The earth flipping upside down, iin?!

I'm terrified of the possibility of the earth flipping upside down and everyone falling into outer space as a result. This is a fairly recent phobia. When I was a child, I used to look up at the sky and wonder what would happen if the world was upside down. It didn't bother me then. It got to point if I looked up at a really tall ceiling, I would get extremely dizzy, panic slightly and nearly fall over. Now, it's more intense. The fear strikes me most if I'm in a car in a wide open space. The thought of the earth flipping upside down, falling into the sky and not having anything to hold on to seriously upsets me. I'm getting panicked just having to write this! I tried to tell someone about this, but I got laughed at. I'm worried that if I tell others that the same might happen again.

Does anyone else have this fear? This is one of my greatest fears... IIN?!

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Comments ( 19 )
  • suckonthis9

    It is physically impossible for the Earth to flip upside-down. Even if it could, you would still not fall into the sky or outer-space. The reason for this is Gravity. In fact, you are falling right now. You are falling towards the center of gravity of the Earth. All mass bodies are attracted to one another. You are a body of mass., and so is the Earth. Since the Earth is much, much more massive, the Earth will always win.

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    • Avant-Garde

      Thank you.
      I know it's impossible, but the remote possibility is what scares me most.

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    • tbiM20

      ^ This.

      The Earth isn't flat. But your phobia needs addressed.

      Something that might comfort you... Think of a rocket ship. Think of how much FORCE it takes for that rocket to leave the Earth's surface. It takes just as much for a ship to leave the North Pole as it does to leave the South Pole, which is technically "upside down" already. So, the Earth cannot flip, but even if it could, if it did you will never be able to exert as much force as that rocket ship, i.e. you cannot leave the surface.

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      • Avant-Garde

        But we would still be forced to live upside down if it was possible. I see where you're coming from. I forget how strong gravity is.

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  • Faceless

    Luckily you came to an internet site where no one will laugh at you.

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    • Avant-Garde

      Yes, I was thinking the same thing.

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  • sega31098

    Fortunately, that will not be possible, due to gravity.
    In fact, you're probably standing sideways on the Earth. Gravity is keeping you secure on the planet. If the Earth flipped upside down you might not even feel it.

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  • Darkoil

    I understand that weird feeling you get in wide open spaces looking at the sky and getting dizzy, this happens to me almost like you are going to start falling upwards but i'm not afraid because I understand this can never happen.

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  • Avant-Garde

    Thank you.

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  • Tbones

    I have this same fear... I am literally blown away that not very many people have this! Have you found any help? I am in desperate need of some... I realize it is impossible, but for some reason "it not being possible" doesn't make me feel safe in open spaces... for me it is almost like a fear of being on the edge of infinite nothingness---like it just makes me feel so small in comparison. Any way, hope things have gotten better for you!

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    • Avant-Garde

      I actually don't have this phobia anymore. The same goes for many of the other phobias I used to have. I probably only have about one or two now. I did see a therapist years back with a long list of my phobias and she couldn't help me. It may sound kinda weird, but some people use stones for healing. There are stones out there that are good for getting over fears. Iolite is one, if you're interested. I use it for other reasons, but it has been very calming for my mind. If you decide to go this route, you'll need to keep the stone on you in order for it to have an effect.

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  • Bijoofoo

    You wouldn't be living upside down because essentially, you are already upside down if you consider the perspective of those on the other side of the planet :) You wouldn't notice. And it is physically impossible for the earth to flip upside down. It would take a massive collision from a celestial body (or very close fly by) for the earth's orbit and/or rotation to be affected ... and if that happened, you wouldn't be alive anyway. And don't worry, the chances of that happening in your lifetime are pretty much nil.

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  • JoeyB123

    I always think of that.

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    • Avant-Garde

      At least I'm not the only one.

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  • myownopinions

    Wow! This is like a backwards fear of heights...

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    • Avant-Garde

      I'm also scared of heights.

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  • RinTin

    We have to look at your problem from a psychological point of view. I'm sure you know the world isn't flat (I hope) and you can understand their ^ reasoning but I doubt this will help you if it's a true fear.

    Self help is always worth a try. Do some exposure therapy in a safe setting. haha I don't want you to do it while driving and have you panic and crash your car.

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    • Avant-Garde

      Thank you. I thankfully know the world isn't flat like in Discworld. I do see where the above users points are, but it doesn't really eliminate my fear. I can't even stand to be in open barren places for long periods of a time... I guess exposure therapy might work, but I get tripped up on the possibilities:/

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      • RinTin

        Maybe you could try it and take someone you trust with you who understands your problem...or if you have a therapist you trust they can come with you too.

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