The never changing or adjusting again

You decided consistency's normal. Normality's an art and not an unskilled activity or being. It's complicated but beliefs of the conventional make it easier, lest you're a fool trying to fit in. Hence this is likely to never change, and with the adjustment not to be too fundamentalist in my religion and this is far from normal, the normal, conventional thing to do is be a religious moderate with no dogmas, I'm never changing or adjusting again.

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Comments ( 2 )
  • olderdude-xx

    The world around you is constantly changing... Usually slowly, but sometimes fast for some.

    If you do no respond to how the world changes you likely are going to do worse off in life. In some cases it leads to a quick death or serious injury.

    But, it is your choice...

    Just don't expect others to care for whatever situation you end up in; and its all fine with me.

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    • normal-rebellious

      Yes, leading to a quick death, well, such sacrifices have to be made never to adjust or change one bit. It's not fun being a different person, I would prefer it if I stuck to my identity a long time ago as a weird kid (it's too late, nobody's accepting it, and if I was the weird kid now people will think I'm such a bad person, that's funny because I was perfect, and because I was original and the best, however my identity really used to be a hippie doing some quirky things and acting "normal", e.g. having some very strange jokes, very strange writing, drawing, painting, tattoos, and the copying of very strange things, and very strange songs and listening to them, and watching very strange movies without the rest of me acting strange). I could've died as the weird teenager a long time ago, but that identity I decided to normalise until people were calling me weird and saying I'm not normal, my 34-year-old self I can die being like that.

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