The earth flipping upside down, iin?!
I'm terrified of the possibility of the earth flipping upside down and everyone falling into outer space as a result. This is a fairly recent phobia. When I was a child, I used to look up at the sky and wonder what would happen if the world was upside down. It didn't bother me then. It got to point if I looked up at a really tall ceiling, I would get extremely dizzy, panic slightly and nearly fall over. Now, it's more intense. The fear strikes me most if I'm in a car in a wide open space. The thought of the earth flipping upside down, falling into the sky and not having anything to hold on to seriously upsets me. I'm getting panicked just having to write this! I tried to tell someone about this, but I got laughed at. I'm worried that if I tell others that the same might happen again.
Does anyone else have this fear? This is one of my greatest fears... IIN?!