Tai chi retreat

I have always dreamed about living in the mountains, where i can read my favorite books, write my first novel and practice my tai chi. Unfortunately, at the moment i have to live in the big city for several reasons. But my dream wouldn't go away. Now, here is the catch. I have a house, livable(water, electricity,phone) but still under construction, in the mountains hour drive from the seacoast. So, the big idea is to do a large amount of networking, connect with tai chi and holistic practitioners, and create sort of a camp, where you could bring your group, stay for free, but pay electricity bills and do a bit of work around the house. Short cutting large investment in the house and bringing teachers and getting yourself on the map and one day move in to run a New age tai chi retreat is the main idea. So i am in dire need on feedback on this one, girls and boys. Is it normal, is it doable, any ideas, or maybe i am just daydreaming. Thanks in advance, peace.

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74% Normal
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Comments ( 3 )
  • DannyKanes

    You should do it :-) It would be insanely popular, what Tai Chi do you do?

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  • howaminotmyself

    I think this is a fabulous idea, do it.

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  • rocket

    Can I come?

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