incest. northerns do it to just as much.

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  • That is so wrong. ugh.

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  • jben4president

    go for it man. wait till she is 18 hook up at the family reunion and bam!!!!!!!! you have a nice piece of young ass to hit. Use condom though you dont need web footed babies

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  • billyboy

    Wow, this one sure got a LOT of feedback! I know when I was younger I had some cute teenaged nieces that I would have loved to spooned with. I am from the South, btw. One niece once actually flirtaciously asked me, "Do you want me, Uncle Billy?" I of course said, "YEAH!" But unfortunately she did not follow through on it. Another time, I was was sitting in a swing and one of my nieces sat down beside me, right on top of my open palm. After a little bit, I started wiggling my figngers and rubbed them against her crotch. She looked startled, then grinned and offered me a bite of her apple. Now my wife was actually seduced by one of her nephews, and they fucked twice one X-mas, at a family gathering. She suspected from a remark that he made, while they were together, that he and his mom had been doing some fooling around. Ah, the South!!!

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    • funkeemonkeee

      you and your family literally make me sick.....sorry but its true

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  • toodleoo

    Not Normal. Don't say anything to your sister, it will only raise concerns and they're likely to get defensive. [And rightfully so.]

    If it happens again, remove yourself from the situation. The 15 year old is hoe if she's doing that anyway. But you're still the adult in the situation. She could cry wolf, and it would still be your ass.

    Get out and experience women your own age!!

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  • 4MB3R

    omg u sick arsehole! people we may be looking at a future paedophile! KEEP THE KIDS AWAY!!!!!!

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  • konohasempu

    firstly I'd like to say this is sick and I feel sorry for your niece. Romeo and Juliet were in their early teens but that's really not the issue is it. They were BOTH young teens and Juliet wasn't Romeo's niece

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  • oooooooooooooooooo hit that

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  • russellnb

    If you are not fuc*ing the little cu*t don't worry about it a little hugging and kissing and touching is great at any age'

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  • harley13

    thats sick...

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  • SupNucka

    lol guys hate to break it to you, it's not pedophilia as she's through puberty already :P
    but that said, it's still FUCKED UP

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  • BOYracer88

    dirty fucker

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    Dude this is awesome fuck your neice, she will enjoy it let her suck on your hard candy cock and then choose a hole to fuck than she let it go.

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  • yourself** god I wish this thing had spellcheck. I feel like a moron everytime I make a typo. =D!

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  • sick people need help resist that temptation that is very disturbing you should get some action elsewhere

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  • xxxMissFitxxx

    It's not normal, you're a freak.

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  • nibletrs

    Thats disgusting and not normal

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  • bleach_baby

    Yeah this is normal


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  • alexisfreak

    What the hell is spooning. It sounds 100%% peverted. Is she at least hot? Because if this is not the case, then...WTF?

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  • MattyM

    haven't done any spooning with my niece but understand you. I'm nearly 18 and I got a niece 11. last summer on hol after being on the beach she had a shower and was sitting on the bedwith a towel around her. bbut the way she was sitting i got a FANTASTIC view of her pussy and a massive boner. she had no idea. her other sis clair 8 I'd seen her pussy loads of times before, and i KNOW shes seen my stiffy before through the shower curtain. enjoy !!! tip: smell their pants when they put them in the washing :-)

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    • "tip: smell their pants when they put them in the washing :-)"


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    • Camscool15

      11 and 8? your fucked up man

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    • SunD3R

      ...but the way she was sitting i got a FANTASTIC view of her pussy and a massive boner...
      so ur niece has a pussy and a massive boner???
      lol just jks

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      • teehee

        LOL tht was funny :P

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    • tintedcouture

      YOU DO THAT?!!

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  • Rocketrain

    Biologically normal but those are the things human should have self disciplines.

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    You need to get up and do not lay down with her. If I came in the room and my 15 year old was spooning with her uncle im gonna think somethings up w him

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  • hosa

    Find another 15 year old

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  • zarabell

    been there, done that, got the T-SHIRT

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  • alexx123

    fuck her in all her holes dude I would

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  • Iam7deadlysin

    A wise man once said, "Incest is wincest."

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  • neeecooole

    hmm idk... Ask your local police department lol

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  • Babygirl17

    That is not okay man!

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    Get it while the gettings good. If it's old enough to bleed its old enough to seed.

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  • NiklasTheEternalRomantique

    No facking, no nagging..

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  • usedpantieslove

    enjoy the fun but beware if touching

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  • Adam26

    If do it again then tell her see how she reacts she may be turned on

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    yOUR ONE STEP OF INCEST MATE, YOU WILL LOSE HER LOVE AND AFECTION FOR YOU, YOU COULD GET A GOOD KICKING FROM HER DAD, and you could be on the SEX OFFENDERS REGISTER, even if she was 16, that also is an offence, go have a wank mate.

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  • uniquebutwierd

    You're apart of the reason for this world being a messed up place. Its people like you who make things like homosexuality and incest common to the point where it gets accepted in society. You're sick, how could you even lie directly behind your own niece, what made you start this. You're her uncle, the next thing to being her father. Perv.

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  • thexian

    Feel free to cut off your balls.. We don't need more people like you.

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  • fratom

    no it is not normal your a grown adult male and she is 15 years of age: you are putting her in a vunerable place and position so value and respect her age: grow up in your own mind: it is quite normal for you to get aroused in such a situation so stop now for you do anything stupid

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  • rudhradev

    this site is filled with fucked up people and very funny and entertaining

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  • Meg

    Stop, it is wrong and gross!!! Even if she lets you go further think of how she may feel about it later like a couple days afterwards. She might feel guilty and shameful. Also what if she tells her parents? They will NEVER let you go near her again and put a restraining order and you could go to prison for Statutory Rape. Go find someone non-related and over 18. Do you really want to lose your family?

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  • brilliant

    FYI. The same thing happen to me. Believe me in her head she is not spooning with you. She is not even interest in you. She was only laying down watching tv with her favorite uncle. Which she does not consider her favorite uncle any more and she is probably going to tell her mother or go to a psychologist and they will tell her that what you did it is very wrong and you are going to loose the trust of your family and perhaps go to jail. And I which I could see you going to jail the same way I saw my uncle. You know what you did was wrong and you know you should not be laying down with her in the fist place. The only problem is that you don't stay in jail forever

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  • twist3d

    I would say try anal or bj's, then you cant get caught out with a baby.
    She does it cos she wants to, the boner tells you that you want to.
    'if there is grass on the field play ball'

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  • Sums

    Yes, it's very normal to be aroused by almost anything but I think the question you should be asking is ...is it morally acceptable to spoon with your niece when you're having feelings of lust for her.

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  • davidnine

    It's normal to get aroused,, but you're looking for trouble. I have a certain niece who when upon greeting me , would always kiss me on the lips . I didn't think too much about it until she started trying to insert her tongue. I thought this was curiosity due to her puberty.However , as an adult she still tries after many talks I have given to her. Now, I just turn my cheek when she approaches to greet me. even discussed it with her mother, my sister, and she jus defended her, stating she is just an affectionate person ! Go figure !

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  • dawookie

    It normal because it can be one if those things you can't control besides you penis don't know it's niece

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  • Basiagirl98

    That's awkward... but I don't think everyone should be getting on his ass about it because yes it's wrong to continue with it... and yes he probably already expected the responses to be outrageously hurtful, but he never said he was going to pursue his own niece...SO CALM THE FUCK DOWN!!
    But if you ARE planning on pursuing your own niece... then YOU'RE THE ONE WHO NEEDS TO CALM THE FUCK DOWN ...cuz that's nasty...and illegal...


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  • Demundo

    Like the first comment says, it is n be aroused, but it is not normal to go further. Maybe if the same thing happens in ten years time when she is adult and knows to punch your balls.

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  • iheartu2013

    I am not going to call you a sicko, pervert, or anything, as you have not done anything. Stop while you are ahead and don't do anything more. It is really not even normal to 'spoon' with her in my opinion. At least if you are a lot older.

    If you are older. Don't do anything you, or more importantly she will regret. She trusts and loves you.

    If you are her age and younger, you still should not do anything. You are family, and in the end it will probably hurt the relationship you have with her now.

    You can be close without adding sex to the equation.

    God Bless You and Yours!

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  • fukpeople

    I think the OP is thumbing everyone down since everyone seems to agree to the fact/idea he is in the wrong.

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  • fukpeople

    why have people thumbed some of the above comments down about this being incestuous O.o This is incest if you act upon it and you obviously know it's morally unacceptable otherwise you would not be on this site asking for opinions!

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  • felixbelacan2

    niece cherry poper....

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  • Vampyra

    You should not be doing this, you pervert. Don't take advantage of a 15 year old girl...having sex with her is stauatory RAPE and you will go to jail for it. Go find someone your own age.

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  • Elliemental

    Wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong! You horrid n one step away from being 'that uncle'! Sicko!

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  • prointerracial#7

    wtf stop it. whats wron wichu

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  • highrider

    LOOOOL have fun when her parents get up from there nap ten minutes early and ask u wat ur doing. Obviously she likes u. Go with it.

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  • Dark_forest_923


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  • ibreathelectric

    Ahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahaahahaahahahahhaahahahahahaahahahahahahaahahahaha just got off the phone with the incestuous-child-rapist police. They're on their way.

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  • Jimzombie

    if she's attractive then its not surprising your aroused by her, doesn't mean its ok though..

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  • p00pWAD

    That's tots normal!

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  • WonderBoy

    Ewwww, that's grim, you're related!

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  • Redhood

    Does she like it or at least does it seem like she does

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  • selena66

    its normal but its wrong.......stop doing it

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  • johnsonj121698

    Yes this is normal. Laying with your niece is fine, but remember shes your niece. Don't let the dick slip man! Don't do it. It should stop before you end up in prison for something you'll regret instantly.

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  • hopefloats29

    Dont screw the bitch idiot. She is 15. shes probly still a virgin. are u really gunna take tht away from her?

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  • XxPattycakexX

    You're a disgusting man. Seriously. STOP spooning and don't even touch her. If my brother ever did this to my daughter, it'd kill him.

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  • 5687q

    Fairly normal & pretty hot

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  • wildlydraconic

    whats spooning? i dont know what it is

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  • justanotherpersonalk

    my uncle used to act like a pedo with me when i was 15, so this is definatley disgusting me.

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  • q25t

    Hmmm. I am conflicted. You are being put into a sexual situation and the arousal then may be perfectly normal. However, acting on this would be horribly abnormal and justifies a no. My advice, sit up in the couch, won't lead to anything that way

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  • Flirty108

    I am sorry but that is kinda not cool and it is definantly not normal. Maybe you should speak to a therapist. :(

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  • belladonna85

    ummmm how old are you? if u are over 18 u got issues seriously! sorry to be blunt but ick! not kewl!

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  • Inclinetoyourdesire34

    But there not related so why not ??? I don't even think its wrong if they get married. It's a tiny bit weird cos there family but it's not unlogical.

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  • fjo5183

    How old are you, dude?

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  • biancaca28

    Your a perv. She's a whore. Just stop. Bro.

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  • Leara22

    maaaaaaaaaaannn u should not b aroused by ur 15 year old neice. just think bou the tv and not her

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  • fullhouse

    offcourse you get aroused on spooning, but with your niece its wrong dude..get a grip on your feelings..

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    You should bang her.

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  • dadfetish

    teach her, buy her popsicles, banannas, hotdogs. let her lick icing off your fingers.
    If you have to do it, just do oral and anal. leave her cherry for her husband to take.

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  • worldispsyched

    Stop spooning with your Niece, it's weird as hell. You're related. And you get aroused when you spoon with your relative.. Obviously something is wrong there.

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  • tippitoe

    You'll probably get inside her! And make sure you both have family planning... Daft dimbo twit!

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  • emmawesome9

    It is normal to get aroused but don't go to far with it!

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  • Ladypink

    She may be doing that on purpose so be careful. Having been a very sexually flirtatious teenager myself I loved getting men aroused and did all sorts if insane and disturbing things to do so.

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  • eeep

    As people have said it's normal for a guy to get aroused by a girl. Though gay's are also normal but ill not get into that. It was actually common for cousins and even sometimes siblings to get together in the past but since that didn't provide enough genetic variation it caused the children born of this pairs to be disadvantaged. Since that is so our species developed a cultural taboo on it and it has been turned into something that is seen as gross of the majority of society.

    It's normal but you should stop it. Don't act on it then you won't have to feel guilty and she won't have to have any mental baggage she doesn't need. Even the smallest acts stay their, I know. Even if it is just a derived taboo or if she says it's fine that social taboo will haunt her so don't do it cause it would haunt you to. You sound like a good guy though so I think you will be fine just make sure you stay sitting and get her a pillow if she wants to lie down.

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  • Andrew256

    Dude you should totally hit that.

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  • LooksLikeLove


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  • milkymum

    what a lot of people are forgetting is that his niece is doing this too and at her age knows what she is doing and is probably enjoying it too as she is probably experimenting and ahe will know he is getting aroused. Best thing for you to do is to tlak to her and get it in the open with her.

    When i was her age i was humping everything in sight from pillows to cushions to my mates

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  • XxDemonicaxX

    ok alot of these posts are a bit ugly
    i have some advice
    1: dont do it because it might get bad
    2: u know its bad thats great
    3: u can hug and thats it and family stuff but spooning no plz dont lol
    hope it helps a bit lol and talk to her but dont say spooning if u know what i mean

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  • Normal to feel aroused by it, but seriously, unless the girl is okay with incest, you had better put a stop to this. If your curiosity gets the better of you you could change all of those relationships forever, and not in the way that may be best.

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  • Fritefesh

    Are u a guy if u r then ess not normal but a girl then go crazee wid ett

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  • I dare you to touch her boob

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  • I dare u to touch her boob lol

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  • Fallout-101

    Quite while you're ahead buddy...you're gonna get into some serious trouble if anyone finds out in your family :/

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  • poochywoo

    I think it is normal for our natural male instincts to become aroused... which is exactly why you need to put a stop to it, otherwise you may put yourself and your niece in a very awkward situation!

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  • mswish94

    I know personally how you feel although mine was with my twenty two year old cousin and i'm only seventeen and we actually started dating for a little while but the long distance relationship wasn't easy. Once we broke it off i realized how wrong i felt for doing it and then talked to my parents and have come to the conclusion that it isn't right although we just can't control ourselves sometimes. I wish he wasn't my cousin but yet again i do.

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  • Your A Nasty Freak. How Old Are You Anyway??!! Ugh Fucking Pervs.

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  • It was normal until you said you were aroused... That's not normal. But spooning with a family member is normal if it is in NO WAY sexual!

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  • bigpappasmurf

    Is she hot? What - she's not my niece? I've got a friend named Chris that wants to meet you and have you take a seat. Also, if your niece doesn't notice your hard on are you that small? No wonder you have to keep it in the family. Why do your peeps take naps anyway, all the time? That says a lot, maybe the girl is payment for lunch, are you in Arkansas?

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  • unrose

    It's not okay. Do not over step your boundaries. What kind of crap is this? Sicko.

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  • xxxbeautifullybrokenxxx


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  • billy22

    Im not sure if its normal, im 22 and I dont find 15 yr old girls attractive. More annoying if anything.

    But i Have hear older guys like younger women, so who knows.

    I guess the thoughts would be 'normal', but the action would not be.

    I mean there are times that I think horrible things about certain people and what I would love to do to them, but i would never act out on them.

    If I were you, I wouldn't even be alone in the same room with her anymore. Your walking a very thin line. You know it's wrong, thats why you asked.

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  • Nomarahaz13

    first question hw old r u??? secondquestion:r u otta ur mind!!!!! third qusetion:is ur niece enjoyin this???

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  • hotdog_o'plenty

    by now she's 17 ya? but you should stay away from here, after you jizz coat her molars.

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  • PoliticiansDestroyJoy

    Alright then, picture this if you will:
    10 to 2 AM, X, Yogi DMT, and a box of Krispy Kremes, in my "need to know" pose, just outside of Area 51. Contemplating the whole "chosen people" thingy when a flaming stealth banana split the sky like one would hope but never really expect to see in a place like this. Cutting right angle donuts on a dime and stopping right at my Birkenstocks, and me yelping...
    Holy fucking shit!

    Then the X-Files being, looking like some kind of blue-green Jackie Chan with Isabella Rossellini lips and breath that reeked of vanilla Chig Champa,did a slow-mo Matrix descent out of the butt end of the banana vessel and hovered above my bug-eyes, my gaping jaw, and my sweaty L. Ron Hubbard upper lip and all I could think was: "I hope Uncle Martin here doesn't notice that I pissed my fuckin' pants."

    So light in his way, Like an apparition,
    He had me crying out, "Fuck me, It's gotta be,
    Deadhead Chemistry, The blotter got right on top of me, Got me seein' E-motherfuckin'-T!"

    And after calming me down with some orange slices and some fetal spooning, E.T. revealed to me his singular purpose. He said, "You are the Chosen One, the One who will deliver the message. A message of hope for those who choose to hear it and a warning for those who do not."
    Me. The Chosen One?
    They chose me!!!

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  • jojo101


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  • Camscool15

    ohh i get it poster of story man i feel stupid now haha

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  • smile22

    It's most likely because she's female and she may be attractive, If you don't have any other feelings towards her then guess it's alright. I'd try and avoid doing it again though.

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  • I think you should stop, before this ruines her life later on

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  • kindacrazzy

    oh yha, completly norm ,f%%$KING ass hole

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  • brooke711

    the fact that your niece is willing to spoon with you leads me to believe that perhaps her dad or some other male role model is taking advantage of her in the same way. i know when i was 15 i would never have snuggled up to my uncle...because it just wouldn't feel right.

    find a woman to cuddle up with, and determine if maybe your niece needs to talk about what is going on in her life.

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  • Catinthehat

    There didn't seem to be any follow-ups from the poster (unless I overlooked them). Maybe his brother-in-law walked in on this little situation and poster is no longer in need of using his typing fingers.

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    • weepingwillow

      lol holy shit your post was funny!!

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  • No - not normal to spoon with niece. That you have to ask makes it way beyond not normal.

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  • lwinnchick

    stay away from her.

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  • smiledude

    Dude people have feelings about everyone- just dont do anything about them

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  • Englishgirl

    what is spooning, because i live in england and have different words

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    • CalvinNHobbes

      Spooning is American slang for laying with a person where you are behind them and they face the same direction as you. Its usually a post-sex embrace, or a flirtatious way to spend time together and pet. It could be a sex act also, but it usually means laying together, like two spoons in a drawer, back to front, you see?

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    • hermione

      im english you should know if i do, spooning is when a man or woman curls around another persons back

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  • michaelat


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  • Assisted

    to get turned on no shes a girl. because shes your niece yes its wierd

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  • Mimosa

    That's incestuous! Control yourself, don't be a weakling!

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  • lanceosm

    People shut up it's a joke

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    • cybad

      It may be a joke, but we are talking principal here. If we all say it is cool, the guy will go and screw his niece

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  • Horny_Baby

    no its not mormal you shuld stop laying wit her like that b4 you or both of u do sum ull regret

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  • User122

    Uhh no that is not normal at all !!!

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  • drhouse

    my guess is you're going to keep doing it anyway ... so let's just see what happens? who knows ... maybe we'll see you in the headlines headed off to jail ... or you'll get lucky. ;0)

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  • doubleDtittys

    ok so im deff. reporting you for atemped rape!!!! haha jk... you are fucking sick!

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  • TerriAngel

    So many judgemental posters.
    RIP ass hats.

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    • Nikclaire

      You realize this is a ten year old thread right?

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      • TerriAngel

        Doesn't matter.
        I only come on here when Im buzzed.
        None of the new stuff was interesting so I was surfing the oldies but goodies.
        IIN has gotten really tame, compared to what it was.
        Sometimes hard to relate to, since so many are trying to be nothing but cookie cutters.

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  • FunnyCow101

    Umm.. How old are you ? And you should stop if you are becoming aroused .

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  • ilovemyjew

    Do you live in the south?

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  • softballfaith24

    Your a freak

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    IF YOU're 40, NO.

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    • hopefloats29

      What about 39? Lol

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