The ocean and it's depths and everything in it.

Okay so I am not all that afraid of water. I can swim..I love pools and I do swim in lakes. BUTT it has to look okay and NO FISH in the area.The ocean freaks me right out sorry any sea, lake anything just the VIEW of the underwater. My biggest fear is to be in a rubber dingy boat and see a whale tale come up beside me. DO YOU KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS?! That means it's body is UNDER YOU. LIKE AHHHHH! I hate the darkness, I hate how if I was swimming in the ocean I would never know at any direction that something was going to get me. Even from beneath me. I hate FISH they creep me right out. And now I'm on some death thinking spree thinking I'm going to become something in the ocean and I swear to god if I am a whale I am ramming my head into rocks until it is the end of me. ( obviously I won't) BUT what for my whole life I swim around in the darkness peak up a few times for air...constantly searching for food and running from prey( don't necessarily have to be a whale). It just freaks me out. I guess mostly the depths? So I guess what I'm trying to say is I clearly like water to swim in I just don't like inside it? Does anybody get me? Like I will legit look at a underwater picture like a man next to a whale and get the chills...just a common fear or what?

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Comments ( 14 )
  • Frosties

    I have the weirdest feeling that you could say all that in real life without pausing for breath once. And probably do.

    Anyway, yeah, there's some scary stuff in the sea. Someone should invent a metal underwater boat that can go under the marine surface, like sub marine, or something.

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  • helice

    I am also terrified of this. The idea of something massive swimming beneath me, lithe and agile, while I clunk around doing front crawl with no way of getting to safety in time petrifies me.

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  • Ono

    You need to go to one of those springs in Japan where the fish nibble away at your skin to clean you. Sound like fun?

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  • Avant-Garde

    Also, the deeper you go down, the darker it gets.

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  • SmushZeus

    I would die of a heart attack not drowning**

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  • SmushZeus

    I wonder why you love it and I as another human I'm so scared of it! The whole darkness as you go down...I mean I LOVE the Ocean but I'm scared of it at the same time you get what I mean? I love swimming, I would love to swimm in the pretty waters of Cuba or whatever, just if I was thrown off a boat in the middle of the ocean I would die of a heart attack but drowning. And I'm not being sarcastic. I guess it's because I'm useless in the waters? Theirs so much area beneath and AROUND me that anything could be in there. LOL. If I were to stick my head in the water and look down I would literally right there die. But I like water and swimming? So I just don't get it. I guess I really just enjoy being a human and and jealous that I won't be one day.

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  • Aleks85

    I love being in the ocean among the sea beasts. I like to consider myself a sea beast. I've been stung by jellyfish, sting rays, and have swam in close proximity of sharks and wild dolphins. But I still love the ocean.

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  • SmushZeus

    hahaha no way! No fish eating my skin thanks:) I don't know honestly it's just the darkness and the depths I guess and of course the wacked out things in it.

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  • zchristian

    I would be much more afraid of a shark taking a bite of my face than a tale of a whale since they are rather peacefull and that about swiming around in dark havent you seen tv for gods sake those animals down there have crazy lights and all...

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  • Avant-Garde

    It's normal. I'm scared of Water, especially the ocean. Many parts of the ocean remain unexplored. There are many strange mysteries in regards to the ocean. The deeper you go down, the heavier the pressure gets and the stranger the creatures get. O.0

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    • zchristian

      True that we know more about space than our own ocean.

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      • Avant-Garde

        Strange isn't it?

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  • SmushZeus

    well no shit a submarine, common now

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  • DolphinAngel

    Funny... I completely love the deep blue ocean and everything in it... and the best are DOLPHINS... I just love them!

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