Sprinting is the best workout

Sprinting is what our ancestors did on a daily basis and it is the best workout. It also helps you workout. When you do sprints for a few days any other workout feels easier. Even lifting weights feels less draining. It is the best workout for training cardio also. If you do sprints distance feels easier especially distances with hills.

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Comments ( 7 )
  • Somenormie

    I do that when I'm at the last lap.

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    • momgetthecamera

      It feels so good when your legs are almost dead and your breath is raggedy to just give it your all and then collapse lol

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  • powertothepeople

    sprinting is great!

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  • Grunewald

    I wish my joints would take it. I get recurrent hip joint pain.

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  • Sunshinegirl

    I agree. It takes less time than distance running. It builds speed-strength and fast twitch muscle fibers. I get my interest in fitness from my dad and when he was bodybuilding he did sprint work. It also builds cardio.
    I would say just work in some distance work,, a mile or so, once in a while.

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    • 1WeirdGuy

      What I like to do is 5 days a week jog for 30 minutes but as I get in better shape I will start jogging for 3 minutes and then hit a hard 40 second sprint and go back to jogging for 3 minutes and repeat until the 30 minutes is up. Thats the best of both worlds. When Ive been hitting alot of sprints I feel like I can get better workouts with the weights.

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      • Sunshinegirl

        Yes the best of both
        Less time too.
        And you maintain more muscle mass instead of draining your energy.

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