Tboning a pedestrian is always the driver's fault, isn't it?

I recently got T Bones by a car as a pedestrian. I was on the side walk and I was on a skateboard. They were coming out of the parking lot but had not even reached the line for the side walk yet so I thought they were going to stop. They didnt seem to agree and even when I was in front of the car still kept driving and through my board into traffic and knocking me into the middle of the street. They got out and asked if I was okay but said something like "Why were you going the wrong way"? Which doesnt make sense as I was literally on the side walk and there is one side walk and no other way to get to a light so everyone is coming or going from the light. Since the other direction just leads to the highway. There is also apartments not even a block from that light. Wouldnt I count as on coming traffic? I had minimal injury cause they clipped my board and I ended up getting tossed.

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Comments ( 13 )
  • ospry

    You weren't at fault here because the driver was acting like an oblivious idiot. You should be more careful as a skateboarder though. NEVER assume you have enough time to pass in front of a vehicle or that people will drive safely, because this is exactly the kind of thing that happens

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  • Tommythecaty

    Cars do not belong on the sidewalk traditionally 🤣

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    • They had to pass cross the side walk. They were exiting the parking lot. That's just how it goes. That is why you wait behind the line. I mean unless that is not a thing where you are from. It's common in the US.

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      • Tommythecaty

        *on that part of the sidewalk

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        • Yes, they were not driving on the side walk. They were exiting the parking lot, crossing over the side walk to enter the turning lane and decided to hit a pedestrian since they didnt feel like checking both ways.

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          • Tommythecaty

            Well it’s the car drivers fault then.

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    jackasses always have some kinda excuse and always try to put you on the defensive

    i had someone back into my car in a parkin lot from a space as i was drivin by years ago and they accused me of speedin and said thats why it happened

    and im like bitch you backed into me wtf

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    • How do you speed in a parking lot?

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      • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

        i cant say i havent blasted around some (empty) parkin lots but that day i was in drive and idlin my car along

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  • AsterBean

    Which direction were you travelling? With the flow of traffic, or against? Not that it matters much, the car should look for pedestrians. Except you weren't a pedestrian. You were on wheels. I'm glad you weren't hurt, but never expect cars to be vigilant.

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    • I was on the side walk. I was still a pedestrian. I already said there is a light everyone has to go to at the edge of the side walk. It's a four way but that is the only light and the apartment and church are next to the light. You literally can not go the other way as it just goes onto the highway. Bikes, scooters, pedestrians and skateboarders all have to go this direction. There is literally no other way to get to the light. Unless you are suggesting they just go on the highway and go all the way around which A.takes longer and B.is extremely dangerous for none cars. The bike lane is going towards the highway but ends towards the entrance of the highway. So the lane is meant to drop people off at the church and apartment. So there is physically no other way to go. You have to take that side walk if you want to cross the street, go into town or go towards any of the store. So saying anyone on the side walk be they riding a scooter, skateboard or bike had literally any other option is untrue. So the flow of traffic is "Get on the highway or do you want to go towards the store and downtown". I had to go towards the stores.

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      • AsterBean

        I still can't visualize what you are talking about.

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        • You saying you never seen a parking lot with an exit that goes to the main road. They have these are literally every DMV though.

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