Strip club anger for men

I have worked as an exotic dancer. None of the girls were trashy. We were all pole artists and I never did anything degrading. We had a big, beautiful stage and were talented performers. We only pulled our underwear down towards the very end. Men are always demoralizing me and treating me like an object when I'm not, I'm a performer. Just because I removed my clothes doesn't make me any less human. Now, I hate men and blame them for the state of strip clubs as our dancers were self-respecting girls and yet still treated like sex toys. Is it normal for me to feel such a hatred for men and anger for being treated like a trashy, cliche stripper when I wasn't? I was talented and empowered.

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Comments ( 21 )
  • RoseIsabella

    You work in an industry that objectifies and degrades women, what do you expect? Strip joints attract the worst kinda pig headed, pathetic, horny, superficial, loser types of men who think they can buy whatever they want from whomever they want. Of course your going to grow to hate men after being surrounded by the biggest losers and jerks. I don't care how much money they have their still losers to me because it's about what a person is on the inside as far as I'm concerned.

    You can call yourself a "pole artist" all you want, but when it comes right down to it you are a stripper! Those dudes don't care about your pole or dance routine or how hard you work to stay in shape. They just want to see you naked body, your tits, ass, and yes, your hairless lady parts all spread for their ugly, bulging, hungry eyes and throbbing naughty bits. You think you're beautiful, but the sleazy world in which you make your money is rotting your soul and making you ugly on the inside.

    There's a reason you're feeling this hate. Get out of that shitty, underbelly world where you're losing yourself. You're worth more than their dirty money!

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    • Meh. I don't go to strip clubs nor plan to (spending money for nudity is just stupid to me, especially when you can have a finer selection online) but I don't agree with your view here on it.

      You don't know why these guys go to these clubs or why women go to a male version/night of it and maybe they just want to see something they see as sexually appealing. Strip clubs are basically opera houses but of sexual subject, it would be like saying people going to the theatre only go there to view people performing because they feel like they can buy whatever they want from whomever they want. A lot of arguements on it can be extended on to things like television and the most obvious; porn.

      You say that it matters about what's on the inside and I agree but these men and women are not looking for a relationship just like you aren't looking for a relationship with an actor/actress on a movie. You pay for movies which results in there being a market for actors and you are watching them to be entertained not to form a deep relationship with them as a person just like men and women at strip clubs.

      You are right in saying she isn't a "pole artist" and that she is a stripper but even then the two can be mutually inclusive. So you're both right on that but it does end with her merely being a stripper.

      I also think it's a bit judgemental to brand them ugly and balding for having an interest in it. Obviously there will be good looking men and average looking men there too.

      Obviously there are men as you describe but liking the body of the opposite sex or same sex isn't wrong, not if they are respecting the rules.

      Just my point of view on the subject. Lol.

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  • thegypsysailor

    Yeah, I'd say it's pretty damn normal. Over the years I've known quite a few exotic dancers, and I don't think I ever met one who worked in the industry for longer than about 6 months, who didn't dislike men, all men. Not that some didn't have boy friends or husbands, but that really didn't change their feelings, deep down inside.
    I don't it's even unreasonable or hold it against the girls, but I think it goes with the territory, so to speak.

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  • So, you're paid to make men sexually attracted and only seen for your sexual aspects and now are complaining when they treat you accordingly and not this "empowered" idea you had imagined?

    Also, hating groups of people because you put yourself in the environment where people only come to you for the reason you intentionally put yourself in? What the hell. Would that not also mean men have the right to view you in the exact same manner because they are male strippers?

    No offense but if that's your mentality then you're in the right line or work...

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    • janeyjane

      Being abusive isn't "being treated accordingly" just because you're sexually aroused doesn't mean you have to become an animal.

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      • How are they being "abusive"?

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        • janeyjane

          Verbally (you can imagine) and sexual assault.. How do you think?

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          • How do they verbally abuse you? How do they sexually assault you and how many sexually assaulters get taken out given that such people get taken out of such clubs.

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  • Why do you work there if you don't like the customers.

    You are preforming a service that attracts perverted and sexually frustrated men. It's no surprise who your target audience is.

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  • GiveMeAFuckingNameAlready!

    Your a stripper not a ballerina.

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  • cupcake_wants

    My best friend was a stripper. I saw the behind the scenes part that the guys don't normally see. I'm not judgmental about it. I just think that the hours you spend working in that environment isn't a good influence on who you are on the inside. As she put it, "It turns you into a money grubbing bitch". Those aren't my words, it just doesn't seem like a positive place to be, especially to earn a living so many hours out of your life every week. Regardless of how much money you make. Easy come and easy go and THEN what do you have?

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  • Nokiot9

    You can't judge an entire sex on the actions of some strip club rats. The majority of guys who go to places like that, especially more often than the odd bachelor party, have mad problems. Mama issues and problems respecting women. You can look at it as you at a performer, but the people who go to strip clubs DONT. They're looking to get smashed and cop a feel during a private dance. You also have to understand that the whole vibe of what you do oozes sexual energy. The two titans that make resolve crumble; pussy, and alcohol. That's like a rock star gettin pissed that chicks are throwing their panties at him. It's called an "occupational hazard" if u don't like it, get a new job. Lol

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  • Demonpasta666

    You sound like a nice person and I don't mean to offend you, but as a female I could never imagine exploiting my body that way, and still expect everyone to treat me with the same dignity and respect as they treat everyone else with.

    You're a stripper, you take your clothes off for men, for money. Nomatter how classy you try make it sound, that is exactly what it is. I'm not saying you're a bad person, but come on. You cannot be a stripper and then play the "men don't respect me" card.

    You make yourself a sexual object for men by taking your clothes off for them like that, and that's why they see you as an object. Doesn't make you a bad person, just a naïve one.

    Honey, get yourself out of that industry and into something respectful. You won't regret it. I'm honestly not sure why prostitution is illegal, yet stripping and porn is legal, because its the same thing. Selling your body for money is wrong, and it shouldn't be legal, let alone socially or morally acceptable.

    I'm sorry if I offended you, but you came to this site asking for opinions, and now you have mine.

    I hope you take into consideration what a toll this profession might take on you later on in life. Quit, get a respectful job, find yourself a decent man who will not see you as an object, make a life for yourself and be happy.

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    • dmcginnis

      rice crispies are amazing with sugar. have no sugar though such bs.

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  • disthing

    "Now, I hate men..."

    Fuck off with that misandry.

    It's not normal to hate 49% of the world's population based on what's between their legs.

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  • KekReptilian

    A "pole artist"? And I'm Trilby the Flying Hamster.

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  • wistfulmaiden

    You sound like a troll.
    If youre for real then you have a strange idea of "empowered"! If you want to be artistic why cant you dance with clothes on? Men go to strip clubs because they are pathetic jerks who want to get off, not to appreciate art. Go to a real dance academy and maybe you will be appreciated rather than treated like crap.

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  • dude_Jones

    Your lustful shame is riveting. You're a bad bad girl. Better get a new job.

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  • Caps90

    When you take your clothes off for a man who has no personal relationship with you, (husband, boyfriend, fiance), he is going to look at you as an object. If you didn't want to be looked upon as an object then why are you a strip dancer. In my book anyone who takes their clothes off like that is someone that has no respect for themselves. If you don't have respect for yourself then how can others have respect for you?

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  • poon__jabber

    you have a make a choice.. one or the other.

    1. easy money

    2. self esteem/self respect

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  • darkearth

    You work in an industry that objectified and sexualizes all "performers". Men and women go for the erotic atmosphere of you girls dancing. It's not empowered, you are being used to make a profit and that's what the industry is. What do you expect?

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