Term sex trafficking is overused

I believe the term "human trafficking" is being overused just like the word racism. And I think it diminishes the horrors of human trafficking. To clarify human trafficking should mean the victim does not have any choice. That person is being forced against their will. Its not human trafficking when the victim is willingly participating and making money and having freedom. Thats not trafficking.

Ive heard this term used to describe porn actresses that are making hundreds of thousands a year and since they have a manager its sometimes considered they are being trafficked. Its also used in regards to prostitutes that are making the choice and have the freedom of leaving. Its taking responsibility away from who are responsible.

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Comments ( 5 )
  • litelander8

    Is this a joke? Mainstream media rarely acknowledges human trafficking and it should be the main thing being discussed.

    I’m so over this world. 🙄

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    • Yes it should be discussed but not downplayed by calling a pornstar or a hooker a victim of trafficking

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    carry a half ouncea weed across state lines and itll be prosecuted as traffickin

    see the parallel?

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    • Or you get caught sucking dick for money and then claim you are a victim of trafficking because your pimp gets 20%. Then he becomes the human trafficker and you get to go to court and throw a big pity party and get treated like a victim. Then get out and repeat the process. Ive seen situations like this and thats not really trafficking.

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  • BleedingPain

    I rarely hear it in the news anymore cause terms like cancel culture and BLM are taking up all the extra airspace when they arent reporting *death and shootings nonstop*

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