Still a virgin at 20..........
I just turned 20, and I'm still a virgin.....are there a lot of people at this age who are still virgins or is it a minority?
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I just turned 20, and I'm still a virgin.....are there a lot of people at this age who are still virgins or is it a minority?
I am 19 and I am virgin.I dont care what others say or do.I am not going to wait till marriage but I wont do it just with the first guy>i will wait till i find the right one for me
I'm 19, also a virgin. I have to admit that sometimes it's making me anxious bc everyone I know already did have sex but most of them are regretting it bc they are not with the guy anymore anf it didn't mean anything. Several people told me they should have wait so I'm telling you it's okay.
Yes! I am 19, dating the same guy for three years and still a virgin. Nothing wrong with virtue!
im 20 years old and im a virgin by choice. for me to fall for a girl means i have to not already be interested in her and we have good convos to the point where i get attached to her and then i just genuinely for for her. this rarely happens for me
My Nan noes a lady about 70 and she's still a virgin, because she don't believe in sex before marriage and obviously she hasn't married anyone yet. So i presume your normal :)
im 20 and im still a virgin infact im still waiting for my first kiss :) so yea i think its normal
its normal sir! its your choice to fnck or to be fncked! no one dies virgin coz life fnck us all! XD
Did you search to see if there are???
People ask this SAME QUESTION every freakin' day!
Yes, you are NORMAL.
I was still a virgin at 20 by choice. Then I was taken advantage of and had wished I had sex with my high school sweet heart. Have sex whenever you are ready.
Virginity is nothing to be ashamed of. It's a gift you can only give once. I'm going to wait until I marry my true love to give away my virginity.
for me it's normal because i lost my virginity at the age of 26. so it's plain and simple mate it's normal don't worry.
Pay no attention to the cajolings of whores and idolators! sex is evil and is the work of the devil, cut off your penis before it's too late!
of course it's normal, it'l probably happen sooner or later, there are certain social situations in which sex just naturally occurs, parties for instance, if you're desperate to get rid of it then get out and have a good time, sooner or later you should get some out of the blue.
I'm a very in shape good looking dude (ive been told too many times how handsome I am, plus I'm good when it comes to aesthetics) and i barely lost my virginity before I hit 20.
well i lost my virginity at 12 to my sluty girlfriend, it ws fun but i kindda wish i had saved myself for a special girl...i guess im glad i got to experience sex though cuz i just turned 18 and it dosent look like im ever gonna meet that special girl :/
I'm turning 19 in a month and I'm still a virgin. It's a great thing to hold on to though I've heard it's overrated. I'm not necessarily waiting until marriage but I'm waiting for a guy who I truly love and who truly loves me....and I'd be pissed if I did it with some guy who turned out to be a real asshole who wanted that from the get go after I waited all those years lol. But to answer your question yeah it's normal (: people respect you more too
Two more years and I'll be in the club. Even middle-schoolers aren't virgin and I think that's- *shudders*- sorry- weird. I'm not complaining that I'm a virgin, but I can't lie and say I don't think about it all the time...
Depending on your religion . In the bible it says that you shall not have sex until you are married. Don't have sex because you no longer wanna be a virgin. I regret loosing mine and I don't think anyone should have to regret that.
my boyfriend didn't have his first kiss until he was 18 by me :D and hes still a virgin and waiting until im ready so he will be a virgin when he is 20 to XD
Normal to me. I'm a nineteen year old virgin and I don't plan on losing my virginity any time soon. There may come a time in my life that I decide that I want to have a child, and that's probably when I'll mate.
Yeah there is a lot of people who are still virgins at that age. Don't worry about it so much. You'll have sex one day.
If your happy thers no problem but if u want to do it then just do it its great..
its normal, am 18, am a virgin, and i really love it......and its normal☺
im almost 18 now an i lost it when i was 16... ever since ive been trying to fuck everything that moves... i wanna be able to look back in 20 years an know i fucked everything that i possibly could. you should work on losing yours... dont force it to happen but idk just kinda LET it happen if that makes any sense.
i wanna know why people ask is this normal. it makes more sense to say its average but the site says isitnormal so imma say ur normal
It depends on the country where you live.
Here this is certainly a minority.
are you religious? if not get on with it!
its perfectly fine if your happy with it which im guessing your not hence why your posting here.
if your having problems im sure a prostitute could help you out just to get the ball rolling