Stop posting stupid political bs on facebook!

You know what's a pet peeve of mine? People constantly posting their stupid political beliefs on facebook by constantly posting anti-Democrat or anti-Republican articles or pictures, or comics, etc.

And I see it from BOTH political parties. I see it from both Republican AND Democratic facebook friends. It's so freaking annoying. (And you know what else I find weird? I get a few people that actually post both anti-Obama AND anti-Romney stuff on their facebook. It just confuses me. You have to pick one or the other this up coming election! And if you don't vote, you don't have the right to complain about any shit that might happen in the future!)

Why do they think I care about their political beliefs? Why do they think anyone cares about what they think? I could give a rat's ass what political party you are, but don't you dare shove it down my throat, because I don't want to hear it.

is it normal that I think it's annoying when I see facebook friends post their political bullshit on facebook?

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54% Normal
Based on 76 votes (41 yes)
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Comments ( 12 )
  • incapable

    Facebook kinda is a "social network"
    Where people state their opinions and look for other opinions.

    Just ignore it or get over it. *shrugs*
    Its simple.

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    • Allistalla

      Thumbs up for knowing rules of internet.

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    • Oh yes, how dare I be annoyed that people are stating opinions that I don't care about! How dare I be annoyed that people are shoving their political opinions down my throat!

      Clearly, I am in the wrong here.

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      • Angel_in_a_Glass_Dress

        actually... yes.

        You may be annoyed but it's not your business what they post online.

        Especially when you continue to choose to follow them.

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  • Francophile22

    I agree, and I also hate it when they post relating to gay marriage rights and abortion, as I have friends on both sides of each argument, and it's like these douches that post such crap are trying to stir up the shit or something.

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  • Angel_in_a_Glass_Dress

    It's their FB account.

    Unless it's your child you pretty much have no right to dictate what they are allowed to talk about.

    No one's forcing you to read their posts.

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  • Allistalla

    Ok you know nothing about politics from what you wrote I can see you are very ill informed. Saying you can not dislike Romney and can not dislike Osama at the same time is a moronic response. Listen the two last candidates are not picked by god. Yes we are forced to pick between the two but does not mean they properly represent the parties or that we are going to like that we are forced into picking between both people that we honestly do not care for. However yes I do find it very annoying seeing politics posted on Face book and I get your point. I can tell you are not a political person. I think that we should respect each other unless they do something messed up that is going to affect us like rape, pedophiles, killers ecs. I also find it rude when people blindly bad mouth groups that are existing to assist them. I do understand your point. Also I would suggest unfreinding those people, reporting them or to stay of the Face book.

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    • I find it odd that I see some people on FB post anti-Obama and anti-Romney stuff is because the ones that post them are either hard-core liberals or hard-core Conservatives. Those are usually the ones that defend their candidate no matter what, and they're the ones that complain about the other candidate any chance they get.

      And you don't have to pick between the two- you can vote for a third party group. You could look at it as "throwing your vote away" or you can see it as saying you're not satisfied with either candidate.

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      • Allistalla

        Yes but the whole party has to agree. so one canidate can say he is not republican enough but is out chosen by the rest. Hoeever this is not meaning he is for democrats. Also romney has many beliefs a democrat has so is what is called a Rhino. So thats why the partys have been so segregated.

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  • Yumazing

    I cant stand the Ron Paul supporters. Why waste your vote for him? He's not gonna win people! (I understand why you might like him, but not why they think he'll win.)

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    • iEatZombies_

      It's always been more about the message than the win. A few angry people are a lot louder than a bunch of bumps on the wall.
      It'd be a hell of a waste if you threw your voice around like a whore just because you can.

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    • NeuroNeptunian

      If you're voting third party, you're not wasting votes. I am not exact on the vernacular, but the effects of the Socialist party candidate that ran for many years without winning (the fact that there were large amounts of people that voted for him, even with the majority) influenced policy change among the two main parties who wished to cater to those voters that they did not swing.

      In terms of electing the President, it won't help, but in terms of sending a message to Washington, that will be very useful.

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