Tents vs rvs(motor homes)

What is better: Tents or RVs? Please comment and say why.

Tents 14
RV's 20
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Comments ( 12 )
  • sleepingbeauty

    Tent every time. I like the sense of being outdoors away from the everyday things. Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't do it without my inflatable mattress! But making do otherwise is such a change to my normally busy lifestyle. I really am forced to relax when camping in a tent.

    If I want something more luxurious then I go for a hotel.

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    • Exactly. Yay now I don't have to write that!

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  • pixie_dust

    if I had a choice it would be RV, I don't particularly care to rough it. I like to sleep comfy.

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  • lilylily

    I'm glad tents are winning the poll! :)

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  • FocoUS

    Depends on how long you stay and where you are.

    I'd be fine in a tent if it was only 5 days. Tents also have the best grounds. But I've RVed before and I've used the RV in winters. Tents can't touch winter. So in the end... RV

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  • SpLaTTeReDcRaNiUm

    my fiancee has her late fathers civil war "A"frame tent. I wanna get it out and sleep in it before the summer is over with. maybe get some old school civil war outfit and just live it up one weekend.

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  • Narutofan

    Rvs are more weather proof and have some conviences, but on the other hand tents are more versatile. If I could choose I would pick RVs usually.

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  • driving a van around like a giant snail is not what i call a holiday, i've roughed it in tents and slept under the stars on open ground. a hotel room is more relaxing and there's no bugs

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  • An RV or caravan is still like a house; a miniature house on wheels. Where as, with a tent, you only have a thin piece of fabric between you and The Woods.

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  • dappled

    Brought up with caravans but I always slept in the awning, so I think tents are more my thing. If you're going to be in nature, you might as well make the effort to actually be in it.

    And split an infinitive, while you're at it.

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  • howaminotmyself

    Tents! The best camping spots are always where motorhomes can't go.

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  • thoughtso

    Lol, I forget u American's and ya "RV's"...here in rainy old England we have annoying contraptions called caravans. Shit, small and creep down the slow lane of the moterway at 50mph...jeess I hate caravaners!!!

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