The human condition
Free will is an illusion, because Self/I is an illusion. There is no self/I to be found anywhere.
What we are as individuals are patterns of particles with complex interactions. We are an effect that propagates and is connected to all other processes in the universe.
We are a part of the entire process of the universe. We are a component of the same process that spins galaxies in the universe and explodes stars. We are expressions of our environment.
Just because your skin doesn't enfold my neurons doesn't mean we're a separate process.
Subject/object are merely dreamed up by the mind concepts we use to communicate. The self is just a useful fiction.
Life is not something separate from matter. Life is a thing that filters signals from the world around it, processes it, and responds to it. Outputs correlate with inputs and there's no will involved.
Our Behaviors occurs in response to stimuli. The neural networks process sensory inputs and create behaviors. We are products of our environment. We are a highly complex adaptive feedback control system.
We do not know what we intend to do until the intention itself arises. To understand this is to realize that we are not the authors of our thoughts and actions in the way that people generally suppose. Our choices are determined by our history and environment. All things happen according to Causality.
We can not create effects who's causes ultimately originate from us and nowhere else. All things lack intrinsic identity. They are made entirely of non-they things and even atomic particles have no intrinsic identity that separates them from others.
Everything arises in dependence upon multiple causes and conditions; nothing exists as a singular, independent entity.
For a table to exist, we need wood, a carpenter, time, skillfulness, and many other causes. And each of these causes needs other causes to be. The wood needs the forest, the sunshine, the rain, and so on. The carpenter needs his parents, breakfast, fresh air, and so on. And each of those things, in turn, has to be brought about by other causes and conditions. If we continue to look in this way, we'll see that nothing has been left out. Everything in the cosmos has come together to bring us this table. Looking deeply at the sunshine, the leaves of the tree, and the clouds, we can see the table. The one can be seen in the all, and the all can be seen in the one. One cause is never enough to bring about an effect. A cause must, at the same time, be an effect, and every effect must also be the cause of something else. The idea of first and only cause, something that does not itself need a cause, cannot be applied.
This also applies to the principle of causality itself, since everything is dependently originated.
Ultimately there is no demarcation between what appears to be an individual creature and its environment.
All things lack intrinsic reality, intrinsic objectivity, intrinsic identity or intrinsic referentiality. Lacking such static essence or substance does not make them not exist —- it makes them thoroughly relative.
All things and events, whether ‘material’, mental or even abstract concepts like time, are devoid of objective, independent existence. Things and events can never possess any immutable essence, intrinsic reality or absolute ‘being’ that affords independence. It shows the lack of inherent existence, and the unity of experience and experiencer.
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