That i think complete opposites wouldn't get along

I hear a lot of people saying that opposites attract in terms of people, I respect who thinks like this, and I was kinda neutral about it before experiencing that. So I became friends with a guy that was almost the whole opposite of me, and honestly it kinda sucked, the guy was really outgoing and liked to annoy every single person around by taunting then, and I was the kind of person who would easily get annoyed and kinda antisocial. He hated British and silly humour while I was really attached to this kinds of humour honestly. He liked to basically push me into rollercoasters while he knew I hated then, and he would just laught at my face. He also didn't care for other feelings a lot of times, while this was one of my biggest worries. Honestly that was the most toxic friendship that I had, at least we stopped talking with each other.

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Comments ( 4 )
  • I agree. Being opposites might be attractive at first but i've never met a single person who was completely opposite myself that I got along with for very long. I've met people with the mindset that we must be perfect for each other since we are opposites but very soon they started to complain about everything I did and that I wasnt more like them. Even though they claimed its so amazing and compatible that we are opposites.

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    • Meowypowers

      Yup, you definitely need stuff in common for it to last.

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  • LloydAsher

    I'm not a complete opposite of my girlfriend but we are practically opposites.

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    Me and my wife have the completely opposite humor. Shes the type where you ask her if shes seen the keys and theyre in your hand or something she finds that hilarious. Any kind of mix up or mistake is hysterical to her. I can always predict when shes about to laugh about something I dont find it at all funny. Its too predictable.

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