The chinese cant fight

As someone who watches a lot of fight sports and know basic history, I feel that the Chinese for some reason cant fight. In fight sports like MMA, kickboxing, boxing, wrestling you can definitely see trends between different ethnicities and races. Some being more athletic, some being more aggressive or durable, and some inbetween.

Koreans, Filipinos, and Japanese (like Mexicans) are known in fight sports for their toughness and durability (especially the Japanese) but the few Chinese fighters there are they have not shown much heart and they are never very durable. (Zhang being the exception in one of her title fights).

Often times they have a massive skill advantage and still manage to lose to a lesser braver fighter. They have a massive population they should have more fighters.

Also the recent history of China they do not have much war experience and when they did go to war they got smashed. They intimidate people militarily but never really do anything. Is it just a coincidence? Why are asians known for being so tough but the Chinese are not?

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Comments ( 19 )
  • LloydAsher

    The Chinese have gotten fat from their isolation and lack of outward experience. This is mainly because every international action that they do is scrutinized (with good reason)

    Chinas intrest is solely in china thus gaining allies due to positive relations isnt a high priority. Mainly its keeping potential enemies away by fear mongering.

    China is a land locked nation with a small navy that lacks any projection power. In international war they have extremely few options for conducting war with an adversary that's not close to them. Best they can do is destabilize nations they cant directly control.

    China also only has 3 allies and not even russia will back them up 100% of the time and they know this. So they just wanna test the waters to see how their enemies will react.

    If theres a hot war china would be fighting defensively, even then they would be at a massive disadvantage because of their population and lack of domestic resources and economy. Having a massive population doesnt help when people are starving due to a blocked food shipment, leading to revolts and protests that they have to spend time putting down. Giving even more of a reason why outside nations keep watch for their movements.

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    • 1WeirdGuy

      Yeah but that navy is getting bigger and bigger. Its not on USAs level but theyre obviously spending a massive amount on their navy because they now have the most ships in the world. They dont release their military budget because they dont want anyone to see what theyre doing
      Its really suspicious that they are growing that navy so much. But they dont have experience. They would need Russias help big time.

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      • LloydAsher

        Just because they have the most ships doesnt mean they have the capacity to project power. Russia cant even help with this endeavor.

        You need carrier ships to provide air support for your navy. As well as a strong logistical network to supply said fleet. Having a bunch of ship means nothing if you dont have the ability to keep them fueled after a few weeks of blockaids. Which because of lacking aircraft support makes blockaid breaking harder if not impossible.

        If russia support is required they would need ALL of it. Something I dont think russia is keen on as they know they dont have the resources either to fight practically the entire world. Even if the USA wasnt there to provide the bulk of technological support.

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        • I think we had this discussion about Chinas navy in the past we will just start circling. You make fair points.

          When I said Russias help I meant they would need military advisors maybe from generals. They would benefit with Russian officers to help them with strategy because they do not have combat experience in a long time. The USA and Russia has a lot of experienced soldiers and generals.

          The Chinese just arent really fighters.

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          • LloydAsher

            Yes but in an actual hot war sending advisors to china is tantamount to declaring war. This isnt a proxy war, russian meddling will be taken as supporting an enemy thus opens up russia to getting attacked by our allies.

            Russia isnt that stupid. If we make a good offer to russia to abandon hostilities towards the war effort they will just dip out. China doesnt supply shit to russia besides the ossurance of assistance on the off chance we are the aggressors towards russia.

            If china was the agressors then russia would have to convince the world why they are supporting the "bad guy"

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  • SailorTerra

    Japan is a very small island and were able to conquer the much, much, much larger nation of China in a matter of years. So were the Mongols and the British. Actually, has China ever WON a war?

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    • Meatballsandwich

      Yes they have, against themselves. LOL

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  • Meowypowers

    They are a Communist country. Their citizens have no words or guns, why would the government give them fists? China deeply encouranges athletics but not ones that would equip anyone with fighting skills. It isn't accidental.

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    • EnglishLad

      Speaking from experience, there are no guns in the UK either but we have an array of boxing talent to rival any country, so the only part of your comment which holds any water at all is that China is a communist country.

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  • Meatballsandwich

    Actually, the chinese stink at sports in general, relative to their population.

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    what about jackie chan?

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    • Somenormie

      And what about Jet Li?

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      • 1WeirdGuy

        Martial arts is very popular in China but for some reason in competition they do not place high comparative to their massive population

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  • olderdude-xx

    The reality is that most common people in the world cannot fight.

    It takes training to be able to do that (even if the training is on the streets).

    Few Chinese currently have access or a need for that training.

    The few that do can fight very well.

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  • Sanara

    I always thought the Chinese would be good because of kung fu. Anyway its a good thing they aren't starting wars regardless of who would win, its terrible for everyone involved. In modern war I dont think they are using that much martial arts because we got much more ranged weapeons

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  • Tinybird

    my dad said this exact same thing. Are you my dad?

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    • 1WeirdGuy

      If you wanna calll me daddy just say it

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    • LloydAsher

      For some reason I was under the impression you has two moms

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    Im OP but Im gonna answer myself here I think its culture

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