The jealous coworkers wish i was fat again

I lost weight a few years ago and managed to gain muscle, unlike them. I've heard them talking crap behind my back about how I betrayed them by losing weight, how muscular men are unrealistic and unattractive, and heard them reassure each other that I'd gain it back. So far I haven't. They're nice to my face but always talk bad about me when they think I'm not around. Is their behavior normal?

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39% Normal
Based on 18 votes (7 yes)
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Comments ( 13 )
  • Tealights

    They're jealous.

    Congrats! Losing weight and developing a healthy routine to keep it off isn't easy and takes a lot of willpower/self-discipline that a lot of people struggle to obtain. It sounds like your co-workers gave up, and rather wallow in their misery. Fuck em.

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    • Thank you. They're miserable people that seem to only want to bring others down.

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  • RoseIsabella

    They sound like a bunch of jealous bitches.

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    • They are bitches. When someone is happy they get negative or talk behind that person's back. They seem to want to bring everyone down.

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      • RoseIsabella

        They probably have nothing going for them.

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  • _ItsScience

    They are so jealous!
    Good for you to loosing weight and keeping it that way. Show your co workers who's boss!

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    • Thank you.

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  • SmokeEverything

    Why do you work with all fattys? Do you work at the food store?

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  • Annie25

    They sitting on their asses and wishing shit like that aint gonna do nothing just chil and keep giving them a hard time

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  • fylfotfire33

    Call them "hogfat" and "porkbeast" and give them pig masks on their birthdays..........just kidding, I'm not interested in seeing you lose your job. But if you were hired for a better job and it was your last day on the old job...........

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    fuck them.
    I've had issues with my weight for years. Never obese but still overweight, every time I tried dieting there were always a few pople around me who discouraged me and passively said I'd fail.

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    • RoseIsabella

      People like that are such a waste of time, and basically not even worth the breath it takes to utter their names. If you have to see them at work or school talk to them as little as possible, otherwise it's worth cutting ties if you can.

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    • Ugh. I'm sorry they did that to you. People are asses.

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