The feeling of scissors on my skin makes me feel alive

I don't do it a lot, but sometimes when I'm feeling completely lost I cut myself. Last night I just felt so alone and couldn't figure out what I wanted or what would make me feel better, and so I cut. I know it's stupid, but it makes me feel like I'm worth something. I look at the cuts and watch them fill up with blood and know that I'm strong, because I can endure the pain and keep going even though it hurts. Cutting is like pressing a reset button for me: I close my eyes and hold my breath as I make the incision, and it hurts, but it makes me feel better, and when I'm done I feel like I can breathe again for the first tie in a long time. I know it's not healthy, but what are your thoughts?

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Comments ( 20 )
  • govselban22

    you know what ..... shut up

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    • honeybee23

      Why are you attacking people over the internet?

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      • Uzzie101

        Why is this person allowed to attack themselves?
        Self-harming isn't cool. It's disgusting.

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  • Scarred4life

    This is not something to 'lol' about. Go see a counselor, you need help, this is serious.

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    • honeybee23

      I never said it was funny. I don't believe that, and didn't mean to imply it.

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  • TheGuruOfTheSauce

    Lol you could probably find someone that likes to inflict pain to people and there you have a soulmate

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  • RoyRogers

    I cant tell if this is kink or depression. :/

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  • despair.killz

    I meant to say if you commit suicide you go straight to hell. Not help.

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  • despair.killz

    Did you know that cutting yourself and commuting suicide is a major sin. If you commit suicide you go straight to help. This is a major sin. QUIT. You'll seem like a freak. I know ppl who did it for attention. But there are ppl who do it because of psychological problems and YOU my emo friend have psychological problems. Being dark will only bring you one step closer to hell fire so suck it up.

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  • Jsea

    It's normal to feel alive after cutting. It's not the best option but understandable. I cut myself as well and I know what it's like. You feel pain and that pain makes you feel alive because you can actually feel something. Or at least that's what I feel. I hope that you can find something not as harmful to make you feel this way though.

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  • xvan3ssax

    i think you should try and get help and try your hardest not to cut yourself. when ever you feel like doing it do something else that will make you feel better but in a good way, you can write your thoughts on paper or make a poem spill your feelings on a piece of paper go out for a walk or talk to someone. it's a better way of hurting your self i know it may feel good for you but in the end it will get worse and it won't make you feel better after words. so like i say you should try to do better things that can release what ever is bothering you.

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  • When i cut myself it was because i was angry and i couldnt yell or punch a wall b/c ill get yelled at more. so i take my purple scissors to my left shoulder. and cut away. at first it hurts. but in a way it feels good. its not the pay it feels like an achievement. i know it sounds sick but thats the way it feels. you know its wrong, we know its wrong but its something done and over with.

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  • I scratch myself..cutting is too messy and noticable but some girl in this hallway was talking to someother girl and sed
    Look her arm looks like a checkerboard!
    Urg that still pisses me off

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  • anabolic19

    sounds like the typical thing people do these days you just use it to get attention off people cos cutting dosnt do anything i've been to the point of suicide and tryed cutting once and it did shit didnt even feel it being in a point of utter dispare numbs your senses you cant feel nothing you cant focus on anything you just stare so cutting would do nothing it sounds like you have some problems in your life but if they were that bad then you wouldnt cut cos only when you come upon somthing really hard in your life you realise you need to fight stay strong and pussying around cutting your self does nothing so i suggest next time you feel down punch somthing a wall or listen to some music out the scissors down stop pretending think of all the people that have had real problems get inspired from them and draw strength from them
    good luck

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  • Danila

    this is self-mutilation,i have that but instead of cutting myself i scratch my skin heavily when i feel sad and anxious, i used to do that when i was a teenager in the same body place, on my leg behind my right elbow, i got mycosis on the third level,got a infection on my whole legwhich one find day started swelling and if it wasnt for the antibiotic i coud've lost my i do that on my arms but not so heavily,is really addictive! u need phychological help, i dont need i drink beer a lot!!!

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  • glasswilderness

    I totally understand how you feel. I used to self-injure but now I drink lol (not a safe option either!). I have many scars and creating them doesn't appeal to me anymore. My family and boyfriend know so they would be very upset with me if I started again. You must know by now that cutting is addictive. It'll only get worse.

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  • nothing2

    no way. i can't get into that. retards.

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  • nothing2

    i know somebody like that. she dumped me because i was'nt good enough. i think she lied and just wants me to cut myself up so she can laugh. she would be so mean. she never called me.

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  • HellAndHighWater

    You sound like you're full of shit.

    I bet you think cutting makes you all "dark and unique".

    It makes you feel "alive"? Do you know how many times I've heard that line before?

    You're copying and pasting stuff that you've heard that you think is badass and applying it to your life because you think it makes YOU badass.

    It doesn't.

    You don't show any signs of shame or remorse because shame and remorse aren't what caused you to do it.
    You probably flaunt your scars at school, too.

    Just my guesses, but I've been there before.
    And it's just a really ignorant way to be.

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    • honeybee23

      That's a little harsh. I'm not looking for attention or to be idolized. I said it's stupid and unhealthy. I'm not proud, not do I consider this stupid thing I do from time to time a defining characteristic. So...I'm sorry if it came across that way.

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