The kkk and religion is it normal ?

What I've always wondered is that if the KKK despises jews,blacks,mexicans,asians etc.... How can they claim to be Christians ? After all Jesus was a jew and they adopt the cross as their symbol and burn it which Jesus was crucified on but if he was a jew wouldn't they despise him as well ? What are your ideas on the topic ?

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43% Normal
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Comments ( 19 )
  • anti-hero

    Simple. They don't believe Jesus was a Jew. They have a totally different set of "Christian" beliefs.

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  • SuperBenzid

    They often see that Jesus was murdered by Jews and that Jews were cursed because of this except for Jesus and the disciples. So basically they believe they were the children of God but then through their actions became cast out by him.

    The Old Testament has a lot in it that supports racism so it makes sense for them to use it. Like the stories of Noah's sons being particularly important to the KKK. They believe his sons became the different races and the bible says one of those races is to be slaves to the others.

    That is a quick rundown of their theology.

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  • Anime7

    Look at America, this nation was designed by whites, and to them it is a great country. We have a great military, great cars, and all these great luxuries. Now look at Africa, to people who have never been there or researched it, it is a place perceived to be full of tribal groups and straw huts. They believe that whites built this world and are glad to consider themselves white, integration, according to them, has only caused problems. There are those believe that whites should separate from other races in order to preserve the luxuries that their white ancestors have built for them, hence white separatist and supremacists.

    As Circus said, they paraphrase the Bible to justify calling themselves Christians, similar to how people use the Bible to justify their homophobia. I don't agree with the KKK ideology and I'm glad that people who worship that belief usually end up in jail, but I could understand the mentality behind that. I'm Hispanic by the way.

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    • mixwell

      Good perspective by you and circus. It makes sense how people can pick and choose parts of religion to fit their agenda while disposing all of the other parts they don't feel fits their ideas.

      I would be interested to pose the question to a KKK member in person to see what they say. I'm a white ass honkey who lives around hispanics btw. haha

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      • Anime7

        I would also be interested. I was actually watching an interesting episode of Taboo: USA yesterday and the main theme was strange bonds. In the episode it included an interview with a black man who befriends KKK members in an effort to better understand racism since he wasn't born in America and had no idea of racial supremacy. It was an interesting episode in that I saw KKK members act like decent human beings but show their dark side and the black man explained how by befriending some of the members they have quit the KKK. It was an interesting episode and I just wanted to share what I learned from it.

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        • mixwell

          That's funny because I watched that as well and that's where my question derived from.

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          • Anime7

            That is funny. ha. I'm not going to lie I sort of had a feeling that you watched it. Taboo: USA is a pretty interesting show.

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  • watermelonninja

    I hate racist people. Specially those white KKK rednecks, they're proud to be an American but haven't accomplish anything with their lives!!

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  • handsignals

    What the hell have you people got against 'Krustys Klam Kitchen' they do great seafood food at a reasonable price, and the staff are always very friendly and helpful.

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  • AbnormallyAwesome

    Yes, christian antisemitism is totally absurd. Never understood that either.

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    • BLAh81

      Yes, but all forms of it are absurd.

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  • Terence_the_viking

    They is stupid.

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  • umph

    Jesus is a Jew only from His Mother's side.
    His Father is God, Which has no ethnicity.

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  • Iheartkitties

    The guy who started the KKK Albert Pile was a free mason. He wrote a book about the masons and it talks about Lucifer worship. Other religions started by masons are the Mormons and Jehovah's Witnesses. Masonry is really devil worship and extremely immoral.

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    • Iheartkitties

      Oops, Albert Pike.

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      • BLAh81

        Albert Pike is indeed associated with the KKK by many. However, it is UNPROVEN that he played any part in it.

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  • Elliemental

    Surprisingly there's plenty of self hate in the KKK, there are Jews, Blacks, Mexicans and Asians etc that are members. Fanatics in any faction do not feel like they have to justify their beliefs no matter how contradictory n idiotic!

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  • JustRandomStranger

    I think they are not the good Christians, just people who do bad things and think they are Christian although they are totally wrong and Christianity actually teaches you to do things contrary to what they done

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  • GoraIntoDesiGals

    Christians are just intolerant racist assholes like every other religious bum.

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