Strictly the vegetarian i'm trying to be

I don't know whether it's quasi or wheat/meat-free but I'm stuck between a choice of two diets both of which I made up.

Quasi-vegetarian is simply a selection of my favourite meats (not red meat) and I don't consider them meat, meat's the flesh of a beast used as food, is a pig a beast?

Therefore I'm trying to wake up to realize that to eat like David Irving and his family of Nick Irving (a couple of friends of mine) I have to have burritos and sushi, those have chicken and white rice in them!

I have to eat Insanity Sauce, but let's be honest, my diet's different, I'm not eating the same foods as my beef-eating mother or my mutton-eating dad.

I'm also trying to wake up to realize I'm a quasi-vegetarian and eat dim sims and fish and sea shanties, and I don't want to sacrifice, I'm trying to realize I want to devote my whole life to it.

Another thing, what it's got to do with it is that no one who's Puritan avoids eating animals, they would eat chicken and fish and even turkey which I don't eat.

Our Bible doesn't say not to eat meat, as a matter of fact the Puritans don't make tents from baby seals, they're not reading the whole Old Testament, only the moral parts of it, as morality's the theme.

And one more thing, it's not vegetarian beliefs, my vegetarianism is actually a disbelief, it's the disbelief in Christian vegetarianism, yes that's a thing.

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Comments ( 18 )
  • LloydAsher

    Why even put in the word vegetarianism if you arent doing vegetarianism? Closest thing you are doing is being kosher rather than vegetarian.

    Nothing wrong with having eating restrictions. Just when you force it on other people because of a supposed moral superiority do you run into problems.

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    • normal-rebellious

      Kosher eh? Yeah, but I eat pork, so that makes up a vegetarian diet, just not a very good one.

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  • RoseIsabella

    Hi Hansberger. Yes, I would most certainly call a pig a beast, and a beastly beast at that, but pigs are not Kosher if that is an issue for you.

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    • normal-rebellious

      A pig's not a large animal though it's wild, so no it's not a beast, I have no problem that I'm eating pork, I never followed a Jewish religion in my life, not really, too much not fun for me, I'm used to the Jewish bullshit since similarly Puritans can't themselves celebrate Christmas but that's got nothing to do with kosher food.

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    i believe the insanity sauce is workin hans

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    • normal-rebellious

      Yes it's called that because it's so hot it's insane. I've been eating more extreme chilli sauces than a man with no chillies has eaten unseasoned food.

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      • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

        insanity sauce has no flavor its just capsicum extract

        now crystal louisiana sauce thats somethin i can douse a meal in

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        • normal-rebellious

          Insanity Sauce has lots of flavour, and it has body, it tastes like an exotic vinegary sauce of cane vinegar, the vinegar from sugar. I'm pretty sure you can have a meal with Insanity Sauce, which should go in soups, stews and sauces.

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  • Sanara

    I eat meat myself, but why make so many weird rules? How are pigs not animals? How are chicken, turkey or fish not animals? They all literally are. And ethically I don't see any big difference, except I have seen a graph where poultry actually pollute a bit less than mammal meat, and fish less than meat from land animals. Of course a vegan diet is best from that perspective, but not everyone thrives on it. They all feel fear and pain (including fish some studies have shown). If its for the animals sake, then choose whatever animal has the best living condition (more about what brand/farm they come from than what species). If its for health, I assume fish is the healthiest

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    • normal-rebellious

      I selected my words to make sure I know I'm eating animals and not beasts, that includes cows and sheep, scrawny small animals aren't beasts.

      I said I don't eat turkey but I eat pigs, chicken and fish, which aren't meat to me.

      When I come home making hot dinners, which is usually animal-free, I sometimes throw chicken in there.

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      • Sanara

        Chicken is still an animal. And why are you making a distinguish between animal and "beasts" (it literally means the same things). What is exactly the difference between animal and beast in your opinion? And why does that difference matter?

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        • normal-rebellious

          A beast is a large wild animal, OK. That's what I mean.

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          • Sanara

            So you don't eat game meat, but will eat anything (animal) from a farm?

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            • normal-rebellious

              Yeah maybe, why not? There's nothing like chicken with honey and mustard.

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