The right part of my right thumb is asleep

Hello. Yersteday's evening I was crafting with scissors, almost cut myself multiple time but ended up just having my right thumb getting hit by the pair. I noticed later that the right part of my thumb was kind of asleep (only the right part, not all of the thumb). I ended up going to sleep, thinking it would pass in the night, but it didn't. Now it will make something like 17-18 hours that the right part my thumb is asleep. My thumb isnt red or bigger than usual.

Thanks for reading this post.

it will wake up with time 3
If you do nothing, it will never wake up again 2
It will never wake up again 1
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Comments ( 5 )
  • raisinbran

    You almost cut yourself multiple times then hit yourself with the scissors. Maybe you need to find a different hobby.

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    • Boojum

      Good point.

      Given what the OP says, perhaps the hobby that best fits their skill-set might be watching TV.


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  • Boojum

    As I'm sure you must appreciate, the numbness is a sign of nerve damage. Since you don't say anything about cutting yourself, it's unlikely the nerve has actually been severed, and I assume that when you whacked your hand with the scissors the metal probably impacted on a nerve above a bone hard enough to crush a short length of the nerve.

    Current medical science can't repair nerve damage (and being numb on one side of your thumb is hardly a major disability in any case). I suggest you keep the area where you hit yourself with the scissors warm in some way to promote blood flow to the area, which should hasten the healing.

    Nerves are notoriously slow to heal, so it might take some time to sort this out, and it's possible it will never get completely back to normal. Due to me doing something very stupid, the ring and pinky fingers of my left hand were covered with liquid propane gas for about fifteen seconds about forty years ago. They still feel slightly tingly and are less sensitive than those fingers on my right hand, although I'm so used to it I rarely notice. But when the weather is cold, I really feel it in those fingers.

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  • olderdude-xx

    Almost certainly nerve damage. Unless you actually cut the nerve (which is sounds like you did not), it will heal itself with time. That might be several days... it might be many decades.

    I wish you well with this,

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  • libertybell

    I once got a car door slammed on my thumb. The tip of my thumb had red dots on it for a while, but it got better. I wouldn't worry about it.

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