The peanut butter captain crunch cereal box annoys me

The peanut butter captain crunch box bothers me. They've had the same box for what feels like forever now! For the love of all things holy, JUST CHANGE THE BOX!!

I don't like that it bothers me like this

I really appreciate when companies take the time to change the design on their boxes. Even if the front looks the same, the back is usually changed to some new maze, cut out craft, word scramble, or activity that you can do, make, or read along to while you're eating your bowl of cereal
captain crunch on the other hand though (-_- )...

How much longer do they expect me to keep looking at the same box with those same lunatic ass looking kids on the back running some kind of marathon...exuse me... "cRunCH-A-tHoN~"┐(´д`)┌
(or whatever nonsense they called it)

I vent about this to friends and family(if nearby and not busy doing anything at the moment)and they don't really seem to care(which is fine)

❔Does anyone else get bothered that they (or any other brand of cereal) never change the cereal box?

I'm not angry or flipping tables and throwing punches over this but it is something that usually either results in a sigh, an "ugh",a disappointed head shake, or a face palm every time I see the box

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Comments ( 22 )
  • Boojum

    Here's a cheaper way to get the same nutritional goodness of Peanut Butter Captain Crunch, without having to look at the ghastly box:

    Take one slice of squidgy, mass-produced white bread, smear on half-teaspoon of the cheapest peanut butter you can find, then dump a tablespoon of white sugar on top. Fold over to make sandwich and enjoy striking a blow against huge multinational corporations that don't regularly change their packaging.

    (Like the majority of crap American breakfast "cereals", CC is one-third sugar by weight.)

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  • RoseIsabella

    NO, I like it when a cereal box NEVER changes!

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    • leggs91200

      Product 19 was like that.

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      • RoseIsabella

        Yanno what really bothers me is how many times Lucky Charms has changed.

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        • leggs91200

          Every other time I notice the cereal it is some other new "charm" in there. Must be like 5,000 of them by now?

          When I was a kid I was always worried my mom would buy that cereal because I knew that damn leprechaun had something to do with St Patricks day AND on St patricks day, my mom would fix corn beef and cabbage. So even the cereal made me think of corn beef and cabbage which is GROADY.

          Well anyways i am sure you wanted to know all that.

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          • CozmoWank

            Introducing new corned beef and cabbage Lucky Charms with chunks of boiled potato flavored marshmallows.

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            • leggs91200

              Jesus Cristo up on a roof! THAT would be gross.

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          • RoseIsabella

            Naw, it's cool. I guess corned beef is alright, but I'm not a fan of cabbage.

            I always loved Lucky Charms, because of the marshmallows, but I remember when there weren't so many different ones.

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            • leggs91200

              When I was a kid, they had these commercials saying, "A new charm is coming, what is it?" or something.

              I never cared though because it sucked.

              The cereal *I* loved when I was a kid when it existed - Donkey Kong cereal. Basically it was just Captain Crunch reshaped into barrels but I didn't know that. I mean it was kick-ass. A cereal after a video game?

              They had Pac Man cereal too. Guess what? It was just Lucky Charms reshaped into pac mans and ghosts.

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  • megadriver

    Never been a cereal fan... But I kinda get why they don't change the appearance. People get used to a certain thing. If you change it, people have to find that same product with it's new look. It takes a bit of time and the general, stupid shopper has no time for reading and analyzing. They just look at the colorful picture on the product and the logo. That's why many products retain the same image for a long time and change their advertising strategies very little.

    Tho there is one thing that annoys me about supermarkets and product selling in general. The insanely annoying and stupid jingles they use for a product, or for a supermarket. Laundry detergent does NOT need it's own music! What idiot came up with that nonsense?!

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  • Boojum

    I grew up in the sixties. Even way back then, my mother had a thing about "empty calories"; in other words, food that was mainly sugar and fat. So we never had soft-drinks in the house, and breakfast was either cooked and some variation involving the traditional eggs, bacon, pancakes, etc, or it was oatmeal or Cream of Wheat.

    At some point in my early primary school years, I came down with a bug, and I got it into my head that what I desperately needed to make me feel better was some Captain Crunch cereal. For some bizarre reason, my mother decided to indulge me, so she went to the store and bought some. I ate a couple of spoonfuls and the stuff was so damn sickly-sweet and fake-tasting that I promptly barfed all over the bed.

    That was the last time I ate Captain Crunch. More than half a century on from that morning, just the name is still enough to make my stomach do a little lurch.

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  • I see where you're coming, so I think it's normal. But I actually like it when companies don't change their stuff too much like this.

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  • bitchesaintshit

    that shit still exists? wow I kinda thought they redesigned a lot of those characters in the "calarts style", like lucky charms.

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  • Cuntsiclestick

    Captain Crunch doesn't bother me. What bothers me is how I don't see those tasty Cinnamon Vanilla Lucky Charms this year. They had them last year around the wintertime. Instead they got the same box design as the cinnamon cereal, but it's the standard chocolate one with holiday shapes. I miss the cinnamon one! It tasted like a crunchy cinnamon roll!

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  • leggs91200

    The cereal itself has gotten worse over the years. I do not really notice the box of cereals though. Except 30 years ago when Kroger had those yellow "cost cutter" labels where it was just a yellow label with a photo of the product and the name.

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  • TerriAngel

    If this is your biggest problem.
    You're lucky as hell.
    Why not put your thought and attention to something that actually matters?

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  • Zetta_2000

    I would say that is not normal. I wouldn't care as long as the cereal itself is still good. ;)

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