The janitor emptying my trash is judging me

I have to hide all my candy and fast food wrappers under a paper towel. Sometimes instead of taking the whole bag out, he just dumps the contents, seeing all the junk I ate. I'm overweight and don't like being judged every day at 4pm. Lately I've been putting the wrappers in a backpack and dumping them out later. I want to get him fired. Is it normal that janitors judge you based on your trash?

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48% Normal
Based on 33 votes (16 yes)
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Comments ( 12 )
  • green_boogers

    Next time you feel shameful, drink water to comfort yourself.

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    • RoseIsabella

      Yes, bottled water is delicious, I love it!

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  • anti-hero

    Yes some poor bastard should loose his job because you are ashamed of yourself. Dumb twat.

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    • itsnotnormal12

      You want to cut off your leg because you believe in your mind you are an amputee.

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    • anti-hero

      Lose* Damn auto correct.

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      • itsnotnormal12

        You want to cut off your leg because you believe in your mind you are an amputee.

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  • MrSexyJesus

    hmmmm seems all your problems could be solved by not eating more than you need to eat?

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  • ______________

    I can just imagine you hunched behind an armchair, peering nervously through the window, while Barry the binman sifts through your garbage, holds up a Jaffa cake packet and gives you the longest, hardest, coldest stare in the history of mankind.
    Tears fill your eyes as you fall back to IIN for comfort, simultaneously munching through a packet of Doritos and wondering whether to burn the evidence of your dietary habits.

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  • CountessDouche

    Wow. I feel like these comments were unnecessarily mean.

    I feel the same way at the grocery store sometimes, lol...I'll either be buying weird combinations of things (vasaline for chapped lips and cucumbers for salad...but you know how that looks) or stocking up on things that are on sale (the 10 pints of Ben and Jerry's are half price, and yes I need 12 packs of tampons, stop judging me, cunts!!!).

    But anyways, it sounds like you have a lot of shame with regard to your size, and eating habits. I know it must be difficult to not be able to eat whatever you chose without feeling looked down on.

    Maybe you could take this opportunity to make some changes? I'm not sure if you want to, but if you decide to do it for yourself, I think you'll feel much better, and you'll be proud of your eating choices instead of embarrassed.

    If you're happy with your diet, sorry for the unsolicited advice, and feel free to ignore the following:

    I know healthy food sounds gross, but there's lots of shit you can eat that tastes just as good, if not better, than unhealthy snacks, and they leave you feeling better throughout the day. When you eat sugary, salty stuff, you get an energy high and then you just crash...and feel hungry and tired. I've tried the eating junk at work thing, and if makes me feel so shit.

    There's a million ideas out there for healthy snacks that taste really good, tbh...and I'm not telling you this as some asshole that hates pizza and ice cream.

    Tart green apples and peanut butter
    Yoghurt and fresh fruit and granola
    Nuts (nom, almonds- so good)
    Brown rice cooked with peas and corn, with spicy tuna, pickled veggies, soy sauce
    Cut up veggies dipped in homemade guacamole or spicy hummus
    Whole grain tortillas with turkey and avocado and tomato
    Soup- homemade's totally filling and delicious and low cal
    And salad with homemade low cal can use yogurt instead of mayo to make your favorite creamy dressings, honey instead of sugar to sweeten things...

    One of my favorite snacks is mashed baked sweet potato with herbed feta cheese mixed in (instead of salt and butter). Sweet potato is way better for you than regular potato...and it tastes better!

    And international food rules when eating healthy- low cal curries, sushi, salads, marinades, lentils, veggie stews, ratatouille

    The list of good delicious foods that make you feel good is endless...eating healthy isn't just about rice cakes and celery...and total shit food with flax seeds in it and shit that tastes like ass. Some of the best foods I've ever had are healthy.

    You could change any day, start by making small choices. Even if you cut 1 soda a day...that adds up to 15 pounds in one year. Don't feel discouraged if you don't have the perfect diet. Small changes become healthy habits, and each and every one adds up. Even if you start by replacing ONE snack a makes a huge difference over a year.

    Maybe someday you'll be all proud of your garbage....all like...look at all those fruit peels, janitor dude, LOOK AT THEM!!!!

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  • gloryholeflasher

    I'm sure the janitor has better things to do than count your candy wrappers and potatoes chip bags! Perhaps you simply have a guilt complex because YOU know that you're not eating healthy. Has the janitor actually said anything to you about your snacks?

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  • thegypsysailor

    If you had a boring, menial job,then you'd probably occupy your mind by judging people by your trash, too.
    If you are so ashamed about what you eat and your weight, why don't you do something about it, rather than thinking poorly of the poor schmuck who must empty your garbage?

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  • Short4Words

    Fucking Werthers? Really?

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