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How many muslim countries do you think will offer to take in these christian refugees? Remember when the shoes on the other foot us christians take them in I'm curious how they will handle it.

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Comments ( 8 )
  • Yaidin

    Why would a refugee go from one war-torn area to the other?

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    • Many muslim countries are not war torn. Saudi Arabia and Quatar arent war torn for example. They're beautiful rich countries.

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      • LloydAsher

        I would say Qatar is just all around dangerous to live in.

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        • You are confusing it with another country. A few years ago it was rated the number 1 safest country in the world. Its a very rich country. Its tiny and they have a ton of oil.

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  • Merit2014

    Western countries take Muslims in for their (the countries') own interests and for political reasons, not because they (those countries) are kind. It's to influence them with the western culture which is the new way to spread western civilization (the old way was invasion). Also cause they benefit the country they live in.

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    • Id argue theyre a net loss. Alot of them end up on welfare and drain the system. I dont know how it would spread western values if the muslimes stayed in the western country.

      How many muslim countries do you think will take them in?

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  • jethro

    Muslim countries don't even help out other muslim countries in trouble. Why would they help out a christian country.

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  • ThatOneGuyYouNeverWantToMeet

    None, maybe one at the most.

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