Spy on family and friends when in bathroom or other private situations

I actually learned by accident that I could watch people through windows and other ways.
I enjoy watching people when they think they are totally alone and no one can see. It is so exciting watching the things they do.
You know what you do. Others are no different.

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37% Normal
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Comments ( 37 )
  • CDmale4fem

    And at some point of you are outside of the residence, you will be seen by someone who will likely call police as a stalker or someone watching someone take a dump. Or if someone finds you outside the house butintheyard, prepare to maybe get your ass kicked frosting on people, especially if they are getting naked at their private times, or someone's very private aspect of their life. Pretty much you are playing with fire.

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  • Boojum

    Curiosity is normal; spying on people is not, and it can lead to very serious consequences.

    If you find your urge to do this uncontrollable, then you should seek help before you find yourself in very hot water.

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  • dimwitted

    Wait so you just discovered you can look through a window and see to the opposite side?

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    • GaelicPotato


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  • momwatcher69

    "Accidentally" (seriously?) learned that U could watch people through windows and other ways. (What 'other' ways?)

    PLUS, you say you're spying on family and friends when in bathroom or other private situations...

    YOU UNDERSTAND THIS IS ILLEGAL, RIGHT?! Even if you do this, to others, in your OWN home, it is STILL illegal.

    Getting caught will: get your ass kicked, lose respect of family/friends/co-workers, get you a creepy reputaion, and you'll be probably arrested.

    If you get arrested, you will have a PUBLIC record, of this behavior, AND ... may have to register as a SEX OFFENDER ! ... this will seriously affect the rest of your adult life. Jobs, homeownership, schools, etc.


    Voyeuristic disorder is a paraphilic disorder. There are several such disorders, with paraphilic referring to sexual interests, preferences, fantasies, urges, and behaviors outside the norm. These are considered symptoms of a disorder only if they are acted upon in ways that have the potential to cause distress or harm to oneself or others, especially non-consensual others.

    The individual normally experiences sexual arousal when spying intentionally on unsuspecting people. The person being watched may be naked, disrobing, or engaging in sexual activities. The voyeur may also record these acts for later viewing. Unintentional viewing of such acts is not considered voyeuristic disorder. Voyeurs are also known as “Peeping Toms,” who use binoculars, mirrors, and recording cameras while peering through peepholes and windows.

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    • Feedthepony

      Watching someone in your own house is illegal???? I don't think so. See P. Tom versus P. Dance 1991.

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      • momwatcher69

        The lawsuit you mention, (P. Tom versus P. Dance) is Peeping Tom vs Private Dance ?!


        Spying, observing, electronic/video/digital recording, planting of cameras and optical/voice recording devices, or otherwise depriving someone of their "EXPECTATION" of privacy, without CONSENT, is ILLEGAL.... YES, EVEN IT'S YOUR OWN HOME !!

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        • Feedthepony

          Oh dear!!!! What have I done? Watching my partners friends as they rubbed one out with the bedroom door wide open all those times....

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          • momwatcher69

            In THAT case, they had no expectation of privacy. And, by leaving the door open, it was "implied consent"
            GET SERIOUS, please !

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            • Feedthepony

              Thank God for that, I'm glad what I did wasn't illegal. I wonder did those women realise/wanted me to watch.

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        • McBean

          I am not advocating voyeurism, but don't ever expect to discover if you have been spied on. For example, the CIA uses spy cameras embedded in remote control cockroaches. Spycraft is insidiously stealthy, and you can buy similar devices at websites devoted to espionage hobbyists. Your deepest, darkest secrets are in a data mine somewhere at the NSA.

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          • momwatcher69

            No offense, BUT ......What does ANY of your comment, have to DO, with the question, the Poster asked?

            "Spy on family and friends when in bathroom or other private situations"

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            • Bilover

              Thank you

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            • McBean

              It has lots to do with the original question. Firstly, if the person doing the spying has half a brain, in all likelihood no one will ever know he is spying. Secondly, accusing someone of spying is a baseless claim because no evidence will ever be found. This makes the post ideal for trolls. You never know, perhaps the troll is a girl that has twisted fantasies of getting inappropriate attention.

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  • Phoebe2005

    No it’s creepy the bathroom is totally a private space and a girl should be allowed to do all the stuff no one is meant to see in there

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    • Feedthepony

      I think its a female who posted. Most men seem to learn that you can see through windows before they can even talk.

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      • momwatcher69

        Was that an insult, to women?

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        • McBean

          I think he meant that guys who masturbate behind windows are exhibitionists.

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  • RoseIsabella

    Not cool, asshole.

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    • Bazinga

      Not cool, fer sure. But it's the "asshole" part of your comment that is disturbing. We are dealing with a voyeur here. When he/she hears the word asshole, he/she will smile and compulsively look to spy on a real live asshole for her next conquest. You really should stop putting these ideas in people's minds. Just remember that even though the chances are minuscule, the next explicit anus picture on her spycam could be your own.

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  • GaelicPotato

    Please do more of it.

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  • Nikclaire


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  • jrikiorikio

    Maybe try asking them questions because that sounds pretty creepy

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  • Touchmetherewetwet

    ive down the same thing before..im not goinf to lay my mom is hot like fine as fucked.. so anytime I would know she is abour to go outside and tan I would act like I didn't hear or would act like I left the house then soon as I would hear the back door open that's when I would jet right to the window and watch my mom drop her robe her flawless body and perky Ccup breast would have-me standing stright up..it took everything i had not to pull it out. or go feel up my mom up...but if she would give me a chance I WOULD use no condom and give it to my mom fast hard and deep until her hole was leaking from a cream pie

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  • cornsnakes22

    I definitely agree this is normal I would love to spy on people through windows but I dont wanna get caught.

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    • Bilover

      I totally agree. I do not lurk around homes. But I do take advantage of the situation if it arises.

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  • randypete

    Put a spy cam in your toilet/bathroom

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  • nanodayo

    I’m sure you wouldn’t want people spying on you, so this is not normal. People deserve privacy when they want it, and when you are breaching that privacy, you are breaking their trust and putting yourself in a position for legal consequences. I would stop that behavior as soon as possible and find other ways to occupy your time. If you want to know more about people, just talk to them rather than stalk them.

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  • chuy

    You can get arrested and/or charged for this.

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  • Optimisticbeast

    I've only ever accidently opened an unlockable door not knowing someone was on the toilet which was embarrassing. But you do realise how stupid you sound. Of course you can see through windows you are so dumb.

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  • Bilover

    Hi feedthepony
    I was actually playing hide and go seek. I was about 9. I hid by the neighbors house. Their teenage daughter came in the room from her shower. I saw her remove her robe to dress for the evening. The rest is history.

    I became creative looking through keyholes, under doors etc.

    I understand this is controversial. I am not here to judge anyone or to be judged.
    Thanks to everyone.

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  • Doesnormalmatter

    Your a fucking creep!

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  • Bilover

    Thank you for your input.

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    • Feedthepony

      Hi Bilover. How did you "actually learn by accident that you could watch people through windows"? also what are the " other ways" ?

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