Technology is destroying jobs

I feel technology is eliminating a large number of jobs heres a list. Cashier-self checkout. Call center worker-automated computer program options. Bank tellers-online banking,direct deposit. Retail-online shopping. Blockbuster employees-redbox. Cable install men-netflix. Home phone install men-cell phones. numerous factory jobs-industrial robots. Mail men-email,mostly every account you have being able to be ran entirely online. Record sales, dvd sales, anything that used to be sold in a hard copy -itunes. Movie theater employees-easily downloaded movies. Strippers-avilability of internet porn. XXX, pornhub, and a hundred other sites with over a hundred thousand videos. book stores-kindle. any employee who helped to produce compact discs-mp3s. Lots of jobs in entertainment-hurt by pirating which is a result of technological advances.when driving is automated-cab drivers limo drivers, semi drivers obviously any position where your main function is to drive a vehicle.
The thing is I see it getting much worse right now computer programs are not complex enough to run these automated systems completely on their own,at least not all of them, but I think it is very likely that computers will be able to do this much more effeciently than any human. Forget it if true A.I. is created or emerges in our lifetime. Then within 20 years of that the human worker will be completely obsolete. Right now the only thing we have over computer programs or robots is our abstract intelligence and our ability to solve novel problems. I dont know much about computer science but it seems to me that computers are far better at doing even the most complex task as long as their are set paremeters to the task. It could be argued that the arts will always be dominated by humans but I don't agree I see no reason why an intelligent A.I. couldn't create great, paintings, music, t.v. shows movies, architecture. Am I missing something fundamental here or what do you think. Im not into technology really never even viewed the category on here if that gives you an idea so I might be really missing something enlighten me if you are more knowledgeable.

New technologies create more jobs then they destroy 4
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Comments ( 4 )
  • TerryVie

    Well, eventually, capitalism WILL fail. It's already on the verge from time to time. Problem being few people/Megacorps hoarding most of the "value" that exists with most people being just wage slaves.
    Technically, it's not really differentfrom oligarchy or old aristocraty.
    Especially under the consideration that democracy is also increasingly illusionary(hi ACTA). There's whole political dynasties that seem to occupy and vie for positions of control...not unlike feudal families in the middle ages.

    That being said, i think the best solution would be a computer-controlled communism. An automated wellfare-state, if you so want. As long as the factor "human" is eliminated, the idea is pretty good.
    So ya, Eudemonia for all.

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  • Frosties

    Since the beginning of civilisation, technology has supplanted the need for humans to do things manually. It frees us up to do the things that technology cannot yet handle. It's how we advance ourselves.

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  • Dulse.

    I Pretty much agree with what you're saying, but it isn't always a bad thing.

    I think that with all these technologies, we could eliminate some of the more menial and tedious tasks from our lives, giving us more time to enjoy ourselves.

    We have such a knack for being creative and finding efficient solutions to problems, why do so many still slave away doing jobs we could have robots do?

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  • Satchmo

    That's a good point but never before in history have we had technology that could perform tasks so autonomously and it seems that the autonomy of these technologies is growing exponentially so what happens when everything can be done better by programs or robots. We will still need money to buy things but won't have the income to do it

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