That i get bored of my car after six months and want a different one.

for most of my driving career iv gotten a different car after one year of owning it or less. And now im driving a pretty nice car but its never good enough. I try to tell myself the next car i get will be a keeper for a bit but never happens.

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59% Normal
Based on 32 votes (19 yes)
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Comments ( 6 )
  • dappled

    Or you could do your bit to save all life on this planet and just not drive.

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    • megadriver

      Lets see. I won't buy a fancy car. I won't drive and I will THINK, that I am saving the planet. Saving all the wonderful flies and slugs and badgers.
      Or, I could go ahead, save up money and buy a Mercedes AMG and then tune it to get even more power! About 550-600, or more horsepower, fly through the Autobahn, slice through corners like a laser cutter through butter and do one of my favorite things - driving!

      I love a car that feels alive! A car that destroys it's tires, roars and spits fire! The savagery of it!
      And eco-cars are boring as hell.
      Full electrics feel like a elderly person's mobility scooter.
      And public transport is only good when you need to go to the pub...

      I'll stick to power and speed when it comes to cars and find some other way to help the planet. Something like solar panels on my house, or high-tech appliances that use less resources.

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  • joybird

    Rent or lease them so you don't lose a fortune each time.

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  • davesumba

    umm, either research and test drive more before you buy...or freakin be happy with a good car that does its one and only job: get from point a to point b safely and efficiently

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  • yotaisgame1

    I drive a 03 wrx with 308hp to the wheels, and have my next car 05 sti on the way. so no i dont drive lame cars. nor do i loose any money. only make money.

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  • Ramit10

    Apparently you are buying lame cars. Get a challenger with a 6.1 hemi and a 6 speed and you wont get tired of it and if you do add some mods to it exhaust,intake,programmer,cams,wheels,hood ect

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