The left is bullying the right

The left has bullied the right for so long that we're no longer even on an even playing field and we're playing by their rules which we never should have agreed on in the first place.

We're now in a position where we have to fight to say we aren't all these isms and don't have all these phobias the left makes names for but my position is that we never should have allowed them to make these terms out to be bad things to be in the first place when they're logical positions and we're all entitled to our opinion. At this point they might as well just make "conservative" itself something for us to have to scramble to deny.

For example I know not all of us on the right are homophobic but the fact is most of us are and that shouldn't be wrong to say. It's just another stance but we're not allowed to even have it and I watch friends constantly have to deny they are homophobic while explaining their positions in endless arguments on Facebook with liberals when they should just be able to say yeah what about it? It's an okay stance. We're not scared of individual gay people anyway like phobia implies but we are scared of what the overall thing is doing to the world and there's nothing wrong with standing in its way when it's all in people's head anyway. We have hormones that make us attracted to the opposite sex. This is a scientific fact. There's only one sexuality and then there's mental illness.

Transgenders are the same thing all over again but even worse and we're not allowed to be transphobic when mentally ill people are mutilating their bodies and making their insanity look cool to the extent that little kids are trans now just like some kids say they're gay before normal kids even have urges that confirm that they're straight. This is horrible and scary for the future so yes I am transphobic if that's what you want to call it and I'm not ashamed of that. Same for most of us on the right but it's like we have to explain how it's all so messed up all while denying being a certain term and it's getting old because it's the left who decided the term was bad in the first place. I accept the label proudly.

Sexism is another one. Now most of us don't think men are better than women but as conservatives most of us do want to conserve (the namesake) old-fashioned values and gender roles. Everyone knows families are better off when a man goes to work and puts the food on the table and the woman nurtures the children and keeps up the house. There's nothing wrong with this. If this makes us what the left calls sexist though then so be it I'm sexist I guess and that's my valid opinion.

Another one is race. This isn't fantasy land. In America at least it's a fact that blacks commit most of the crime and that only makes it logical for police to stereotype in some ways. Unless you're completely stupid you know it's less likely that a white collar white man in a business suit is going to shoot at you than a black man walking on the street with a baggy hoody and a toboggan on. It's just common sense. Cops are right to show more caution around them and neighborhoods with people like that and to question them more. It doesn't mean we hate all black people. But this makes us racist by their definition when even black people on the right agree because the right is about facts not feelings.

I was thinking about how these days promiscuous women (who I don't agree with) are embracing the term "slut" and taking its power much like blacks have with a certain word we all know and I think it's time for us as conservatives to do the same with the terms the left throws at us to shame us and we'll disarm them in the process.

If these are their definitions of these terms then I embrace them all. Not everyone on the right is the same just like not everyone on the left is the same but this is definitely how most of us on the right feel so I say it's time to rise up and say hell yes we are homophobic hell yes we are transphobic hell yes we are sexist and hell yes we are racist and we are proud! We shouldn't be shamed for any of this and it's time to fight the insanity.

I was even thinking of LGBT pride parades and thinking we could create a similar movement. This might sound ridiculous but I'm completely serious. It could be SHIRT if we included what they call islamophobia. SHIRT could stand for sexist, homophobic, islamophobic, racist, and transphobic. We could start protesting LGBT parades with SHIRT pride parades.

If this sounds insane to you it's because we're still playing by their rules and we can completely disarm them by taking the power away from these terms. We can't defend our positions until we take the power away from the labels for our positions and frame them as valid positions once again.

I proudly admit I voted for Donald J. Trump both times exactly because of what they accuse me of like it's a bad thing and honestly he let me down. He was the best president in modern history but he did hardly anything to advance SHIRT ideals compared to what I thought he would. I think we were lucky to have even him and we won't have a president better than him until we grow some balls and say we are SHIRT and that's okay!

Who is with me?

(I've already seen people in the comments asking about SHIRT and looking it up. I don't want to have to answer that a million times so I repeat that yes this is just an idea of mine, not something I came across. I don't care about credit for it though. I just think it's something we can all do together and a great answer to LGBT.)

I support SHIRT 6
I don't support SHIRT 10
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Comments ( 85 )
  • Boojum

    So the TLDR version of this is that you're so proud of your hate and fear of those who are different to yourself that you want to wear a uniform announcing this to the world.

    How about something in a nice shade of caramel? Maybe you could decorate it with some geometric patterns; a deformed cross might be cool. And since you're so proud of your genetic heritage, maybe include some runes. A couple of sigel runes could look good. Spread-winged eagles always look cool, so be sure you have one of those too. Maybe have it perched on top of your cross thing.

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    • LloydAsher

      I just perfer to be called the "Not crazy party"

      Pretty much nothing besides shooting down obviously dumb ideas that get brought up by either side.

      Gun control and abortion are complicated so it's not included.

      Bathroom rights, women sports eligibility, and any other obviously one sided objectively stupid policies that uses emotional arguments as a crutch are the issues that the not crazy party partakes in.

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      • Well I support easy gun ownership and am strongly against baby murder but I agree they don't quite fit a label like "not crazy party".

        How the hell are the other issues you mentioned objectively stupid though? I guess you support little girls being raped in the bathroom by MEN just looking for an easy way to do it and pretending they're women? You know that's a big part of it right? I guess you support MEN beating women silly in combat sports and stealing scholarships from young women too?

        We don't need a new party anyway. The Republican party is already the party I'm describing and almost all Republicans basically feel this way but won't grow a pair because we're afraid of words which makes me cringe. There's nothing wrong with these labels! We are SHIRTS and that's what we should be.

        If someone called you a word meaning you're against chomos would you be offended? So why are we by terms for our other beliefs? Because the left told us to be? I'm through deepthroating their boot.

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        • Clunk42

          Sorry, friend, but the Constitution Party is the best political party.

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          • I agree. It actually split from the Republican party and is much more open about embracing the ideals of many of us on the right. It went further in the right direction, pun intended. I vote Republican though because sadly it's a two-party system at heart here.

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    • No. The TLDR version is that I'm not going to enable mental illnesses and allow them to spread to children like it's cool. I'm also not going to let emotional arguments interfere with logic and facts. The TLDR version is that there's nothing wrong with all these terms the left calls us and that it's time we just tell them that instead of scrambling to deny their accusations.

      I won't be proud of eagles again until modern America finally grows a pair.

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  • bigbudchonger

    The left is bullying the right, but becoming "Sexist, homophobic, islamaphobic, racist and transphobic" is a retarded way to fight back. Just be logical and resonable and the left will die, as it's already beggining to do.

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    • But they're valid positions and I'm tired of deepthroating their boot and letting them pretend these positions aren't logical.

      I don't know about that. I think kids are increasingly becoming SJWs and embracing socialism. Something has to change. Surely you can see what's happening in the world. We're slowly losing freedom of speech.

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      • bigbudchonger

        You can dislike Islam without being islamaphobic; you can think trans people are mentally ill without being transphobic, and you can recognize the crime rate and IQ statistics from certain ethnic groups without being racist. You're playing into their world, dude, by labelling yourself in their terms.

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        • No offense meant, but there's not a softer way to put this. This is why the left calls us retarded and they're not wrong in doing so, at least when it's for this reason.

          You absolutely cannot do that. If you dislike and want to stop Islam, you are an islamophobe by definition. Do you think it's okay to feel that way? Obviously it is. If the answer is "yes" then stop acting like the word for that is wrong. Why is the thought process okay but the description of the thought process bad? Because the left told you it is. Phobia bad. Ism bad. They have our balls in their purse. We're the ones playing their game and they can easily win every debate by pointing out the obvious contradictions in our claims as long as we don't reclaim these labels. Think of what so many blacks did with slurs against them. They took the power away. So I say hell yes I'm islamophobic. I'm not retarded. I hate Islam. I'm an islamophobe, and that's a good thing, something to be proud of.

          We're made to look completely idiotic and full of shit when we explain things like opposing gay marriage while trying to claim we're not homophobic. The key is to man the fuck up and tell them there's nothing wrong with the labels that describe our positions.

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          • bigbudchonger

            I'm not transphobic for instance, because I don't hate trans people or are scared of them. I just think that's mentally ill. You're playing their game completely. They don't even fully know what the isms and phobia mean because they've lost all their original context; it's just a buzz word to call something "bad".

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            • "Phobia" is often branded as denoting fear alone due to our familiarity with phobias of spiders and such but truthfully, etymologically speaking it's simply the antonym of the Greek "philia" which means "love for". Whether it be thought of as hate or fear isn't as important as the fact that it represents opposition to something.

              That said, most of us do fear the repercussions of these things as overall concepts while not fearing individuals. I absolutely fear a world where our children are convinced it's trendy and cool to mutilate their bodies. I am absolutely transphobic as I oppose the trans movement.

              Yes. They're used to call something bad, by the left. It doesn't change that they're the real terms. The point is that if we don't reclaim these terms and call out the absurdity of the implication that phobias are always bad, the only other option is to continue looking stupid and in denial.

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  • KholatKhult

    You’re going to have to shorten this, reading is for communists

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    • Basically I believe the left has brainwashed us into scrambling to deny being various terms that I agree we obviously are but shouldn't be ashamed of being as they're valid positions.

      It's a scientific fact that hormones make us attracted to the opposite sex so all sexualities besides heterosexuality are mental illnesses just like gender dysphoria. Now it's being sold to children as trendy and giving them the mental illnesses. We should treat mental illness not enable them. So I say we should admit we're homophobic and transphobic but do so with pride.

      We don't believe men are better than woman but we do believe they have different roles. This is what's best for families and the world overall. So if that makes sexist despite believing we're equal, I say admit we're sexist proudly.

      It's a fact that in America at least minorities commit the most crime so it's only logical for police to profile them. Even minorities on our side understand this so I say if they want to call that racist, let's admit we're racist with pride.

      I don't think I even have to explain why islamophobia is logical.

      So I want to take the power away from the left by reclaiming the labels for our positions and undoing the brainwashing that says they're bad things.

      SHIRT pride is an idea I had to oppose their own movement, LGBT. It means sexist, homophobic, islamophobic, racist, transphobic and proud. I won't be shamed for choosing logic.

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      • KholatKhult

        So you want your government to be large and powerful in order to control people and force them into a status quo then. That’s very authoritarian isn’t it ?
        You’re going to piss off every libertarian and deny freedom through this. But that’s up to you, bit bootlicky in my eyes.

        It’s also a scientific fact that Jews and Asians have higher IQs, are more monetarily successful, and commit the least crime.

        So, if you want to build a model citizen, it won’t be you.

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        • No. I prefer small government. I'm not arguing for execution and labor camps here. I just think gay marriage and gender reassignment surgery should be illegal. I also think it should be okay for police to logically profile.

          Those are the only legal changes I'm proposing. The main change I'm suggesting here is a cultural one, rejecting the brainwashing and reclaiming the SHIRT terms as valid positions. What happened to freedom of speech?

          As for IQ, that's absolutely true, but I never talked about profiling by IQ. I did by crime rates. I think intellect should be checked for on an individual basis, but I also think it's perfectly logical to guess an Asian is the smartest person in the room until proven otherwise if you had to guess.

          Bold of you to seemingly assume I'm white. Maybe I'm Asian. That wouldn't be what you call racism would it? And guess what? It's a lot of whites saying the things I say so you logically profiled me, and you were right due to that. This is why what the left calls racism is not just okay but logical.

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        • bigbudchonger

          Ye you're bang on point about Ashkenazi Jews man; their IQ is amazingly high.

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          • Absolutely.

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  • my_life_my_way

    TLDR but the left is what’s popular and trendy now so everyone with moderately right wing views is hated for it by crazy lefties

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    • Nice to see a woman with her head on straight in this age.

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      • KholatKhult

        She kills crows for fun, so yeah, no screws loose at all.

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        • litelander8


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        • As in she doesn't eat them? I don't condone killing animals you don't intend to eat unless there's an overpopulation issue or something.

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          • KholatKhult

            She does not eat them. She’s a Jeffrey Dahmer type. Finds it amusing

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            • Then she's either mentally ill or a sicko as far as I'm concerned. I hope she gets treatment.

              Wait. If she's a Jeffrey Dahmer type doesn't that mean she in fact DOES eat them? LOL.

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        • my_life_my_way

          I’ve never killed someone and been to Russian prison though

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          • As in he doesn't eat them? I don't condone killing anyone you don't intend to eat unless there's an overpopulation issue or something.

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            • my_life_my_way

              I don’t know if he ate them or not but dude killed like 3 people and spent about 10 years in Russian jail for it and he thinks he can pass moral judgements on me 🤣

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  • LloydAsher

    Stupid name. I perfer deplorables.

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    • If you mean LGBT I agree.

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  • litelander8

    Can we drop the whole “phobia” nonsense. No one is scared of gay people…

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    • I almost said just that. I looked for a word that meant "hate" specifically but it seems we only use philia (love or highest approval of) and phobia (its antonym).

      But then I decided it was accurate anyway. I don't hate mentally ill people. I just don't condone enabling mental illness instead of treating it, and I admit I am afraid of what just that is doing to our children.

      Still I'm not afraid some gay guy is going to kick my ass or something. I'm sure it would be just the opposite.

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      • litelander8

        Gay people should be scared you’re going to kick their ass?

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        • No. I'm just saying that I presume I could kick the vast majority of gay people's asses and I'm not afraid of them, not that they should fear me assaulting them.

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    the right has become a meme of itself wastin time tryin to own the libs and drivin around in gigantic trucks with gigantic flags wavin guns for shock value

    and the political leadership is a buncha vapid corporate and religious shills whod sell anyone or anythin out for just another hit of that sweet sweet money & power

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    • 1WeirdGuy

      It makes it worse theyre usually fake religious. When I hear a politician saying in his campaign "i am a god fearing man" i say oh god not another one. Theres something so sleazy about a god fearing politician because if they were so god fearing they wouldnt be in such a dirty business.

      But I will say my governor Bill Lee had the cheesiest compaign videos with all that god this and that shit but he ended up being pretty good aside from the time he accepted all those refugees saying its gods will.... outside of that hes been good tho. I didnt vote for him however, got those fake god vibes.

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    • I agree. I don't want to "own" the libs. I like my things. I'd rather throw the libs in the trash but that's just my anger speaking. We don't have to make them look insane because they do it themselves. I'm just ready to stop playing by their rules and show the testicular fortitude to say these labels aren't bad things.

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    I call them out on their own bigotry. Because they will virtue signal constantly and tell you their opinion matters more because they are accepting of others and you are just a uneducated working class bigot and they are put on this earth to teach the world how to be good people. But if you just observe them you will see bully behaviors and serious superiority complexes and narcissistic behaviors.

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    • Their acceptance isn't always a good thing. What's next, accepting chomos? Accepting dog fuckers? Gay people, transgenders, feminists, and people who deny facts about race and crime aren't necessarily as bad as chomos but they're still clearly mentally ill and I support treating mental illness instead of enabling it. The left have completely lost their minds. They used to provide healthy balance but now they're just insane and I'm proud to be the terms they call us.

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      • 1WeirdGuy

        Yes for 100% certainty the next acceptable thing for them is chomos. They're already laying the ground work for it. And these far left people who call everyone racist will also call you bigoted if you dont accept that behavior. Because "Some people are born attracted to younger people."

        Look up on netflix "are all men p*d0philes" to see what Im talking about.

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        • You heard it from us first, people. I don't see how people don't see what you and I do so clearly. It's obviously next. Sometimes I can't help but wonder if all the chomos on the left are just accepting these mental illnesses so they can gradually make chomos acceptable without it seeming sudden.

          I haven't seen that. I'll check it out. Thanks.

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          • 1WeirdGuy

            Its sick its a documentary using the same playbook as all the others. That its a condition that you are born with. It also goes into detail how the age of consent is too high in the USA and that most places its 12-14. Goes into how men are wired for fertile women and blah blah you can predict everything they say its always the same fundamentals.

            But I tell ya what if you can convince people children can consent to hormones and changing their bodies permanently you can convince people they can consent in other ways.

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  • Correction

    So the tldr version is you feel like the left is bullying the right because…the left won’t let the right force their beliefs on the left? That’s…not what bullying means. That’s the opposite of bullying, that’s standing up to bullies.

    Can you imagine what it would be like if the right ever faced actual bullying, actual oppression, actual discrimination? Imagine if the left was actively, aggressively passing laws against going to church and praying in general because believing in god is a mental illness, and passing laws prohibiting anybody who owns a Bible from getting married or having kids or using public bathrooms because they shouldn’t be allowed to expose their mental illnesses to children. Imagine if the left started labeling Bible thumpers pedoph…oh wait, most Bible thumpers actually are(or at least defend) pedophiles, this got too real it was supposed to be a hypothetical.

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    • The left can have their opinions. That's fine. They're insane, horrible opinions, but I support free speech and thought.

      The problem is they're trying to take away ours by making the labels for our positions bad words, taboo.

      I'm very sexist, homophobic, islamophobic, racist, and transphobic. These are the same positions the vast majority of us have on the right but we're being trained to somehow explain our positions all while frantically denying being these labels, which just looks stupid and contributes to the stereotype that we're uneducated. My position is that these labels are acceptable descriptions of us. I mean they obviously are. I support capitalism as well. Yet it's socially acceptable for me to say I'm a capitalist. I support conservatism of tradition. Yet it's socially acceptable for me to say I'm a conservative. So how is it that I can't just say I'm racist? That I can't just say I'm homophobic? That's what I don't get.

      Honestly my problem isn't just with the left but with the right at this point. I cringe so hard watching friends scramble about in debates trying to say they're not racist, etc. I mean it's like, let's be real. We very much are all these things we're accused of, but the point is that's okay!

      How is it so bad to be transphobic? It's just an alternative stance on this incredibly serious issue. I mean imagine that an alien species showed up, said they were stranded, and would die if we didn't let them live among us so we did. Then we find out they regularly cannibalize their criminals and execute all but the top one percent of their children as a way to constantly improve their genes, really alien stuff like that. This is incredibly similar to the trans situation, yet I'm not allowed to say I'm transphobic. No one would bat an eye for saying you didn't welcome these aliens, so why trans people? It's almost the exact same thing.

      As for the Bible thumpers I completely disagree with that last part and I think you know that's bullshit too. The strongly religious are the most sexist, homophobic, islamophobic, racist, transphobic people there are. We get these values from the Bible itself. But you're saying we magically accept chomos? Give me a break. Religious folks are the same people that talk about wanting to murder them. It's the left that supports therapy for them and says maybe they're born that way.

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      • Correction

        I’ll respond to the last part first…the Bible openly supports and encourages (demands, in fact) pedophilia. “Well technically it’s hebephilia” is not a defense for touching children. They’re the ones who want the age of consent lowered, or completely abolished. They’re the ones defending child marriages. Look at the politicians they support. Are there any male republicans that DON’T like underage girls? Their presidential nominee the last two elections was a guy who said his 13 year old daughter was hotter than his wife and that he hoped the one trait his infant daughter gets from her mom is her boobs. Everybody knows QAnon is a psyop to distract from all the real, actual pedophiles, like a cheating spouse who always baselessly accuses their spouse of cheating. Saying you want to murder child molesters is pretty hollow when you defend every actual child molester. That’s like claiming to be “pro life” and not giving a shit about the life of a child once it’s born.

        As for the rest…in another comment you said, “I just think gay marriage and gender reassignment surgery should be illegal.“ That’s…not supporting free speech and thought. That’s the exact opposite of supporting free speech and thought. If you support free speech and thought, I’m really not sure what the problem is here. You have your opinion that being gay or trans or black or anything but a straight white Christian American man is bad, they have the opinion that being a racist sexist xenophobic bigot is bad. Why is it ok for one side to say the other is bad but the other side can’t respond? That’s not free speech or thought. Same with the stereotyping/profiling…if we’re going to profile minorities, surely it’s fair to profile conservatives as uneducated, since that’s what they are, but you talked about them being stereotyped as if thats a bad thing. I just want some logical consistency here. We should have more stereotyping and profiling of conservatives, not less, if we’re going to stereotype and profile other groups.

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        • I'm asking for logical consistency from you. I'm going to need to make some corrections here.

          1. I didn't say being black is bad. I said it should be okay for police to profile, look at the most logical areas and suspects first. The harsh reality is it will get the job done faster. Also, it's Asians, not whites, who commit the least crime. I admit this as a white man because I live in reality.

          2. I already said that's the only kind of profiling I support and that I don't agree with profiling by IQ or education. If we did, it would again be Asians on top by the way anyway, but again I only support profiling to prevent crime and save lives. Lives > feelings.

          3. Me feeling that gender reassignment surgery and gay marriage should be illegal doesn't have a damn thing to do with free speech. You're free to say you support it and I'm free to say I don't. I don't support the outcome resulting from anything except voting.

          But my free speech is being limited. I'm not even allowed to be and say I'm homophobic most places now while you were allowed to say you supported gay marriage when it was illegal. THIS is my free speech being hindered. As long as I support laws only changing legally and I don't assault anyone I should be perfectly free to discuss my sexist, homophobic, islamophobic, racist, and transphobic ideas.

          Imagine if you could be banned from Twitter for saying you support LGBT. This is a blatant attack on my free speech and it's undeniable.

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          • Correction

            1/2.Race isn’t the only thing that correlates with crime. It’s not even the best predictor, that’s poverty. If you want to profile to prevent crime and save lives, you should want them to profile poor people regardless of race. And, of course, the leading cause of poverty is lack of education, so uneducated people have to be included in that. The fact that black people commit more crimes is because they face more barriers to education and are more likely to be in poverty, it’s not something inherent to being black. (To be clear, in no way do I support profiling poor or uneducated people, but if you thinking profiling is acceptable and want to do it to reduce crime and save lives, you should want them to do so in the most effective way possible.)

            3.You’re free to say you wouldn’t have gender reassignment surgery or that you wouldn’t marry somebody of the same gender, but when you say other people shouldn’t have those rights, of course that’s infringing on their rights. Come on, that’s just silly.

            Well, Twitter isn’t the government and they’re not putting people in jail, they’re a privately owned company that has the right to write their own rules and enforce them how they see fit, so that has nothing to do with freedom of speech, but I don’t have to just “imagine” that happening to people on the left, because it DID happen - on Parler. They eagerly banned leftists and anybody who disagreed with the mob…and that wasn’t a free speech issue either.

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            • 1/2. I never said it was or wasn't inherent to blacks. I'm saying it's a fact that they commit more crime for some reason or another. Therefore profiling them saves lives. I'm fine with profiling by poverty as well even though it's almost the same thing. It's common sense that some white trash guy is more likely to shoot you than a white man in a business suit as well. Whatever saves lives. Lives will always be more important than feelings about profiling.

              3. You're pulling a switcheroo here. You said I was infringing in their freedom of speech and thought, not rights. Yes, I would like to take these specific rights away from them, legally via voting.

              You're actually right here and I almost didn't use Twitter because of that but I did because Twitter is so well-known. Twitter can ban me because they don't like my name. But the point is their mindset is based on what's going on in general as well. Us homophobic people will be verbally attacked in the general public, even by other homophobic people on the right, just for admitting we're homophobic. It's treated like a bad word when it's just a position. One half of the population is sexist, homophobic, islamophobic, racist, and transphobic and we have to live in shadows because we agreed to play these rules and it's insane. It doesn't happen with the overall picture. Liberals can admit they're liberals. Conservatives can admit they're conservatives. Liberals can admit they're LGBT. But conservatives can't admit nearly all of us are sexist, homophobic, islamophobic, racist, and transphobic. It's incredibly cowardly of my side that we've allowed ourselves to be beaten into submission like this.

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  • Ghostface

    you do know the only current treatment for gender dysphoria is to allow the transgender person to transition with hormones/surgery, right? other than that there's no magic pill or therapy that cures/treats gender dysphoria or takes it away, which is basically impossible since research has found transgenders people's brains are wired more towards their preferred gender which is why they are transgender in the first place.

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    • I suspect that's much rarer than people simply being brainwashed and convinced it's a route to attention and support. Even still that means very little. In fact, many mental illnesses have physical reasons behind them. This doesn't change that they manifest as mental illnesses.

      Does it make more sense to research ways to fix their brain or to allow them to drastically alter their entire bodies to match their flawed brain and drown in hormones they're not meant to take? If a severe schizophrenic (and schizophrenia has physical causes) claims they feel like if they don't cut their possessed legs off the sun will explode, do you work on curing their mental illness or do you get right on chopping their legs off?

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      • Ghostface

        i never denied it wasn't a mental illness, gender dysphoria is literally a medical issue. i highly doubt there is even a way to find a cure for the brain, i mean look at autism, they can't even find a permanent brain cure for that or any other mental illness.

        your example is flawed, we need our legs to function as it is a limb. a ftm cutting off extra breast tissue to make their chest flatter does not impact any important functions that they need to live, they'll still function normally in day to day life.

        someone altering their genitals also does not impact anything when done correctly, they can still use their bodily functions normally. cutting a leg off, it's gone forever and you will not be able to use it because your leg will just be a stump. transgender people still have working genitals and functions even if they alter their bodies.

        comparing a leg to still working genitals that are there or any other transgender surgery doesn't make any sense.

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        • That's fair actually. Let's just make it breasts then. A schizophrenic says their breasts are possessed by demons and wants them cut off, or a schizophrenic wants their breasts cut off for any reason at all stemming from their mental illness. Continue hoping for and working for a cure, or chop their breasts off because of their delusions born of mental illness?

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          • Ghostface

            the difference with that is there are medications out there already for people with schizophrenia that help reduce the symptoms and severity of the illness. there's no medication that helps reduce the symptoms of gender dysphoria. for the sake of your argument lets say none of the medications help this person at all and they still want their breasts reduced.

            i honestly don't see an issue why they should not be allowed to get breast surgery, as people get breast reduction surgery all the time and alter their bodies for much less (wanting to look prettier) than doing it because it actually does something important like helping their mental state.

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            • Catering to a mental illness is the opposite of helping someone's mental state. It's aiding their illness and victimizing them.

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  • Tinybird

    I agree apart from the "there's only one sexuality and then there's mental illness"

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    • But our hormones are what decide the sex we're attracted to. That's a physical thing. Any divergence from that has to be mental illness then without some major physical abnormality which would also be a disorder.

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      • Tinybird

        I don't consider myself "ill" or "defective" and I'm attracted to tornadoes. Unless it's something that's directly hurting myself or someone else then I don't consider it an illness

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        • I'm not accusing you of hurting anyone or being a bad person.

          Do these tornadoes happen to be male tornadoes? That's because you have estrogen and are functioning properly.

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          • Tinybird

            Yes they're male tornadoes

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            • I'm happy to hear that. Welcome to SHIRT.

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  • BleedingPain

    Im trying to think if I know anyone who is extremely obnoxious and apart of this whole cancel culture trend. I know I can think of some people who are huge trump supporters (to the point where they still believe he should have won) but I cant think of anyone i know who would be a huge leftist.

    I know someone out there must be cancel culture, LGBT, my feelings were hurt cause the actors in “In the Heights” were not dark enough, but I believe this is a stereotype that the internet hyped up big time. We called out by name on national tv some of those who stormed the capital, lets call out those who got tv canceled.

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    • I think a lot of the people on this site are like that actually but they're a little quieter because there's a fairly even balance here unlike on platforms like Twitter the echo chamber, which I don't even bother with anymore.

      It might come as a surprise but I wouldn't call myself a huge Trump supporter. I do think he was one of the best presidents in a long time and I voted for him both times but he didn't do as much as I would have liked for SHIRT ideals. I also acknowledge that while there were a lot of shady things that happened he likely did lose the election. I didn't think so at first but it checks out.

      I want someone better than Trump but it's not going to happen if we don't grow some balls.

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  • LloydAsher

    Tldr what is shirt?

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    • Sexist, homophobic, islamophobic, racist, and transphobic but due to the left's brainwashing that's going to sound like a bad thing just like they want if you don't read my points and apply critical thinking. We don't even realize just how much they've brainwashed us.

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    • Clunk42

      I think OP made it up. Google doesn't even have any information on that easily accessible.

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      • You're absolutely correct. I wish it was an established movement but we're currently just letting the left win with theirs, LGBT. Our side tends to be more religious but even those that aren't among us understand the strengths of these Biblical values.

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      • LloydAsher

        Of course the OP made it up. It's not even a catchy name. Who would want to be called a shirt?

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        • Boojum

          "Who would want to be called a shirt?"

          It would be appropriate in England, since those speaking with an English accent tend to barely voice the "r" sound in words.

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          • Clunk42

            American Shirt: /ʃɝt/
            British Shirt: /ʃɜːt/
            Shit: /ʃɪt/

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            • Thank you.

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          • That's not an R they would soften. You live in the UK so you know this. Your bullshit has no power here.

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        • I like SHIRT because it can be easily said unlike their movement which is currently kicking our asses, LGBT. Plus we can think of it as wearing a shirt of common sense.

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