The left is bullying the right
The left has bullied the right for so long that we're no longer even on an even playing field and we're playing by their rules which we never should have agreed on in the first place.
We're now in a position where we have to fight to say we aren't all these isms and don't have all these phobias the left makes names for but my position is that we never should have allowed them to make these terms out to be bad things to be in the first place when they're logical positions and we're all entitled to our opinion. At this point they might as well just make "conservative" itself something for us to have to scramble to deny.
For example I know not all of us on the right are homophobic but the fact is most of us are and that shouldn't be wrong to say. It's just another stance but we're not allowed to even have it and I watch friends constantly have to deny they are homophobic while explaining their positions in endless arguments on Facebook with liberals when they should just be able to say yeah what about it? It's an okay stance. We're not scared of individual gay people anyway like phobia implies but we are scared of what the overall thing is doing to the world and there's nothing wrong with standing in its way when it's all in people's head anyway. We have hormones that make us attracted to the opposite sex. This is a scientific fact. There's only one sexuality and then there's mental illness.
Transgenders are the same thing all over again but even worse and we're not allowed to be transphobic when mentally ill people are mutilating their bodies and making their insanity look cool to the extent that little kids are trans now just like some kids say they're gay before normal kids even have urges that confirm that they're straight. This is horrible and scary for the future so yes I am transphobic if that's what you want to call it and I'm not ashamed of that. Same for most of us on the right but it's like we have to explain how it's all so messed up all while denying being a certain term and it's getting old because it's the left who decided the term was bad in the first place. I accept the label proudly.
Sexism is another one. Now most of us don't think men are better than women but as conservatives most of us do want to conserve (the namesake) old-fashioned values and gender roles. Everyone knows families are better off when a man goes to work and puts the food on the table and the woman nurtures the children and keeps up the house. There's nothing wrong with this. If this makes us what the left calls sexist though then so be it I'm sexist I guess and that's my valid opinion.
Another one is race. This isn't fantasy land. In America at least it's a fact that blacks commit most of the crime and that only makes it logical for police to stereotype in some ways. Unless you're completely stupid you know it's less likely that a white collar white man in a business suit is going to shoot at you than a black man walking on the street with a baggy hoody and a toboggan on. It's just common sense. Cops are right to show more caution around them and neighborhoods with people like that and to question them more. It doesn't mean we hate all black people. But this makes us racist by their definition when even black people on the right agree because the right is about facts not feelings.
I was thinking about how these days promiscuous women (who I don't agree with) are embracing the term "slut" and taking its power much like blacks have with a certain word we all know and I think it's time for us as conservatives to do the same with the terms the left throws at us to shame us and we'll disarm them in the process.
If these are their definitions of these terms then I embrace them all. Not everyone on the right is the same just like not everyone on the left is the same but this is definitely how most of us on the right feel so I say it's time to rise up and say hell yes we are homophobic hell yes we are transphobic hell yes we are sexist and hell yes we are racist and we are proud! We shouldn't be shamed for any of this and it's time to fight the insanity.
I was even thinking of LGBT pride parades and thinking we could create a similar movement. This might sound ridiculous but I'm completely serious. It could be SHIRT if we included what they call islamophobia. SHIRT could stand for sexist, homophobic, islamophobic, racist, and transphobic. We could start protesting LGBT parades with SHIRT pride parades.
If this sounds insane to you it's because we're still playing by their rules and we can completely disarm them by taking the power away from these terms. We can't defend our positions until we take the power away from the labels for our positions and frame them as valid positions once again.
I proudly admit I voted for Donald J. Trump both times exactly because of what they accuse me of like it's a bad thing and honestly he let me down. He was the best president in modern history but he did hardly anything to advance SHIRT ideals compared to what I thought he would. I think we were lucky to have even him and we won't have a president better than him until we grow some balls and say we are SHIRT and that's okay!
Who is with me?
(I've already seen people in the comments asking about SHIRT and looking it up. I don't want to have to answer that a million times so I repeat that yes this is just an idea of mine, not something I came across. I don't care about credit for it though. I just think it's something we can all do together and a great answer to LGBT.)
I support SHIRT | 6 | |
I don't support SHIRT | 10 |