The older i get the more the bullshit's out of your arse you call a life

It's well stated, you shit yourselves over my brain, insulting me, and all the while I'm pissed at those names, and then you're the one who stuffs up and acts stupid, so let's define what perfectionism means: the tendency to demand standards of excellence. Now what does that mean? It means I don't just say/think I'm perfect, I demand that the optimal expectations of my perfecting standards are met. That means the exacting tasks of working repeatedly on my tasks and not accepting anything less than my best mind, physique, material and spirituality, insisting on it until there's nothing left but a precise persistence in continuing it consistently and compulsively despite opposition because like a mother said to her son, "you're perfect", that can cause belief in that all the time for life, and before you say I'm not perfect I have to say you don't get to say that, I have exacting standards, that means the wasted years become the perfected years, it doesn't need correcting. What oddity is that? The time you were even the perfect precise military drilling was the best moment of your life! As I got older it got worse, more humiliating, do you understand the pain of all things you're trying to kill, even the weirdos you don't take seriously who may seem like a pain in the backside to you? I'm through with you, there's no advice I can stomach from a blind jackass who thinks his want to be bloody angry is justified. Is it too much to ask when I say you should give me a chance without throwing that brain in the trash like a stupid stubborn caveman? It's not crap what I do, it's brilliant, and furthermore you don't impress me with your false will not to muck around, you're tampering against my system, therefore you're not to mess with the system I invented, if you mess with me it's going to kill you. You create moving on with your life not worrying about that fancy lecture of mine, no, what you need is to wake up and know that a perfectionist, a logical person, a Puritan didn't stuff up, it's you.

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Comments ( 26 )
  • ellnell

    Paragraphs are nice

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    • normal-rebellious

      Yes paragraphs are nice, but I didn't begin using paragraphs to please you, only to avoid losing the respect of this community.

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  • litelander8


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  • EnglishLad

    If you want us to consider opening a more friendly dialogue with you, perhaps stop making your posts all about you? Just a suggestion.

    You come across as an uptight, defensive, protectionist, self-absorbed twat, which isn't really very conducive to a healthy rational discussion.

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    • normal-rebellious

      Thank you, and furthermore you ain't seen nothing yet.

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      • EnglishLad

        I love how instead of trying to level with everyone else, you doubled down on the uptight, defensive, protectionist, self-absorbed twattishness.

        Interesting choice of tactic. For the record it didn't win anyone over.

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        • normal-rebellious

          That's OK, I never wanted people to think I'm defensive and uptight.

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  • Tommythecaty

    It’s not brilliance.

    It’s delusional, borderline illiterate, garbage.

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    • normal-rebellious

      Illiterate? Do you know what that means? Delusional? So things that sound good are lies!? Has it ever occurred to you that beliefs and philosophies like perfectionism are sugar-coated, and therefore is the same belief as all the other perfectionists? The only "disability" I've got and yes you're acting like it's a disability, is perfectionism, I'm not angry, there's a method in my sanity, expecting myself to be normal it's orthodox, it's accepted behaviour, not as easy as it sounds.

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      • Tommythecaty

        Yes I know what it means, and it applies mister.

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  • Wari0

    The older you get, the less you should give a damn what others think of you.

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    why are you so angry at all of us your dear readers?

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    • normal-rebellious

      Angry? I'm a pessimist, the whole world's inherently evil. And it never ends does it? The one thing it's not is rational, it's pure hatred, but not from me. I'm rational myself yet a man will discard all reason from me, get mad and emotional and for what? To prove he has feelings, fuck everyone's feelings, it's not rational, and furthermore nothing against you, if you're all the dear readers then well done, you deserve rewards for your decency, I'm just saying it as it is.

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  • Cuntsiclestick

    You shouldn't be so worried about what other people online think of you.

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  • freakyman69

    Seek help. you have serious issues.

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    • normal-rebellious

      Never, I can tell you I'm a man and not a medical condition, and of all the things I do which have nothing to do with a medical condition, and it's not the subject I'm a man and not a medical condition.

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  • Pilum

    Not gonna even read that.

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  • Rocketrain

    The older you get, you should have realized by now, no one gives a fuck about online self centered statements. So, grow up. Because people love to troll without you knowing it, which is happening on comments hilariously, when they see an adult person with diapers and pacifier 😅

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  • TheMightyOz

    I wish I had a perfect cock like you do. But you're such an asshole that no woman would ever want to see it. She would think you humiliate yourself with your attitude.

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    • normal-rebellious

      Such an asshole, love it, women will be all over me! So I'm an asshole? Well women fall for assholes. I tried being nice to a woman and the relationship didn't last. I sorted myself out and frankly I'm at the peak of absolute genius, why not? Everyone always thought I was an asshole, what can I do? Perfect, I think I know why I had such a bad life all my life.

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      • TheMightyOz

        You never had a tube up your cock like I do. You don't even know what pathetic is.

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        • normal-rebellious

          Pathetic? Yeah, if you want to think of yourself that way! Are you sure you're not happy? Your personality is simple, it's all about your frustration.

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          • TheMightyOz

            Sex is the essence of life. If you can't fuck, you are nothing. Think of Albert Einstein. He loved to fuck women. That's why he was always smiling.

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            • normal-rebellious

              I see, there's more to life than sex, can't you just fuck a prostitute and get it over and done with?

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