Stop posting stupid political bs on facebook!
You know what's a pet peeve of mine? People constantly posting their stupid political beliefs on facebook by constantly posting anti-Democrat or anti-Republican articles or pictures, or comics, etc.
And I see it from BOTH political parties. I see it from both Republican AND Democratic facebook friends. It's so freaking annoying. (And you know what else I find weird? I get a few people that actually post both anti-Obama AND anti-Romney stuff on their facebook. It just confuses me. You have to pick one or the other this up coming election! And if you don't vote, you don't have the right to complain about any shit that might happen in the future!)
Why do they think I care about their political beliefs? Why do they think anyone cares about what they think? I could give a rat's ass what political party you are, but don't you dare shove it down my throat, because I don't want to hear it.
is it normal that I think it's annoying when I see facebook friends post their political bullshit on facebook?