The normal and unusual things people do

The best way to surround yourself with normal people when everyone in your locality's unique and you hate it so much is to start your own family and raise your children and wife or husband normal.
The things people do is the love of life like it matters when the actualized videos don't want you to love your normal life and have fun, they want pride in your spirit and all that nonsense, and weird enough, why do people think authority from a spiritual leader makes it the gospel because they said so?! Doesn't it leave you suspicious? And further down the line no one is wanting to live an unwell idiosyncratic life. Do you see that people with mental sicknesses don't know anything? Jesus was a nut, Socrates was ignorant and both were eccentric and the result is they died.
Do you see that people think weird things like that from the hippies, and religious founders must so be the gospel? It's false! Also as for normal people I think very much that differentness is bad, you can even scare yourself by being different without even knowing it, and nobody thinks such a fright is unmanly, no one questions that fear, we're all afraid of it.

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