That some people i know look down on me because of a pet i have?

People I know personally look down on me just because I don't share the love they like to penalise me for it.

One example was: the other day my friends looked down on me just because I rejected the offer to get a cat or even sharing the love towards them.

I share the love for fishes than than I do of sharing the love for other pets such as dogs, cats, hamsters etc. But they've always told me how "lame" my pets were.

I've always wondered why people I know penalised me and why they look down on me.

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Comments ( 17 )
  • kikilizzo

    Fishes are beautiful little angels of the sea

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    • I agree but it's just sad how some people don't see the cute side of fishes.

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      • RoseIsabella

        I like koi fish.

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        • blinkeredharlot

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          • RoseIsabella

            That's what it's all about!

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  • RoseIsabella

    That's pretty crappy of them. They don't sound much like true friends. I love cats, and dogs very much, but I wouldn't want someone to give one, because I would want to go to a breeder, see which cat, or dog chooses me. Also I have allergies so I need to get a hypoallergenic cat, like a Siamese. I take my sweet time choosing a pet, even when I used to have rats which are much better than hamsters I always took my time to choose, and be chosen by the animal

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    • So should I forget about them?

      And how do I stand up against them?

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      • RoseIsabella

        Tell em it's a shitty thing to say I guess.

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  • olderdude-xx

    Those are just acquaintances who do not understand the value of having a well set up and stocked home aquarium.

    They like cats and dogs because they cannot find adequate human companionship; as cats and dogs don't argue back or get upset with them.

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    • adobeslats

      this, some people are egotistical as fuck with their pets especially dogs, so they can’t understand having a pet that doesn’t kiss ass on command or act as a living toy.

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    • So that's why...

      I guess it now makes sense.

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  • RoseIsabella

    Some people have given me shit about having had rats as pets. Everyone has their own preferences, but it's rude for them to put down what you like just because it's different from what they like.

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    • olderdude-xx

      Growing up our family had dogs, rabbits, guinea pigs, rats, mice, fish, salamanders, and who knows what else as pets.

      We also raised rabies for food too.

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      • RoseIsabella

        In my youth we had dogs, cats, ducks, chickens, finches, mice, Guinea pigs, Dutch dwarf rabbits, canaries, fish, and brine shrimp to feed the fish, but not all at the same time. We didn't live in the country though, we lived in the suburbs in Texas.

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        • olderdude-xx

          I grew up in a small town in the middle of the Dairy Belt in Wisconsin.

          Our house was on 2 lots... so we had lots of room for animals and for a large garden.

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          • RoseIsabella

            That's pretty cool about the lot size thing.

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            • olderdude-xx

              Yeh, it was. My dad felt that the kids needed room to play and do things in the yard, and purchased 2 lots to build the house on. Put the house with the lot line running through the middle of the house, so it would always have a big yard.

              We also used to make an ice skating rink in the winter - and lots of neighbor kids used it too.

              The place certainly has real memories about it.

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