Tarot cards and death

so i was playing with tarot cards a year or two ago and they said i would die at this age they said i would be shot in the head and i have been terrified my birthday is in july i hardly ever leave the house i want friends but i cant leave my house because im scared plus i have bad anxiety if you was in my situation would you do this and consider it normal?

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28% Normal
Based on 40 votes (11 yes)
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Comments ( 9 )
  • Cuntsiclestick

    Tarot cards are a bunch of crap. You're not going to die.

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  • It sounds like you are not at all knowledgeable about how to use tarot cards in the way that they are intended to be used.
    I say this because tarot cards aren't designed to be able to "tell you", or give you any sort of direct and specifically detailed information.
    So, I think that you have scared yourself, and worried yourself based on ignorance on how tarot cards work; what function they serve.
    There are plenty of sites on the internet and books at the library that could help you to learn more about tarot cards.

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  • Pika-girl

    They're just for entertainment use, don't believe it.

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  • thegypsysailor

    He is indeed going to die. We all are. But nothing, from Tarot cards to tea leaves in a cup, can foretell the future.
    Put simply, if Tarot cards OR ANYTHING else could foretell the future don't you think a whole lot of people would be taking advantage of it to get rich from the lotto, meet the girl/guy of their dreams or even avoid a car crash?
    Don't be so gullible. Get out of the house and get a life.

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  • Exoticgirl

    I come from land where we use Tarot cards for all things of life and I can tell you what means. On this age you are experience "death" but not die. You know? Somethings of your life is die but not you. Maybe it's jop, car, dream, frendship and so on and after death you are new and create new things. Its good thing and bad thing.

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  • hiddenhands

    Are you trolling? Because I used to use tarot cards and none of them predicts death.

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  • RoseIsabella

    Malarkey! What a steaming pile of horseshit. I call shenanigans on your post!

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  • Why do people let paper control them? Money, religious texts, bills, tarot cards, etc.
    The whole fucking world runs off paper like people are afarid of it.
    The worst it can do is give you a paper cut.

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    • disthing

      Not the worst...

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