The positioning of my computer and webcam- normal?

My computer sits on a table in my bedroom and is positioned in front of my bed with the cam cemented to the top of the screan. So whenever i open my webcam i'm sitting in front of my bed. I don't have anywhere else to position both so Is This Normal?

Plus i'm always without a bra and in the same clothes i slept in and the bed is unmade!!

I'm embaressed to let people see me on cam like this but it feels normal for me- no bra, in t shirt and slacks but at same time uncomfortable that anyone sees me like that.

Voting Results
79% Normal
Based on 52 votes (41 yes)
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Comments ( 3 )
  • ashleychan:
    Thank u for your reply, but you misunderstood me. I didn't mean that i was afraid someone may be watching me while i'm off cam, what i meant was that i'm just embaressed i don't look cool enough like sitting in my rumpy clothes, no make up, braless(yeah i know you're gonna tell me to put on a bra then! haha) and like my boobs are really huge and saggy and embaressed if guys see them on cam!! or the bed behind me- just i don't have anywhere else to position it.
    Maybe i'm just being paranoid? Or obsesed over nothing...?
    But really, i don't think so.....i've seen many people on cam, mostly guys and they look much better than me!!
    Plus another thing, guys i met on chats have done or wanted to do sexual things on cam and i had bad experiences with them on cam.
    Should i not open cam to strangers or even people i have chatted with for a while?
    Its just that i always assume they're like me, just interested in seeing me and nothing sexual!!

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    • idkaname

      It really depends who you see though. In terms of not opening up a cam with anyone who you've just so happened to meet online, I don't see an issue in doing so.. Im 15 and Ive had video chats with friends I know. Like sure im a guy, but not everyone on the internet is bad, unlike the stereotype some people give. Oh and you would actually have to download something, whether it's something for msn plus or just an actual file, that is the only way your computer could get effected..

      But anyways, on topic. I have to do my hair every morning (or have a shower) in order for my hair to look decent and all, but as a girl it's not exactly the same. You may think you need to do something, but I guarantee you it's fine the way it is! Anyways yeah sorry for long response :P

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  • I would say that it is normal, yes (I've seen my friends on cam like that a lot lol), but you have to watch out or else change where the cam is. You might have heard this before, but it's very true. I had it happen to me. (It only applies to people who leave their computers on while away, though)If you're talking to people you know well, the you're okay. But even a boy from your school could do this! While talking to you in messenger, people who know hacking techniques can hack into your computer (because you're connecting with theirs over msn) and be able to view your webcam even when you're NOT on it with anybody! So like, they could see you sleeping, or changing, or something worse! You would never even be able to tell....So, for the sake of your privacy, (unless you turn your computer off always and only talk to close people you trust) you should really move your cam! 'Cause in a situation like that, webcam facing your bed = bad news. Hope this helps. :) Ashley

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