The kidneys are the most underrated least respected organ
Your brain, lungs and heart seem to gain the most respect. After all you can’t live brain or lungs, and you can get an artificial heart. But those organs couldn’t survive if it wasn’t for your faithful bean-shaped twin friend, the Kidneys!💙
This loyal conjoined friend filters 50 gallons of blood a day, supplying it to your heart and brain so they function proper.
Please, for love of your kidneys, drink plenty of water, not too much coffee, limit sugar, and consume wholesome, natural salt. If Diabetic faithfully monitor your gluclose levels and blood pressure do you don’t stress your kidneys.
Kidney failure is unpleasant and affect your entire body from foot amputation, high blood pressure, joint pain (gout), increased risk heart failure, stroke, mental confusion, increase risk of taste, smell and hearing loss, plus going to dialysis for 4 hours a day. If Diabetic, kidney failure greatly increases your risk of complications such amputation since your blood isn’t just plagued with excess gluclose but not waste.
Love your kidneys