Tendency to capitalize nouns.

In the English language, proper nouns and words at the beginning of sentences are capitalized, although there are other occasions where capitalization is a good idea. However, it is not as such in all languages.

Ever since I learned German, I occasionally have this tendency to capitalize nouns, because the German language capitalizes nouns. I have to go back and erase the erroneously capitalized letter and rewrite it.

Do you ever have this issue, and are you multilingual? The reason I ask the latter is because I believe there may be a connection.

Ever since I learned a lanugage that does this, this happens to me. 3
This happens to me, and I am not multilingual. 7
I do not have this issue, and I am multilingual. 8
I do not have this issue, and I am not multilingual. 18
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Comments ( 4 )
  • lc1988

    Ha when I saw the title I was thinking, "the op must be learning German." I think it's normal. I've taken a lot of German and had the tendency to do this while actively learning the language. Not so much anymore.

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  • Waffle-Don't-Die

    Why would you learn German it's a disgusting language made by disgusting racist beasts called nazis they killed millions of ppl because of their race but somehow everyone forgot about it

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    • joybird

      The Nazis did not invent the German language and they killed millions of ordinary German people too, who just happened to have a disability, or of Jewish descent - or for any reason they decided they were undesireable

      I love Poland and hate the Nazis more than most people but it's not logical to hate the German language or all the German people.

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    • TK-421

      Troll's trollin

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