The greatest annoyance.
I have realized that the greatest annoyance, at least for me, is having anything to do with food. It pisses me off so much when I stop to think about it. It is a recurring chore. I hate having to plan out what I am going to eat and then wasting precious time on preparing food. What if I spend all of this time cooking a dish, only to discover that it tastes like shit on fire? I would have wasted all of those calories for nothing!
I wish that eating food wasn't a necessary component towards having to live. I wish that we could all safely practice Inedia and that if anything, the idea of eating food would merely be optional. I also struggle with a lot of moral issues in regards to having anything in general so, being able to practice Inedia would be a massive weight lifted off my damn shoulders.
I'll admit that I have had an issue with anorexia on and off over these years. However, I don't necessarily think that just because I have these thoughts towards the hellishness of food and everything that encompasses it, that it is an indicator that I'm having a relapse.
So, IIN, do you think that my stance is normal or not?!