The business trip

Man, these fucking off-shore consultants are really getting on my nerves. I have just returned from a business trip to India and boy oh boy is that a hell hole that I hope I will never have to revisit. Food poisoning for 2 solid weeks… Anyways, I thought I would return the favor so during the farewell party, I took a poop, wiped my ass and didn’t wash my hands. I went around shaking a bunch of hands before the dinner (which of course was eaten with hands). Very nice.

During the after party I was drunk as all fuck and got down on my knees singing:
la la TOOT TOOT la la toot toot toot toot
And guess what? Those fuckers sang along with me, holy cow was that a night.

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Comments ( 4 )
  • ospry

    The people at that dinner are either retarded or incredibly unobservant to not notice someone wiping shit on their hands when shaking hands for the first time. Either that or you're a liar

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    • I wiped my ass with paper of course. Just didn’t wash after.

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      • ospry

        Ohhh, I see. I probably should have figured lol

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        • Lol, no worries. Paper isn’t the norm everywhere. I once washed my face with a bidet before I knew what it was

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