The ranter

I LOVE to rant. Especially about Welfare bums, politics, money, our society, the government, taxes, gas prices, slow drivers, slow walkers, lazy people, inflation, brand names, arrogant jerks, stuck-up bitches, rude people, not having air conditioning in my car, not getting paid enough, the weather... pretty much everything, lol. I just love ranting. I find it fun. A lot of people find it annoying, but if they don't like me, they can fack off. And if they don't like my rants, then they don't have to listen! Is it normal to like to rant so much? I'm not a grouchy person at all... quite friendly and smiley in fact. I just rant a lot!

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61% Normal
Based on 38 votes (23 yes)
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Comments ( 6 )
  • Mrman10

    Are you a woman? women rant all the time.

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  • tori

    I mostly get on my soap box about two faced politicians. And how the government aids people with money, a place to live for people who just come to this country and never worked a day in their lives here. While our war veterans are in the street with signs. Oh just great, now you have gotten me started!! Lol!

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    • hotchickie81

      Omg, you are just like me!!! I couldn't agree with you more! lol Do you have a blog online? If so, I would love to check it out. Probably similar to my rants, lol. I am from Canada, so I have MANY rants about the government! MANY MANY MANY rants!

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  • Seven

    Rants are fun. KEEP ON TALKIN'

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  • XJayX

    Haha it is fun! I mostly rant about celebraties though...

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  • smiley101

    Me and my best friend rant all the time! Gives us something to talk about. =)

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