Strange imaginations

It is the one thing i cant seem to find on this website or anywhere to be exact. This might be the weirdest thing ever but whenever i become "obsessed" with a character for example: Pikachu as in a cartoon character (even if it is a guy because I'm a girl) i would almost imagine myself as that character for as long as i am still very interested with them. this character would be the main thought that went through my head. I would even do some of the activities of the character like... lets say they are shy and like to put their finger on their mouth i would do that... or like to stand a certain way i would do that or if they dressed a certain way i would dress like that and even adopt their personality but also keeping mine. like a half and half thing. they would be the major thing i would talk about a lot of the time. but also be embarrassed of my obsession of the character so try not to talk about it so others would not think i was obsessed so they would not notice me obsessing over it. although sometimes the personality would slip through and my friend would say your acting like that character that you always talk about why are you so obsessed with them? i would not know what to say...I am here to ask 2 questions... has anyone ever experienced, seen, or anything related at all to this... and Is it normal? i am 18 and in senor year of high school. (my main obsession right now is Olimar because he is just soooo cute <3...but a lot of people rag on him for some reason...)

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60% Normal
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Comments ( 16 )
  • Tisgranum

    Cute, a little crazy, but cute. Who needs drugs when you got Pikachu, lol

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  • Tinybird

    same I used to do this when I was younger and I'm also asperger's

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  • RoseIsabella

    Super cute! I used to always ask people what kind of dog they would like to be or are most like. I'd like to be a Collie but I'm probably more like a chubby Sheltie.

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  • Avant-Garde

    You should go into acting.

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  • AvidLearner

    How about getting obsessed with Jesus since He is the hero above all heroes and He died for your sins?

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    • RoseIsabella

      Jesus is the ultimate super hero!

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  • Poopgadget

    Senior who watches Pokemon? Geek.

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  • SanDEstevez

    I used to imagine my mom's head exploding so vividly that I would think it was real and get really pissed when I woke up in the morning and found out she wasn't alive and I didn't have super powers

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  • I've done that a lot - it's quite difficult to conceal sometimes. I had a drama play this year and I got the role of a bitch who manipulates her boyfriend - so even though I quite liked the character, I made sure I didn't let her personality mix with mine...but nonetheless people commented on our similarities.

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  • wannarocktheworld

    i always transform into a fuckin mafioso everytime i see an italian guy movie about gangsters and shit , with Robert de Niro or Al Pacino and others

    and when i see a Clint Eastwood flick, i become imitate Dirty Harry all the time. but i don't hide it, and that's healthy. so my friends have no problems if suddenly one week they see me talking gangster or cowboy style and acting all hard and rough like 'em

    i guess,some people are very easy influenced

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  • TheGraySheep

    I'm really glad that you posted this because I used to do something very similar. For a very long time I was obsessed with Nick and Aaron Carter because I "pretended" to be them. Their lives were "my" lives and it got to the point that I could't and didn't care how my life proceeded. I would literally spend hours "being" them so that I couldn't sleep, etc. unless I was acting out my own spin on their lives. I knew how weird it was but I couldn't stop. To this day I occasionally still need to do it but not to the extent I used to. When I act in these "games," as I've taken to calling them now, I pretend to be people actually in my lives and I'm mostly just acting out scenes in my own life, so much has improved. You said you're a senior in high school...that was me two years ago and I have just naturally grown out of this habit. Hopefully the same works for you if you feel this is inhibiting your living standards! Bonne chance!

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  • i have very active imagination 2

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  • GothBabe

    It normal you just have a very active imagination. I have a similar issue, just not as intense. When I watch a movie, read a book, or hang around ppl I pick up their speech patterns. With books and movies it only happens when I really get into them. For example: every time I watch Sweet Home Alabama I speak with a southern drawl for several hours. It isn't intentional eitheir.

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  • ilurvemyfriends

    Normal in my point of view. It kind of shows that you're not narrow-minded and like to think from a different point of view. You liking to imagine yourself as them is pretty normal,so don't worry. Others do that as well.

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  • AngAnders112

    you're going to be an actress when you grow up

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  • Oli

    That...Is creepy beyond belief.

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