The less healthy a life i lead, the worse my mood.

Basically if i eat fruit, drink smoothies and go to bed before midnight, i tend to be absolutely fine.

However, if i go a day without fruit or i stay up late, the next day i wake up and for the whole day I will be depressed and paranoid. Is it normal?

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Comments ( 17 )
  • Vordem

    I believe this has already been proven in a study. Eating healthier foods improve your mood.

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  • bubsy

    Fruit = sugar and carbs. If it's an alternative to ice cream, then it's an improvement. But they're hardly healthy, and you're better of with a multivitamin instead.

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    • charli.m


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    • Ellenna

      Since when have multivitamins been healthier than fresh fruit? I guess you work for a pharmaceutical company, right?

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      • bubsy

        For starters, fruit juices are just sugar with fruity flavoring. If you're eating an apple instead of a bag of chips, of course its a healthier alternative.

        But a diet low in carbs and sugar will always better.

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        • charli.m

          The vast array of beneficial compounds cannot be easily replicated in a pill, said Aune.

          "Most likely it is the whole package of beneficial nutrients you obtain by eating fruits and vegetables that is crucial is health.

          "This is why it is important to eat whole plant foods to get the benefit, instead of taking antioxidant or vitamin supplements."

          Not that you care to educate yourself.

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          • bubsy

            That article you linked is horrifically unscientific, with the depth and detail you'd expect from a 5th grader's health class. In the future, look out for words like "most likely" and "may" that don't have any numbers behind them.

            The worst is that it doesn't even explain why eating the whole fruit is shown to "reduce cholesterol levels, blood pressure, and to boost the health of our blood vessels and immune system," it just states it. Is it the fiber? The vitamin C or potassium?

            What point are you trying to make here?

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            • charli.m

              Predictable, gypsy.

              Yes, it's a simplified version. Did I claim it was the actual study? No. It states the authors that did the study. You could look into that, only you don't want to educate yourself or others.

              This is merely an article I saw in passing that stated a well known fact. A fact that, y'know, most fifth graders would know but seems to be too complicated for your simple mind.

              Now get back to me when you have any source of information for anything whatsover that isn't the only two books you've ever read.

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        • wigz

          Juices will contain varying percents of actual fruit juice and the label will say so. The reason juices are not so healthy, no matter the % of real fruit juice, is that they have no fiber and have a lot of sugar by volume (you'd consume tons more berries in juice form vs whole berry form). Eating a strawberry is significantly different than drinking juice of one. They both have sugar but sugar + fiber is absorbed/metabolized differently...fiber helps greatly with blood sugar control. Glycemic index.

          It has been proven over and over that multivitamins are inferior to nutritious food and are really only beneficial to someone who is seriously nutrient and food deprived.

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          • bubsy

            I don't discount fiber at all, I think it's woefully lacking in the modern diet. But the reality is that vegetables are far more nutritious and lack much of the sugar that fruit does. And I'll say this before I continue: carbs are broken down into glucose (sugar).

            It's why if you're diabetic and controlling blood sugar is an issue, you have to watch your carbs as well. Fiber is a carb but one the body doesn't digest, and therefore doesn't affect your blood sugar level.

            So my argument is again that if you eat fruit to replace potato chips and oreos, then it is certainly the healthier option. But fruits themselves are hardly healthy. If you want my recommendation, go Atkins and stick to meat, vegetables and fat.

            Let me ask you this: what does a cup of strawberries give you that a cup of broccoli doesn't?

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        • charli.m

          There's a difference between a piece of fruit and a glass of fruit juice, you imbecile.

          Can you just manage, just once, to not be completely fucking ignorant?

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          • wigz

            "There's a difference between a piece of fruit and a glass of fruit juice, you imbecile"

            Yes, this is the right answer.

            And vitamins are so inferior to real food.

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            • charli.m

              I believe there are some supplements that are more easily absorbed than the natural nutrients in actual food, but overall, you're far better off eating actual food. I mean the word "supplements" says it all...

              But this is the guy who said babies don't feel pain...

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          • bubsy

            What words to use at 32. Of course there's a difference between oranges and orange juice, but that doesn't offer any sort of point or insight.

            And keep in mind that OP mentioned fruit smoothies, which often come with added sugar. I don't mind contrasting ideas, charli, but I just don't know if you're at that level.

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            • charli.m

              So apparently you're unaware of the fact that people can make their own food?

              Or that whether a fruit is whole or juiced is, in fact, a world of difference?

              You're even dumber than I realised. And I already had you pegged as a window licker.

              Now tell me what "No more Mr Nice Guy" has to say about this situation.

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