That hours after i poo i need to wipe again?
I often find that after I go number two (poop) I need to wipe again an hour or so later because there is some residue back there that wasn't there when I wiped the first time.
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I often find that after I go number two (poop) I need to wipe again an hour or so later because there is some residue back there that wasn't there when I wiped the first time.
I think I have a solution.
I've had this problem since I was a little kid, and I just recently figured out what it was. I always had to return a couple hours later to wipe a second time, no matter how well I did the first time.
What worked for me (and I'm still testing this out) is to NOT try to squeeze every last bit of poop out. (This may sound graphic, so hold your mouths shut) The thing you should try is to squeeze out the poop until it plops violently into the toilet. Then STOP. Don't try to squeeze out anymore. If you attempt to get every last bit of poo out, you will end up leaving a small bit just on the inside of your anus, which will inevitably leak out. Holding back the rest of the crap will feel odd at first, but the feeling will go away in a few minutes and you will feel much better than if you had tried to squeeze everything out.
This may not be the same for all people, but it seemed to work for me, so test it out and report your findings.
This mainly depends on the consistency of the fecal matter. If you have fecal matter that is more processed and hard, the body will have an easier time removing all of it when going to the bathroom. If you are one that has the "Peanut Butter" poopies then your body may not be able to get rid of all of it in one sitting. You will find that if you fart a few times or move around a lot, some residual fecal matter will eventually find it's way out the cavity. And to go against what XxBarbie wants, you know when you get an itching/irratating sensation. And yes, I do have this problem also. It's not uncommon, but changing up your diet to include more vegatables (fiber) and some dairy products such as yogurt and cheese will help harden your fecal matter and stop this problem.
Wet wipes don't work, taking a shower won't work. You can't clean what isn't there yet. Another thing that might help is waiting to when you know full well that you have to go and/or staying long enough to make sure you are done.
thank god i thought i was the only one. lol
and ty too the top 2 comments, very informative
This only started happening to me when I started drinking coffee and only happens on days where I drink coffee, I think it has more to do with diet
Thank you all....I was so embarrased just thinking about how to discuss this subject with my doc. Each of you gave great advise. I have tried the wipes with my finger method with some success, but not with full proof results. I think eating more fiber and veggies is the answer.
I have the same problem. I think it probabaly is gas that leaves residue like somebody else posted. But you're not alone
Hi folks, I suffered with this for years and years. I would go to the bathroom and literally had to go back and re-wipe and clean myself again an hour later. I tried everything, saw my doctor, changed my diet, nothing worked. My gastro told me it was something I will have to live with. I have heartburn and stomach problems since around 1995. Since then I had been on acid reducers, etc every day. I was at my sons college graduation and had terrible pain in my chest area and thought the worst. I went to the ER and was told my stomach lining was absolutely torn up. The doctors put me on 20mg of Nexium and told me to take it twice daily. I did and 3 days after I started taking it, my condition down under cleared up. It's been a month since I have had to re-clean myself after a BM. It cannot be a coincidence. Nexium is a Proton Pump Inhibitor and I think this is the key. I think the pump is pumping too much and that is what is causing the seepage from the back side. I have checked online and could not find anything else on this but wanted to share my experience. If you are having this issue please try Nexium, 20 mg twice a day and see if it helps. My Nexium is prescription but I understand they sell it over the counter. If you try this and it works please post here!
I had this problem for a few years. Then this past June it became significantly worse. No, terrible.
I raised the problem with my doctor, but she had no solution. I then discussed it with my gastroenterologist during a pre-colonoscopy prep. Two notes:
1. In my case the most likely cause is a high-fat diet.
2. THE SOLUTION: REGULOID. Results was obvious the next day and have continued for 6 months.
I was doubtful when the doctor raised this. Reguloid is described as a bulk-forming fiber laxative used to treat constipation, with a dose containing 3.4 grams of Psyllium Husk. Medical websites say that Reguloid "increases the bulk in your stool, an effect that helps to cause movement of the intestines . . . and also works by increasing the amount of water in the stool, making the stool softer and easier to pass."
I never was constipated. And my diet contained plenty of fiber (20 to 35 grams per day) from fruit, beans and whole wheat breads. I haven't changed my diet in any other way. Still high-fat, plenty of fruit. BUT THE PROBLEM HAS BEEN ELIMINATED.
I use to have this all the time. I had it since i was about 10 years old, im 22 now. Doctor said nothing was wrong. He was right, I was just wiping incorrectly i would stand up straight and than bend over and wipe. That would cause some poop to go back in, to later come back out. If you have this problem only after pooping. Try the following, Try 1.wiping sitting down or stand without standing straight, 2.Use baby wipe, 3.Wipe gently on the first wipe, 4.Don't sit on the toilet for longer than 10min, 5.Dont push too hard, 6.Stop eating greasy foods and try eating more vegetables and fruits. If the following doesn't help try doing something different than your normal routine. Hope this helps someone,Good luck.
I’ve had this for years, and I finally figured out it was mostly triggered by spicy food. I’ve started drinking kefir milk (which I make myself from the grains) and take fennel seeds daily which has helped a lot!
Give it a try... hope this helps! :)
I have the same issue. It started happening around the age of 12 or 13, much to my dismay and confusion. My hyper-self-conscious teenage self felt that everyone around me could smell me. I am now thinking that obviously isn't true, having since had children and now knowing how much poo it takes to be noticeable. Anyways, I eventually talked to my doctor and got referred to a proctologist, who didn't help me one bit. Scoped me, said I was normal, all he could do. Said maybe try eating more fiber (didn't work for me).
So I spent my teenage years fighting panic whenever I was around others, not knowing if I was still clean, and my brain really ran with this (perhaps inclined to paranoia), making me worry even when I was fine. Fast forward too many years, and I finally took another chance with the medical system. This time a doctor (or might have been nurse) more or less said I was physically fine, but indicated that this "incomplete evacuation" is something that some (normally older) people can have. This person changed my life. They told me to try one of those small re-usable enemas, around 1.5 oz (not one of those huge things), just to get the last bit out. And it worked like a charm. No more leaking after the bathroom. Just fill it with water, use once after pooping, and this gets out any residual that is left behind. Then wipe as normal, and I'm good to go until next time I poo, and repeat.
Obviously I would prefer if I didn't have to do this, but is MUCH better than how I felt before. Mine is blue, and (again) is only 1.5 oz. I can just get them at the drug store, but I'm sure you could find them online.
Power to everybody who can correct this issue with diet alone, but that was not the case for me.
I just wanted to put this out there in case it helps a scared young person like I was (or anyone else for that matter).
I found a practical solution.
It's a soft absorbant pad you insert between your buttocks.
Found it on Amazon:
Really works GREAT for my small anal leakage! so glad to be able to do things afain without worrying about a mess in my shorts...
I deal with the same thing. I've also asked my doctors about it and they said it's a diet thing and to eat more fiber. I don't eat many vegetables and fiber supplements do help harden my poop, but they cause a different problem for me - bloating and uncomfortable flatulence.
On my own, I discovered I became lactose intolerant. When I eat or drink dairy products such as regular milk, sour cream, or milk/cream-based sauces and/or dips, I get really soft stools (in addition to severe cramping/gas/bloating). And when my stools are soft, I know I have to re-wipe anywhere from 15 minutes to 2 hours later. When I eat dairy, I now have to take 2 or 3 Lactase pills (I use the Costco kind) along with my first bite or drink of dairy, and that solves my problem. I'm also beginning to experiment with probiotics.
Interestingly, in a visit to a proctologist several years ago due to a hemorrhoid, I asked him about this. He said, " It sounds like you're not getting everything out." (No shit, Sherlock! - pardon the pun). He also said to never, ever, use soap on your anus, as it dries up the anal tissue, and causes the anal tissue to act like a candle wick thereby "pulling" and fecal matter that might be in the rectum or colon out automatically. I thought that made sense, so I now only rinse that area (thoroughly) when showering.
That showering approach, coupled with no dairy (or at least with Lactase supplements) fixed my issue.
You might want to take a look with a mirror and make sure you don't have damage to your anus causing leakage.
Having a similar problem I went to see my doctor. I told her what was going on and she asked me several questions... The main ones were, "Do you find your poop to be pasty at times? & After you flush do you sometimes leave poop marks that need to be cleaned with a toilet brush?" I answered yes to both and she said you are eating to much grease in your diet! Just like the toilet marks you are leaving behind poop in your anus cause it's soo thick and greasy. You wipe and think you're clean but the residual poop starts to slide out while you're walking around and doing activities throughout your day, again due to the thickness & grease not allowing it to come out when you used the restroom.
Drink 6 to 8 glasses of water a day & Stop eating greasy fast food and junk for 2 weeks. That was it! No more problems!! It's what you eat that's the origin of this issue. Now if ur just gonna keep eating crap then go with the Probiotic and that should help...
Ive done research and it can lead to anal prolapse because its also a sighn of weak anal muscles.....
For me it was never the ability or lack of ability to get clean with toilet paper. It was that an hour or so later I would have to go back and more would be there. I'm telling you the Tri-Plex from Plexus had made a huge difference!
I ACCIDENTALLY FOUND AN ANSWER THAT WORKS!!! At least it does for me. I’ve dealt with this same issue for about 3 years, and irritable bowel syndrome with diarrhea for the past 30 or so (I’m 45, male) I’ve checked this page and many others looking for help and even asked my doctor (fun conversation!) and didn’t find anything that worked. As a teacher at a Christian school and a pastor, it isn’t always easy to get to the bathroom the first time, let alone 30 minutes later. By the time I could get back I was often raw to the point of bleeding. (Sorry for being gross!)
Quick backstory: My wife, also a Christian school teacher, was looking for a way to earn a little extra money as we will have two in college next year, but as a ministry family she did not want to do anything she didn’t really believe in. She tried Avon and later children’s books, but setting up “parties” was always a pain in the neck. One of the parents of her students was working for a company called Plexus. The company sells all natural, plant based supplements that they originally created to help diabetics with digestive health. It’s a combination of cleansing supplements to get rid of the bad stuff in your gut (like the yeast overgrowth most americans have because of our sugary diets), probiotics to put back the good stuff our guts need, and some metabolism boosters. What they found was that as gut health improved people were losing weight and inches due to their guts working properly again, which lead to other benefits like better sleep, more energy, better skin and hair, etc. My wife decided to try it first on our family, and if it worked well and could help people she might try and sell it. I am her main guinea pig as I have the most weight to lose. At about 3 weeks in I have lost a few pounds and my clothes fit a little better but they say it usually take a month or two to get everything back in balance before the weight starts coming off so I am being patient with that.
What I have noticed already is that in the last three weeks I’ve only had diarrhea a couple of times as opposed to nearly every day, and I’ve only had to re-wipe twice in 3 weeks as opposed to after nearly every bowel movement, and those two times were significantly less messy than what they had been! My wife has signed on to sell Plexus now. Her website is . You should check with your doctor before taking any supplements, especially if you are on any medications. The stuff is not cheap, but there is a 60 day full money back guarantee if it doesn’t work for you. Search Plexus on Youtube if you want to see if this is the real deal or not. We may or may not make much money on this, but hopefully this will help some of you like it has me.
Had this problem and cured so far. I hope this helps someone. I tried increasing my fiber. I was taking fiber pills and eating tons of fiber. It did not help. I had this condition off and for years. I also ate Greek yogurt too.
Finally I one day I got the stomach flu. I had diarrhea for a few days. I went to the doctor and got cipro. He told me to take probiotics as well. My wife got some expensive probiotics called "ultimate Flora".
The problem stopped. I think it was Ultimate Flora probiotics that cured it.
My poop comes out normal. Long and smooth. I barely have anything to wipe now.
I am pretty sure the Ultimate Flora was the trick. It is such a great feeling to walk away from the toilet completely.
This happens to me too. It sounds weird but take a wet wipe, wipe around your anus then stick your wet wipe covered finger in your anus a tiny bit to try and get the rest.
Guys I feel very much relieved !Since my blessed birth more than half a century ago I have had this problem of poop sticking to in the anus regardless of my frantic efforts to remove it.
My wife used to shout at me whenever she washed my underwear till I decided to be in charge. Washing is arduous but is the answer.
I clean myself with the shower-head on its best cleaning setting after every poo and use toilet paper to dry off after and i still have this issue. If i don't go back to respray then i have major issues. not fun. so this is an issue no matter how well the initial clean is. I am going to try the no more pushing method someone mentioned and i will report back.
if you take a shower, this is not a issue any more. The problem is from toilet paper which cannot clean thoroughly.
An effective, portable clean-wash tool will solve this problem!
... and how do you know more 'residue' is back there? Wait, I don't wanna know.
Are you sure it's not just gas causing the residue? If not, sounds like you aren't wiping good enough the first time.