The things i have to think about

I have to think about what I'll do if I only had one day to live, and about the people 100,000 years ago who were naked, who used the bartering system instead of money, who had no medicine, no philosophy, no psychology, who hunted their animals for food, and had drought for the crops, and how tough it was back then, and that they believed in religion and myths, I have to think about what people are doing, what I'm doing and ask myself what's reality, and I have to think about what I'll do if I had $100,000.
Of all this contemplation that's my personal development work so that I live a life of being rather than doing.

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Comments ( 2 )
  • RoseIsabella

    If I had 100,000 I would do good things for my elderly parents! I would also get two Siamese kittens, and maybe a dog! Well, I would probably want a good dog. I kinda really like golden retrievers, but a good deal of my life experience has been with Shetland sheepdogs, a rough collie and a poodle.

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    • normal-rebellious

      Yes, having a Labrador is preferable, but a golden retriever is too much. You need a poodle and I don't want a Poopsie, that's a disgusting name, call your dog anything but that! And some advice for myself: I need to listen more. For everything you didn't say I make up for in what I do. You weren't discussing names but hey, the subject is on naming your dog, what are you going to name it? I don't understand what planet you're from, you're behaving very odd. I can make up a subject and as for a rough collie, are you going to give it a bath? Or maybe some gourmet dog food, maybe not, perhaps Good-O (o-shaped dog food).
      It goes throwing the baby out of the bathwater to say what a cute dog it is that it bites as it barks. As many dogs that bite are beautiful, it depends if that dog doesn't like you. What can I say? Tough crowd, so here's a saying you might find facetious: I hope your dog barks more than it bites.

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