Tell me how your feeling :)
heh guys its me Sick_In_The_Head, click on whichever feeling you have right now "let the test begin" :)
your sad | 20 | |
your wanting to kill yourself | 11 | |
your horny or wet down there | 19 | |
your sleepy | 24 | |
your happy | 19 |
Ask Your Question today
heh guys its me Sick_In_The_Head, click on whichever feeling you have right now "let the test begin" :)
your sad | 20 | |
your wanting to kill yourself | 11 | |
your horny or wet down there | 19 | |
your sleepy | 24 | |
your happy | 19 |
I'm fine until I get on IIN. Then I just wanna go around blowing shit up.
I'm a little worried. My boyfriend picked up my junk food habits. Since he's a couch potato, he gained 20 pounds as a result of it while I stayed the same weight since I exercise. I didn't even notice until he said something. lol. I have zero issues with how he looks, but it bothers him that he gained it. He does not blame me, but I still feel kind of bad about it. I'm going to try to eat less junk around him.
The Troll potential in this one is strong...
You've got the happy at the top and incels at the bottom, must exercise restraint Daniel Son... *chop sticks a fly*
I feel sleepy. Yourself?
Drake, use Hyper Beam.
Happier than I've ever been and sadder than I've ever the same time...
Oh thank god. You came back! I even made an angry rant post in your honor last week about how disgusted I am at the IIN community for driving you away. Sadly, it was removed. I'm not really allowed to post anything on here for some reason. I guess Udi doesn't like me all that much.
By the way, I feel exactly the same as you do. You're articulate as always Ms Douche. You're the coolest.
Haha. No, I didn't quit the site in a fit of rage. I'm just returning from a vacation that makes real life look like a steaming pile of goose poop.
I see that your posts are still getting deleted, and the site is still made up of you, me and 69527 gypsy sailors. Not much has changed, but thank you for the warm welcome.
You can come visit me too if you want. I don't want Mel there though. Or this derpy fellow. I don't want it to be a sausage fest. We'll go get brie and baguettes at the local health food store and drink yerba mate like a couple of douches.
Yessss! We can subtly look down on racists whilst we sip chia tea in our spandex bike clothing sewn by Taiwanese children, and eat gluten free muffins. Did you know that gluten free muffins exist? I recently discovered this. How do bread products exist in the absence of gluten? Let us ponder this along with ayn rand. *has a white people orgasm*
If you have posting you could to the last message in my profile and reply with a copy of your OP I'll Erect it, it'll immediately go up. I don't see a problem with that.
One of the best posts I made was the second one I ever did. It only took a couple of days for it to get taken down. For fucks sake, I'm just trying to write entertaining stuff that people will find interesting. Why do the fucking alarm bells have to go off? There's only been 2 posts that I can remember that were genuinely reprehensible and horrific, but the rest have not been bad at all.
If your not an OldFag and reveal yourself in your op isn't a good idea... There's FAGGOTS on here that dispise me so much I've displayed perfectly legit OPs in my profile having "most popular today" status just to rub it in their dumb fuckin face and they can then take it down (oh god don't want my friends to see this), but they can't leave with the thought that I don't infact contribute to this site, they are the one that's in the wrong...
That's just an example of how faggot ass little crybabies on this site cry, i find it utterly entertaining...
I've noticed the best time to Erect an OP is around 2 to 4a.m. central time when the site is least active to minimize the potential of it getting taken down.
So glad to see that you are back and that both you and derpy had a great time together. :) Your profile pic is awesome and you both look SO happy. Good luck for your future, like I told you before you both deserve the greatest happiness together.
Welcome back!
Thank you, Mel <3. You're awesome. I'm sure you know exactly how I feel.
I know. The goodbye was just...fucking hard, but hopefully we'll be together soon.
If it's any consolation, you guys making it work was a huge part of us making it work. He had to argue his way into making me go along with things, and the fact that you guys made it happen was a huge selling point. So thank you. I met the love of my life partly because of you.
I'm sure you know exactly how I feel. The goodbyes break your heart. The waiting is hell. The distance is ass, but it's so worth it, and all of the struggles make you appreciate every moment together. I've never felt so loved and so happy. If you guys weren't together, I doubt we would be.
Same as always. Full of hatred, anger and disappointment. My demise won't come soon enough.
I voted sad but actually i feel very nervous because i'm going to have a surgery to remove a fibroid from my uterus.
I feel lazy for not wanting to go to the gym and bad that I smoke instead of eat to much. So none of the click answers are for me for me its more like feeling worthless or unworthy of love. I guess it sounds like sad from the list but its pretty much just another day of being me.
im hoping tv goes back to relative normal (steven universe and surreal crack fantasy charicatures hopefully die out)
Uncertain...too much going on. Like, nothing much happens for the longest time then all kinds of shit's going down. Too many loose ends right now.
Thanks for asking. I'm feeling quite happy actually because it's finally snowing and I love the snow.
Not to be a grammar nazi or anything, but you might want to change "your" to *you're.
im actually happy and by the way shovelling snow is fine for clearing a path for cars but shoveling walk ways and side walks is fucking stupid
I'm quite sore after many many hours of shoveling snow the last couple days.
Yes this, I dug out two of our own cars and three more of my neighbors
And you didn't need to shovel that much, you could've just hooked the dogs up to the sled and goine to work
Ugh, I started Friday night because my driveway is quite long and I wanted to stay on top of it rather than wait til it was over. So I shoveled out my driveway and my truck 4 times then yesterday went to help some of my elderly lady friends. I have one more sidewalk to do for someone else today and I'm not looking forward to it. My ribs hurt when I laugh, my armpit area is sore as hell. Even my hands and wrists are sore.
My doggies had so much fun romping in the snow. Silly gooses they are. I think I will start working on a dog plow though. That'd be super.
I parked my car up at the top of the driveway and still managed to have to shovel for 2 hours to get out today (first time in a week). I live in rural hell. The mailman hasn't even come since last tuesday. No garbageman yet either. Madness!
We got 22 inches. I haven't started yet because I might get a heart attack.
I feel like a vegetable. I have been playing Tera (MMORPG) nearly nonstop for the past few days. I just got my ass beat hardcore trying to solo in a dungeon but I have, at least, gained massive amounts of coin doing so.