The ocean and it's depths and everything in it.
Okay so I am not all that afraid of water. I can swim..I love pools and I do swim in lakes. BUTT it has to look okay and NO FISH in the area.The ocean freaks me right out sorry any sea, lake anything just the VIEW of the underwater. My biggest fear is to be in a rubber dingy boat and see a whale tale come up beside me. DO YOU KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS?! That means it's body is UNDER YOU. LIKE AHHHHH! I hate the darkness, I hate how if I was swimming in the ocean I would never know at any direction that something was going to get me. Even from beneath me. I hate FISH they creep me right out. And now I'm on some death thinking spree thinking I'm going to become something in the ocean and I swear to god if I am a whale I am ramming my head into rocks until it is the end of me. ( obviously I won't) BUT what for my whole life I swim around in the darkness peak up a few times for air...constantly searching for food and running from prey( don't necessarily have to be a whale). It just freaks me out. I guess mostly the depths? So I guess what I'm trying to say is I clearly like water to swim in I just don't like inside it? Does anybody get me? Like I will legit look at a underwater picture like a man next to a whale and get the chills...just a common fear or what?