That i go to the movies with my teacher at least once a month?
Is it normal that I do this? I don't always enjoy it, unfortunately.
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Is it normal that I do this? I don't always enjoy it, unfortunately.
It sounds to me like "watching a movie" isnt the only thing thats going on in the theater.
Good for you, way to put in that extra effort to get the grade you feel you deserve.
What is with all these "Going to the movies/cinima" stories lately?
So what? You go to the movies with someone. How is any of that not normal?
It's a troll just trolling the same story over and over again. Unfortunately everyone keeps commenting on these posts; I wish everyone would just boycott them and not make any comments on them :)
This is what I was thinking!
Going to the movies is a normal activity. This person hasn't yet asked one question that would be abnormal. I gues I just don't understand the point.
He doesn't try this I hope!!!
The Popcorn Trick
First, take your girlfriend to the cinemas, for a nice romantic date. Buy a tub of popcorn, wait until the lights dim, and carefully make a hole in the bottom on the tub. Then, inconspicuously insert your penis through the bottom of the tub into the popcorn and casually offer some to your bitch. When she digs in, she will find nice surprise. Who doesn't love buttered popcorn?
Is your teacher coercing you into this? It sounds like you'd rather not be going?