Staying friends with an ex

He broke up with me about 7 months ago, but we never stopped spending time together. I’m confident he’s not seeing anyone else or trying to. We still cuddle, we still have sex. We still say I love you, though on much rarer occasions. We are each other’s best friends (we both say this). The only difference is we don’t kiss. When I ask him what’s different now, he reminds me of the arguments and such we were having toward the end of the relationship and that he wasn’t happy. When I ask him why he still wants me here he tells me if I left, he’d understand but I’m not “just some girl I thought was cute, you’re more than that”. In my heart, I think I know I’m being manipulated and that I should just walk away. But I feel very clouded. I wish someone could see everything third party and just spell it out for me in black and white and make it easier. He says he wasn’t happy then, but it’s all the same now. I just want to ask him if he’s happy now

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Comments ( 1 )
  • RoseIsabella

    Forget that guy. He wants to have his cake, and eat it too. He wants all the perks of having a girlfriend, but he just doesn't want any sort of responsibility. He's just a selfish jerk, and a user. Tell him you met some guy at the gym, and see what he says. Don't sleep with him anymore!

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