The similarities of mankind

Most of us are similar, and we all aren't individuals, individuality's the false position to take.
If I remind you of myself it's proof of how unique I am, if I'm "worse than Clunk42" then I can be likened to him. And Hans is dead, meet normal-rebellious, same man, less odd attitude.
Do you see the assimilation of mankind? For our assimilation brings peace of mind, and is the future of man.

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Comments ( 9 )
  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    resistance is futile

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    • RoseIsabella

      We are Borg?

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    • normal-rebellious

      That's your best catch phrase? Man can't resist the power of the norms, for they take over everything, it's true.

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  • LloydAsher

    Assimilation is the assumption that we all want the same thing.

    I for one would want a kickass castle to live out the rest of my life in.

    Now I dont think a hive mind or communism would allow me to do so. Thus I'm against a great assimilation.

    Honestly the future of humanity will always be fragmented. In space it would only be more fragmentation. Humanity will rule the stars but not under one banner.

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    • normal-rebellious

      We mostly want the same thing, other people want silly nonsense like a no-fun religion that's embarrassingly evil in public, or generally other stupid things like sucking all the fun out of life, and pleasure, complications, extroversion, socialising with dangerous people, rushing and going to places to buy stupid shit, like new video games and consoles, and exciting new clothes, and going to the local Indian eatery or Mongolian barbeque, or eating roast barbeque pork, or wanting potato crisps, or inferior restaurants like Barnacle Bill when it says it's "better", it's not better, it's vulgar and horrible with the quality of food, and they want to suck down cheeseburgers or those so-called "gourmet" hotdogs, or other junk like waffles, ice cream, ball-shaped doughnuts, dippy dogs, pizza, cream pasta dishes, they want summer foods like corn chips and pineapple salsa, and pina coladas, and margaritas, and wanna go to Pizza Hut and think this stuff is the best in the world, they imagine that stuff to be so great, including games like SimCity, solitaire and minesweeper when these are awful games, it's crazy.

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    • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

      'I for one would want a kickass castle to live out the rest of my life in'

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      • LloydAsher

        Shipping container building? Ew, gross, inefficient.

        I'm thinking mortar, concrete, and a shit ton of fieldstone.

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        • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

          its partially shipping container part prestressed concrete part cinder block and the whole top part is fabricated steel & glass

          hes stated that one container is his bedroom and he heats that but otherwise he acclimates himself to the winter and lives with it

          the dude makes some cool videos dont be so dismissive

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          • LloydAsher

            I'm not dismissing his creativity but when I say castle I mean stone and mortar castle. Not 100% authentic mind you but certainly not having exposed steel and cinderblocks. Not saying I'm not going to use cinderblocks, just that they wont be exposed.

            I'm thinking a concrete and steel structure with a veneer of fieldstone. The downside is that it would take a long time. The upside is that fieldstone is free from farms.

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