That christmas music annoys the crap out of me
Usually I start listening to Christmas music the month before Christmas but when it hits the week before Christmas the music drives me up the wall and I try not to listen to if possible.
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Usually I start listening to Christmas music the month before Christmas but when it hits the week before Christmas the music drives me up the wall and I try not to listen to if possible.
Same here. The only Christmas music that doesn't annoy me is Trans Siberian Orchestra.
It's all pretty awful, but what is even worse is when niggers try to sing Christmas carols and sound like a fucking cat in heat!
I don't mind Michael Buble's Christmas album but anything else shits me to tears.
I hate it too!! Omg and on most radio stations they are playing it too, tv commercials, i wil change the station sometimes! They shouldnt assume everybody relishes it. At a restaurant they had it blaring and my bf wouldnt let me ask if they would turn it down.. it was seriously like nails on chalkboard!
Well, maybe don't start listening to it so early. Instead maybe just as soon as you put the decorations up.