The environment

I feel being a hippie is the normal thing as lots of people like the environment, but what is normal? Vote the questions below.

hippiedom is normal 4
caring for the planet is normal 13
hippie vegan is normal 1
hippie lacto-vegetarian is normal 0
energy saving light globes are normal 1
planting trees is normal 5
watching 'Captain Planet' is normal 2
littering is normal 4
other (write your comments below) 1
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Comments ( 10 )
  • thegypsysailor

    Apparently caring about our environment is secondary to making money for most people on this planet.

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    • Steven_Glansberg

      Which do you care more about: caring for the environment, or Existing so that you can care for the environment

      We need money to exist nowadays, a lot of it. I like the environment too but we need to keep our priorities straight. Theres a lot of other shit that we must take care of before we can deal with the environment. Like poverty, disease, and building the FUCKING WALL!!!

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      • thegypsysailor

        Again, it's just SHIT you are posting.
        The oil companies are certainly only surviving at subsistence levels, right? The mining companies that destroy huge sections of the environment are only doing it that way because they are at subsistence profit levels.
        Hundreds of thousands of companies on this planet are raking in record profits at the expense of the environment because they aren't satisfied with the realistic profit that doing business in an environmentally friendly way would bring them.
        The airlines added a fucking fuel surcharge when fuel was really expensive, but did they drop those extra fees when the fuel prices plummeted? Fuck no. Are they buying more environmentally friendly airplanes with the huge profits they are making? Fuck no. Everybody is just too damn greedy.
        Please stop responding to my posts if you can't come up with a slightly intelligent response. I have no clue why you continually embarrass yourself over and fucking over again with childish responses like the one above.

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        • Steven_Glansberg

          Sorry but you are the moron. First off where is your outrage at companies like Apple which recently posted the highest corporate profit ever. Oh thats right they are a liberal company so they get a pass.

          The truth that you are too dumb to understand since you never took business 101 and never ran a real company is that nominal profits arent everything. Yes the companies you speak of make a lot of profit but in % terms their margins are miniscule, often low single digits. I am not defending the companies as they are not all honest and upstanding but i can tell you that the economics of it is an extremely delicate balance much moreso than you realize. As soon as you start adding extra taxes and regulations it can very quickly put whole industries (along with thousands of regular dayjobs) out of business and tank the economy worse than it is

          Your argument is all emotional and reveals your own insecurities and jealousy. "They have too much money and its just not Fair!" that profit you speak of gets divvied up among many stockholders abd reinvested back into next years R&D, rainy day funds, all sorts of things AFTER the regular expenses are taken care of. Its not all sitting around in cash. It constantly gets redeployed into new projects, new jobs, new safety measures, etc. All the profit belongs to stockholdeds many of which are mutual funds owned by average 401k's, individuals who have been waiting decades to see a return on their retirement money. Tax these energy and industrial companies at your own peril. It will come back to bite you in the end

          Finally why are you so quick to blame the companies and immeduately turn to government as the answer? Government is the WORST allocator of capital out there. If you really want to improve the environment thats fine but do it the right way, by working with the companies instead of against them. Companies are very dynamic and if you give them proper incentives for doing a good job (rather than just tax them to death) you will be amazed at the powerful results they can achieve

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          • thegypsysailor

            Amazingly you still push on. Guess what? I didn't even read your post; I no longer have any interest in your bullshit. you wasted a lot of time for nothing.
            Bye, bye.

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  • Cynical_Rat

    I love to litter. I don't see the harm it, I throw trash by the roadside all the time, but if you ride past that spot in a couple of days the trash will be gone. So no harm was done.

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  • nematoadblue24

    Planting trees is so not normal

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  • BlueRaichu93

    I don't think you're a hippie. I care about the environment too and I'm sure many others do as well. We're unfortunately not the majority though.

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