The regular process of using a regular cleanser in the shower
When I'm using a normal soap made for normal people, which is somewhat a specific soap, it's not particular, it's the general soap used by normal people, and people might ignore this and not give a shit but it's the truth: it's a special soap made specifically for normal people. If I have a coloured hair I use a specific conditioner for my purple-dyed hair. And if at all it's a body wash, it's a regular shower oil that's merely yellow in colour which I squeeze into a cleansing puff and rub all over my body. I recently bought my first cleansing puff and it felt good to finally have this in the shower, if normal it's not a different, unique, weird or eccentric body wash, soap, shampoo or conditioner used in the shower. Of course I use a regular men's or unisex deodorant, Norsca to be precise. Soap is just a simple white soap for normal people, and bloody well can be a green one too, since a normal person tends to use any soap closest to the norm. And as for body wash a bloke uses just a regular, simple bright coloured body wash and not a coffee one, flowery one or a purple shower oil, no, a regular person uses what's more appealing to men of sport, but a regular woman uses regular but not plain, flowery body wash or a scented soap, a bloke doesn't, he uses soap with no particular scent. How about that!