The is it normal thread for car enthusiasts

Name says it all. This is a car thread where gearheads can hang out, talk about cars, projects, car problems, racing, anything car related, without annoying everyone else with a thousand comments.

This will be the place where the is it normal car enthusiasts can post as much as they like, without hijacking other threads...

PS: If this is against the website rules, I will delete the thread. Don't see why it would be tho, there are far worse stuff on here than cars.

Cool. 8
The Bugatti Chiron is the best car on the planet (Get out!) 0
Key in, clutch in, Neutral, key in second position... Let's fire up this baby! 5
Nicely done! 0
I am a sexually challenged hipster/ vapist and I hate cars. 1
Boo! You suck, we want to read about nasty fetishes! (sry :( ) 3
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Comments ( 31 )
  • xxLucifer

    I don't think you understand the point of IIN. This website isn't really designed to just be a hangout for certain groups. Why not just go to reddit or maybe make a discord server?

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  • Doesnormalmatter

    Oh megadriver.

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  • LloydAsher

    Not really good at cars. But I do know more than most of my millennial peers. Those snowflakes don't even know how to change thier own oil! I'm just not into the looks or sheen of the car. I'm not a truck head that gets a Ford truck without actually needing it. Hell my first car was a 2003 Bonneville and it took care of me through ice and dirt roads.

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    • leggs91200

      With the 3800 series II engine that has the stupid plastic upper intake.
      I know a thing or two about working on bonnevilles/Lesabres, like -

      Replacing the CPS (this is the sensor that causes random engine shut-off problems, it is a bitch to get to), brake lines, fuel injectors, rear shocks, and several other things.

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      • LloydAsher

        Oh so that's how you fix that problem! That happened a lot but somehow I was able to get the engine running while going 60 on the highway after it randomly shuts off. The more you know... thanks!

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    • megadriver

      To be honest I've never even seen what the Pontiac Bonneville looked like. It's a car that probably never saw our side of the pond.

      Tho I have to congratulate you on working on your car and not falling into the whole SUV trend.
      I hate how more and more people in Europe buy stupid crossovers, or giant SUVs without needing them.

      I've never driven anywhere in Europe during winter, where I thought "I need an offroader". Sure, my Mercedes does slide about a bit, but it still goes.
      But most of our millennial peers think SUV = security and traction and then buy a FWD crossover... Way to save fuel with that un-aerodynamic box brainiac.

      I love working on my project cars. Finished my E24 635CSI BMW this summer and driving that thing for the first time was an absolute treat. I blasted 80s music and some Eurodance, driving through town with a massive grin on my face.

      Not such luck with my other project car... My '06 S600. It broke more. Fixed the ignition problems by changing out a coil pack and doing a reset with STAR. And then the air suspension failed... Compressor broke. Leaving this one for next spring.

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  • Here I’ll just reply onto the threat to save that op some annoyance.

    Sounds like a perfect vacation
    Went fishing, finished a car, scared the girlfriend. That is huge is that a catfish? I’m glad you caught it getting sick of them trolling on tinder.

    Hell yeah I was waiting for them details. Damn you were staying busy that’s a ton done. It’s nice you kept some stock like even going back to BMW on the fan yet bumping up those much needed horses of power. I couldn’t even tell the tears in the upholstery plus some batman and black touches ties it together nicely.

    Haha I’d of drove it around with the window open too. Haha driving off-road that’s great. Even if that doesn’t work still pretty neat it has that. That’s pretty interesting it came with that stuff. Tho you likely can only use it on a small cut that’s still pretty neat to have.

    Aww you were getting my hopes up I’m like damn 200hp sporty convertible then you slid in with the 1.4 or 1.6. That’s slow but at least it’s compatible for her still a nice looking car to rice out either way. Hahaha 50hp of respect. I’ve never even heard of fake rotors so you’d definitely have me fooled on that one.

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    • megadriver

      Oh yeah, the vacation was great, but it was (as always) too short.

      Really proud with the BMW, even if it's driver's window won't go up... gonna fix that for Christmas. I did slap on some nylon to keep dust out of the car while I'm gone.
      I'll miss that thing. Driving it to the beach and to the mountains was just pure automotive ecstasy.
      I wasn't in 2019, I was a hotshot from Miami living the 80s dream in my white 635CSI, using the slickest American accent I can pull off for everything. Girlfriend thought this whole 80s thing was going to my head a bit too much XD
      (NOTE: Car has enough power to peel out from a standstill XD)
      I'm very satisfied with the finished project. My neighbor thinks the M-stripes are tacky, even if they are a homage to a legendary BMW... but hey personal taste right.
      I'm also grateful he and his BMW fanatic buddies helped me with most of the electrics and they were the ones that got my Becker Indianapolis radio to work.


      The crazy bastards didn't even need to label the wires. One guy said this was the 30th 6-series he has worked on and my audio setup was child's play XD

      Yeah, the fish was a catfish, 4.1kg. My biggest catch ever. (NOTE: Fish had no smartphone to verify tinder account...)

      I also did a new top speed run of my E420 and I beat the record! New top speed 298kmh (hence scaring the girlfriend XD). Top speed hit under the musical accompaniment of Within Temptation's Faster.
      I would have hit 300, but I only had a short stretch of highway with a very good road surface. The rest of the highway has holes and cracks... Not a good idea to blast through those at 300.
      2 more clicks and I'm in supercar territory with my diesel luxobarge.

      Sorry to get your hopes up lol. I'd like an OPC too, but they are actually fairly expensive. A good, clean one can command up to 14000 Euro. 14 grand for an Opel!!! My E-class cost me about half of that.

      I don't have that kind of money and my girlfriend doesn't really need the extra horses, so a regular Astra (I rice out) would do for now. She only needs a car to go to university and do a bit of shopping.

      Oh yeah, I remembered the Jetta from Fast and furious and did a google search. Apparently the manufacturers call them "Rotor simulators", cause fake brakes sounds really bad.
      A set costs like 20-30 bucks. They add the illusion that you have massive brake disks, but they don't include bigger fake brake calipers. I'd love to see the looks on peoples faces as we drive past in our brake caliper-less car XD

      Did you have your vacation, or not yet? I wish I had an extra 2 weeks vacation. The leisure life back home was fantastic.

      I'll give you an update on the S-class on the next reply, this ramble of mine has been going for quite some time.

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  • raisinbran

    I'm highly enthusiastic about my early 2000s Toyota Corolla... low maintenance, easy/low cost repair, decent car mileage, gets me where I need to go.

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  • BigToe

    American cars have good lasting motors, Everything else is garbage and falls apart.

    I am sad that Holden is just a reseller now and not making the best cars in the world anymore :(

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    • megadriver

      I will agree that EU-cars built in the US are crap, but the EU-spec cars for Europe are much better built, often more powerful too.

      A prime example is Mercedes. In the US it's an endless money pit. In Europe they are used as taxis and police cars. You wouldn't buy a non-reliable car for any of those duties.

      But sadly the great era of American motoring is gone. None of the new cars match the opulence, class and elegance old 50s and 60s American cars had.
      Funny thing is that modern muscle cars are becoming more and more sportier. Turning more into sports cars. Just take the new Mustang...

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  • CountessDouche

    Is this for car experts or all people? I'm engaged to an obsessive car person hahaha.

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    • megadriver

      It's for everyone remotely interested in cars. Just figured I make this so the few carnuts on here don't hijack other threads. I'm guilty of it XD

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      • CountessDouche

        Aww thanks! I actually love reading your car sidebars because it's always fun for me to see someone who's really passionate about something!

        Does your girlfriend cope ok with your obsession? She must, because you only have lovely things to say about her! I learned pretty early on to do my laundry separate from my dresses reeked like transmission fluid when we first moved in together hahaha

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        • megadriver

          My girlfriend does cope and she understands me, tho she does get annoyed occasionally. Especially when we are on holiday in Bulgaria. She'd want us to go somewhere romantic and I'm covered in various car fluids and dust working on an old car. Even if I drop everything I'm doing and hit the shower, I'll still stink of fuel, oil, various glues for stuff like windows, head gasket, etc...

          I can only work on my cars during the holidays, as I keep all of them, except my 2 C-classes in Bulgaria for cheaper running costs.
          She'd want us to go out for coffee in the afternoon, walk through the center of town, be seen, take some pictures and all that romancey goodnes... comes to the garage all dressed up and I'm in the middle of changing a head gasket, the garage smells of fuel and beer (Cause I always drink when I work on my cars) and I have to finish, otherwise the engine gets contaminated and can rust if you leave it opened.

          Then there is my driving style... In Germany I drive calmly, slowly and abide all the rules, because fines are big.
          But in Bulgaria, where 10 Euros get you out of trouble... I regularly do 120-140 kmh on country roads and 160+ kmh on the highway.
          My girlfriend is not a big fan of speed... She can handle a bit of highway speeding on the regulated German Autobahn, but speeding through the twisted Bulgarian country roads, overtaking car after car. She doesn't like that. Not nearly as my mom. My mom hates how my dad and I drive. I picked up fast driving from my dad.
          If you're gonna get somewhere, might as well get there quick right?
          Naturally, reasonably quick, neither of us do any dangerous, or stupid stunts out on the road. But we do drive considerably faster than the rest of the traffic flow.

          My mom and my girlfriend learned to do my garage clothes separately, after I ruined my mom's laundry with my boiler suit after working on the EGR system of my E-class... Lots of sticky, black, nasty, nasty sooth.
          Me and my mom learned that the garage clothes should be done separately, so I did warn my girlfriend to wash my boiler suit after everything else. Cause I do maintain her BMW here in Germany and she is thankful for that.
          I also taught her how to be a better driver. I can imagine it's a bit harder to drive on the right, when you've been taught to drive on the left.

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    • CountessDouche

      & I picked "cool"!!!

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      • McBean

        I'm driving an 03 Civic with a 5 speed manual. I'm more comfortable with her than with any human female I've ever met. What are you driving?

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        • CountessDouche

          I'm driving a fucking bycicle everywhere Haha. I'm really struggling to learn how to drive in australia. I'm a nervous driver anyway, and our town is insanely densely populated & then...roundabouts.

          But I'm getting my driving lessons in a 2016 fiance used to collect tons of modded race (mostly skylines) cars & luxury cars, but the laws in Australia on car mods are very restrictive because of the huge car culture. So he'd often get asked to pop the hood for an inspection when randomly pulled over...anyways, the new interest is heavily, heavily modified 4 wheel drive, camping vehicles. We've gone through many, many different cars & the car we have now has...just so, so, so many crazy modifications...just like, craziest shit ever- if you can dream it, our car has it. Don't even want to think about the $ soent.

          The goal is to set it up for a driving trip through all of australia via the outback. It has everything & so it is huge

          The parking spaces & driving lanes are tiny here compared to America, so my fiance is convinced that if I learn to drive in this...monstrosity...then I can easily pick up a buzz box & have no problems parking....we shall see

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          • McBean

            Righta, interesting story there. I adapted to left side driving after a few hours of disorientation. The one thing I never got used to was the turn signal on the wrong side of the steering wheel. Btw, I remember calling the hood the "bonnet", and the trunk, "the boot". Roundabouts were kind of fun. Canberra was loaded with them. I remember approaching them at a good clip with my foot over the brake looking to the right. Had to slam on the brakes at the last minute many times when a car popped into view at the last minute. If clear, it helped to be going the same speed as the other traffic in the circle.

            After a year, just for fun, I bought a used *drum roll* Toyota Corolla with a 5 speed manual. Heaps of fun, and just right for heading down to Bateman's Bay to camp, surf, and dine on the weekend. Ahhh, those were the days.

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          • megadriver

            Australia can't be any worse for car modders, than Switzerland. There it's absolutely illegal to mod your car. Illegally modified vehicles are confiscated by the police and often crushed.

            Speed cameras, along with average speed cameras lurk on every corner and there is no speeding tolerance. A single kilometer over and you get fined! Switzerland hates cars.

            Anyway, good strategy. Learning to drive and park a big pickup truck. If you can park a big monster of a car, you can park anything.

            I taught my girlfriend how to park in an extra-long wheelbase Mercedes Sprinter (My dealership's work van)
            Picture of vehicle size:

            It is an automatic, it does have a reversing camera, but it's also massive. We spent quite a bit of time in an empty parking lot with her trying to park between boxes.
            Now my girlfriend parks in almost every spot with ease in her old 3-series BMW.

            PS: Love the "drive across Australia" road trip idea. You're gonna need a serious 4x4 machine for that. Maybe even a 6x6 for better comfort, more supplies and a better weight distribution.

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        • megadriver

          My daily is my company car, a 2003 silver S400 CDI Mercedes.

          But here is a list of my cars:

          2005, dark blue metallic C220 CDI Mercedes (first car, now weekend car. Mods: AMG-bumpers, AMG 17' wheels, ECU remap, new head unit, reversing camera, heated seats)
          1984 white with M-stripes BMW 635CSI (project/ weekend car, finished restoration this summer. Mods: sports suspension, upgraded brakes, ECU remap, new injection system, sports exhaust system, a bunch of more parts swapped, audio system upgrade, EU-bumpers, xenon lights, black spoiler)
          2007, black metallic, AMG package E420 CDI Mercedes (weekend car. Mods: Catback sports exhaust system, DPF delete, ECU and TCU remap, V-max delete, carbon fiber optic lip spoiler, new head unit and xenon fog lights for extra aggressive look)
          2017, black metallic C350e Mercedes (garage hog. Mods: ECU remap. Still financing this car)
          2006, dark blue metallic, AMG-package S600 Mercedes (project car. Mods: None, car does not run properly)

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          • McBean

            I am much too humble to feel comfortable with such high end performance oriented stuff. I maintain my Civic as if it were an airplane, which makes owning it cheaper than dirt.

            Is that list a history of your cars, or do you currently own all of them?

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            • megadriver

              I currently own all of those cars. But don't think I'm a millionaire, I just know how to find a good deal and haggle since I'm a car salesman. Doing a lot of stuff myself also saves money and.
              There is also one more trick I use... My C350e is my own business's company car, so I get a tax rebate and cheaper insurance. Owning a car in Germany is expensive.
              Everything else is registered in Bulgaria, where insurance and taxes are low. I never informed the DMV of any tuning, so I save more money there too...
              For example, the yearly ownership cost of my E-class is just 240 Euro. Includes tax, insurance and yearly vehicle inspection. 240 Euro per year for a 400hp 950Nm V8 monster that will do 300kmh.

              There is also another trick... The E-class, BMW and S-class are all registered under my dad.
              He is retired and since he's had heart surgery 8 years ago, he's also legally disabled. So more money saved.
              Technically the only car I pay for in full and privately own is my 2005 C-class.
              If you can find loopholes, use 'em right?

              I'm not gonna lie tho, owning and maintaining all of these cars ain't cheap, so that's why I also have a weekend job driving buses on Saturdays.
              I try to be humble with everything else, but I love cars and want my cars to shine and be seen.
              Like a beautiful woman, a beautiful car deserves to be seen in all of her brilliance. Proudly go through town and turn heads as she passes.
              So I make sure all of my cars are maintained perfectly inside and out.

              The '05 C-class was a gift from my dad when I went to university.
              The '84 BMW cost me 5000USD, I bought it from the US in a fairly poor state, shipped it to Bulgaria and restored it over the course of 2 years.
              The E-class cost me 6000 Euro. I bought it from an old guy in Germany. He was fearful of the dieselgate thing and I leaned on him to drop the price more, convincing him the EU will ban diesels by the end of 2018 and he'll be forced to sell it for pennies. He gave in and sold it to me for 6000, instead of the original 9000 Euro he wanted.
              I'm still financing the C350e. Got 4 more years until it's paid off.
              The S-class cost me a mere 1800 Euro. It's also in a poor state and doesn't run currently. I'm still restoring it.

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  • Nikclaire

    My F-150 is like a worn in pair of blue jeans. Wouldn't sell it for the world.

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    • xcharliebrown

      You best not sell ya crazy pills

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  • dimwitted

    I like car junk yards.

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